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Hugh Neilson

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Everything posted by Hugh Neilson

  1. Re: EC balance fix I'm still in the camp that believes this is not a problem and doesn't need a fix. But to me, the easy fix would be a simple house rule that, in addition to EC's automatically being "drain one drain all", the character's power defense can never apply to anything draining his EC - an automatic -0 limitation. FlameGuy 1 saved a bunch of points with his EC, and his power defense only protects powers outside the EC. FlameGuy 2 spent more points, has no EC and his power defense is full coverage. You want your power defense to cover your EC? Buy off the EC and pay the freight like FlameGuy 2 did.
  2. Steve, every so often we see a Megascale discussion of doing a few thousand extra d6 damage. Has anyone ever looked at how the rules for Megascale would work in this case? For example, assume I have 11" megascale flight with 11" at 1" = 10 km. For some reason, I think I can fight effectively at this speed. How would this work? (a) Velocity modifiers are based on inches. You're moving 11". Your move through damage would be STR + 11/3, so add 3 1/2 d6. It's not measured in meters. It's measured in inches. You are at -2 OCV (11/5), if I recall the move by OCV modifier correctly. So you can fight more or less effectively (remembering you're moving noncombat so you have a base OCV 0, that leaves you at -2), but you're not doing huge damage. ( It's all based on increments of 2". You're moving 5,500 2 meter inches, so your move through adds 5,500/3 = 1,833d6. But you have a -1,100 OCV poenalty, so good luck rolling that "3". [i'm thinking any target with a DCV better than, say, -1,090, is properly ruled impossible to hit.] Of course, the above ignores the need to perceive the target before you aim for it, and the need for Regeneration with the Resurrection adder to deal with the incidental damage if you do hit, but let's leave those out for now.
  3. Re: VPPs and Limitations I would say both limits are legitimate. If the focus is removed, you need to get it back to get those points back. Thus, the limitation carries a risk of a bad consequence. Increased END means you pay the END. You can change the limit next phasde, but that doesn't bring back your END you already spent.
  4. Re: Help with a construct: several characters -> one mega power. "Every character contributes" is not unprecedented. A lot of teams pool points for bases and vehicles. So every character pays a portion of the cost of the powers, with the limitation "all 5 must be present to use". Build the power in stages that require two, three, four and all five, and you get a power that's weaker if all the components aren't there.
  5. Re: VPPs and Limitations Killer Shrike said: I disagree. In a 0 Phase Change, No Skill Roll Required "Cosmic" VPP, Incantations and Gestures are not valid Lims because if the character is ever in a situtation where they cant Incant or Gesture they simply change out the Spell for an Identical version without Incantation and Gesture as a 0 Phase Action and no chance of failure. Well, why not let Mr. Cosmic VPP have "Only at Night", "Only Underwater" or "Only in Intense Magnetic Fields"? Just like gestures and incantations, he just switches them out (probably by changing "only" to "not"). But many limitations remain valid. Activation roll still has a chance of failure every time. Concentrate reduces DCV, and Extra Time takes extra time. These are inconvenient whenever the power is used, so they do limit the power. It's the "situational" limitations that don't really limit a cosmic VPP. If tyhe limitation applied to the VPP as a whole (ie al powers must have Gestures) then I'd see it as a valid limitation. I'd also consider a VPP pool with a variable limitation to have a situational limit in the list (eg. "only in darkness" - if it's dark, his powers are easier to use, otherwise he has to take other disadvantages because the power is harder to operate in the light).
  6. Re: Drain/Transfer attacks and active points Simply put, yes that is the correct application. Noet that, with (for example), DEX, if you drain 8 (on the dice) the target loses 2 DEX and you gain 2 DEX. On your next shot, the first point on the die is 1 DEX (2 from the last shot, +1 from this shot).
  7. Re: VPPs and Limitations One has to consider whether the limitations are limiting. A cosmic pool cannot get a -2 for "only in intense magnetic fields". When there is no such field, the power will be changed. If it requires you to go back to base and get another gadget, then I would allow such limitations. If the pool can be changed in combat, but this has a cost (such as using a phase, or a roll which may fail), limitations such as Gestures, Incantations and Restrainable would be relevant, since these can at least frustrate the character for a period of time before the pool can be changed. Again, if it's cosmic, no way. Linked is similar - if you can just unlink it at a whim, where is the limitation? Some limitations are always limiting, though. I would include Extra Time, Range Limitations, End limitations, activation rolls and side effects in these categories. These have some impact whenever the power is used. Charges and Focus always bug me, especially since the rulings treat one more generously than the other. I'm inclined to reduce VPP points available if you use up Charges on a VPP power. Otherwise, what prevents "Ice Blast - 1 charge", followed by an array of differing special effects for the same power, all "1 charge"? Bottom line: to be a limitation, it has to limit the character. In VPP constructs, many limitations do not, in fact, limit the character.
  8. Re: A question about the origin of the term "Ultra" slot The Super Adaptoid from Marvel was established early on as being able to access four other characters' powers at once. rying to use more, he froze out from overload. Original Amazo and Adaptoid could both be simulated by huge slots with multiple powers, each representing one character.
  9. Re: Regeneration Equally valid is the key here. One could also take Healing, All characteristics (+2), BOD Only (-1), which would be valid, but not equally valid. Every power can theoretically be built with EDM - to a dimension where I have just used this power. It's technically valid, and it would be more expensive in many cases, but it's not an EQUALLY valid way to build, say, Life Support: Breathe Underwater. If one accepts the mopst expensive way possible is always correct, then that means a lot of discussions like "You can do it that way, bit this way would be more efficient" goes out the window. Simpolistically: (a) An EC is always cheaper than buying all the powers without one. EC's violate the mega rule. ( A 12d6 0 END EB costs 90 points. A 12d6 EB with an END battery of 6xSPD and a REC equal to its END is effectively 0 END. So, if I have a 3 speed, that battery would cost 2 (for 18 END) and + 18 (for 18 REC) = 80, and is an illegal construct under the mega rule. But if I have a 5 SPD, I should be required to pay 3 (for 30 END) + 30 (for 30 REC), because that's more expensive than 0 END. © See Ego Attack example above. There's lots of examples where the mega rule can be demonstrated as contradictory to the rules as written.
  10. Re: Regeneration Two EQUALLY VALID options. Regenerate cures BOD, so simplified healing isn't a valid option for the power in question. Note that, to take the most expensive approach, a 1d6 Ego Attack should cost at least 13.75 points (5 pt EB, Based on ECV (+1); Invisible to Sight and Hearing +3/4). That's before we note that Based on ECV should be a +2 1/2 (AVLD +1 1/2; range Line of Sight +1/2, call Target ECV +1/2). That makes it 21.25 points per die. And you munchkins are only paying 10
  11. Re: How to build this weapon? I'd go with Extra Time. Sounds like it requires an Exra Phase before you can fire it again. However, it's an attack power, so the normal rule would be no other actions while you recharge it. That's not what I picture from your definition. I'm seeing "Fire it, punch the guard while it recharges, the n fire it again." I'd cut the limitation in half, the same as for "Once it's charged, it can be used repreatedly". On the limited shots, is it going to be a beam effect? If not, I'd scrap the END Battery and go with Charges. It needs the recharger to recover charges, likely with the -0 restriction (more if time is lengthy) that it can recover any time, but each charge added takes a period of time, and it won't cost personal END.
  12. Re: Regeneration OK, work with me here. The limitation "no Stun" doesn't exist - you don't get STUN from the power as drafted, as Dust Raven has already noted. So what we have is 2/3 of 1d6 of Heal, with Standard Effect (ie 2 pips on the die, which equals 1 BOD), so 2/3 x 10 points per die x 3 (1 + 0 END 1/2 + Persistent 1/2 + no limit 1) / 2.5 (1 + self only and Extra Turn) = 8 points per die. I don't see this as being overly effective for its cost. A force field in its natual habitat (an EC) adds +4/+4 resistant defenses at 1/2 END. I probably wouldn't allow it in, say, a Fantasy game. In Supers, so you can recover BOD? How often have your super teams ever had a character down BOD for an extended period (ie more than the scenario when the damage was taken) anyway?
  13. Re: Regeneration Actually, if you look closely, there is an advantage missing in Regeneration. 1d6 Standard Effect should do 3 character points, which is 1.5 BOD per turn. I believe if you work the math, it is a +1 advantage. I interpret this to be "unlimited maximum" - +1. This would be 4 steps up the time chart using that approach, so that's every 5 minutes. It needs to be +1 1/2 to be per turn if you use the time chart approach, which may bring the cost closer in line with your preferences.
  14. Re: 911---I need help spending XP Well, you could always send it to Foxbat...
  15. Re: Player-Built Characters... Ummmm..."Then she'll buy some"? This seems the classic question of "Yes, I know why the character might wish to develpop a defense. My question was how the character would logically develop this power." If Dragon Fist was hit by NND's a lot last game, should he be able to spontaneously develop the defense in time for the next game session? "Dragon Fist has used his unspent xp to buy LS: Self contained breathing, Intense Heat, Intense Cold, 5 points of Hardened Hearing Flash Defense and a 5/5 Force field. After being hit by all those NND's last week, he trained to hold his breath for indefinite periods, catch fire and freeze solid without injury, grow bony carapaces over his ears and project a field of NND-stopping goodness"
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