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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. If so, they must have serious doubts over the chances of the franchise surviving. VIPER football players -- or, as we Champions players know them, "brightly-colored speed bumps". I don't undertsand why McMahon thinks this XFL will succeed where the last one failed -- or indeed why he thought tryong to get into football again after getting spanked so badly twenty years ago was a good idea in the first place. Seriously, though, the Vipers logo looks like an Overwatch League team. Which promises to be more consistently entertaining than the XFL.
  2. If it were a simulation, it might be one that was set in motion and then ignored for a while. Which is pretty close to what Thomas Jefferson believed about the universe.
  3. One of the biggest questions in physics of late may have been inspired by The Matrix and its premise of "what if the universe is a simulation, and how would we know if it was?" The question is whether any conceivable experiment could be performed that would disprove this theory that we live in a simulated cosmos? The films are about why the answer to such a question matters. If the Universe is a simulation, then if you learn how it works (as Morpheus did) you should be able to "game the system", which Neo does in some fairly spectacular ways. The idea is also generally disturbing because it calls into question the purpose of such an endeavor. If someone did create a simulated universe, they would be the equivalent of God -- but then why did they do it, and do they particularly care what happens inside their simulation to the individuals who are part of it? Do they know they even exist? I would be curious to hear one of the scientists on the forum update me on what the status of the argument is. Have people come up with an answer to the question, and if so how -- and what can they do to verify or attempt to disprove their answer?
  4. Q: I found this at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Isn't it a lovely drain stopper? A: A new vocabulary? Priceless.
  5. In defiance of the Republican and Democratic parties, Jesus of Nazareth has declared his candidacy for President of the United States in 2020! His biggest campaign promise is "to teach those fools what i really said". NT: Subtle signs your visit to the local amusement park is not going to go as planned.
  6. The Robot Girl from Metropolis. And least that's what he thought he was meeting. Turnout to be a Boomer from Bubblegum Crisis, and a massive brawl ensued. NT: How does Metropolis pay to repair all the Superman-related property damage.
  7. This article details Peter's role in the creation of the Beatles song "She Said She Said". Apparently he and John Lennon were taking LSD and talking when Peter uttered the famous line "I know what it's like to be dead". John said he was not at all happy with his "Scene" being interrupted, and presumably they never met again.
  8. There was a collection of philosophical essays devoted to Buffy during its run. The most provocative, "Brownskirts: Fascism, Christianity, and The Eternal Demon", explored the idea that Buffy was promoting fascism. Given Joss Whedon's later behavior (and revelations about his earlier behavior) there may be a point to it (although I am in no position to judge). I may have to read that book to get a firmer grasp in light of later events in the world.
  9. Q: And what is your argument against natural selection this time, Mr. Ham? A: Yes, she may be an accessory to the crimes of a serial killer, but you've got to admit these meat pies are exquisite!
  10. We propose to accelerate the Coyote up to 0.999999 lightspeed and collide him with the nearest sandstone cliff wall, in order to have a good laugh, because anyone must admit it would be hilarious.
  11. Q: And Mandy? What did you do on your Summer Vacation? A: My mother is having a hard time dealing with your existence. Maybe you should find an apartment closer to the office.
  12. Ellieana, Goddess of Turning People Into Chickens At Random. NT: More amusing things to do with half of all life in the Universe than snap it out of existence.
  13. Q: The assailant kept saying you had no way out. Then what did you do, ma'am? A: Sorry, madam, but we no longer carry honesty in our station policies. But go ahead and order that waffle iron anyway. We're good.
  14. Cowherd was once quoted as saying he would leave ESPN, where he had a cozy radio gig, if they ever started covering E-Sports. Well, ESPN does in fact cover E=Sports now -- ESPN Plus plays every match from the Overwatch League and has substantial League of Legends coverage, not to mention coverage of the Madden circuit -- although whether Cowherd leaving has anything to do with that is conjecture. Speaking of pundit reputations, what are opinions on Jim Rome (the guy Cowherd essentially wants to become)? He comes off as a bit boorish, but as someone who does his homework and that athletes and coaches are willing to talk to. The thing is that people often call his national show to show off their dissing game, mainly against other callers.
  15. Had training camp even started when this happened? If he's not in training, I don't see a reason for the team to say he can't do this. People have done much worse things in the off-season that have actually affected their ability to play. This isn't Johnny Manziel here.
  16. Q: You know the Daimyo is hosting a banquet in your honor tomorrow night? A: Chom-chom. Remember that. Chom-chom. Never say bananas again!
  17. A beautiful anime cover/translation from Amanda Lee.
  18. Back in the old dats Teddy Roosevelt seriously investigated banning the sport nationwide when there was a string of fatalities among college players. That gained no traction, and was part of the catalyst for the formation of the NCAA (may their shells be blighted).
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