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Everything posted by proditor

  1. Re: Spyder from V&V's Most Wanted Vol 1. (Last test post for a while) He had a 43 Agility. Well, I have two of them, one from the back of old V&V Products, and that said use 15 + Accuracy x 3, which would have been 36. The other, by Steve Perrin & George MacDonald with Jack Herman, says use V&V Agility -1 , which got me 42. Not sure where I got the second guide...here probably. Yup, here ya go: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=511012&postcount=3
  2. Re: Spyder from V&V's Most Wanted Vol 1. (Last test post for a while) Yeah, I went back and forth over which conversion guide to use, and finally I just said "If I'm going to go nuts, I might as well go for the 42." And in case anyone asks, the other guide would have worked it out to 36, so ya know, still pretty crazy. But yeah....42. Heh.
  3. Okay, here he is in all his insane massive DEX glory. http://home.comcast.net/~proditor/vandv/test/spydertest.HTML This is probably the last test I'll be doing, as I think I have the balance I want in color, composition, etc. etc. I also know that Spyder was the most requested conversion that I hadn't done yet, so I'm giving him an early showing to thank folks for all the support for my page over the last couple of years.
  4. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art I still think we're talking past each other here... Canne de Combat is like Kendo, and Canne d'Arme is like Kenjutsu. Or like Judo/Jujutsu, etc. etc. The video shows the sporting form, not the fighting form. Savate is also a sporting form, and far more popular than Savate Defense, but that's changing to some degree apparently.
  5. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art
  6. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Granted, I just want it to be a little closer. Add one hold, one throw and dodge, and you're probably pretty close. Add Dodge to the existing package and you probably have a good representation of the sport. And regarding the potential for too many moves, all I say in response: Kung Fu.
  7. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Minor Thread Necro here, I just wanted to post some quick video links so that people can see the difference between Savate, and Savate Defense. The first video also shows a small snippet of the INSANE cane fighting style. Next, Savate Defense, Basic and Advanced. In Basic, watch for headbutts, knee strikes, and the dreaded knuckle breaker elbow block. On the Advanced clip, watch for all the holds, locks, chokes and throws. And now to close out, some crazy stick fighting. That was, again, a sporting form. Canne de Combat. The actual fighting style is Canne d'Arme So here's my one request for 6e. You have Basque Kick-boxing in 5e, so moving forward, for pete's sake, fix Savate.
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I had a great store in Catonsville that now ships me my books once a month.
  9. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Mr. Constitution please.
  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos "Hi, I'd like to buy autofire on everything please." Tommy Carruthers Show Reel Just watch. Dang JKD is nifty.
  12. Re: Soon I Will Be Invincible Good luck with the scaling (You're going to need it).
  13. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Another 2 for 1. Small Favor by Jim Butcher It hits all the right notes, and it hits them the way we're to them being hit. The plot moves along, but I can't help feeling that in terms of character development, this was a step back a book or two. It's still really good. Butcher is like pizza: Even when it's only okay, it's still pretty good, and I'd say this was better than okay. What do you want, it's Harry Dresden. If you liked the other books, this will fit alongside nicely them. If you didn't, I'm not sure why you're still reading this. 3.5 out of 5. Number 2: The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane - Robert E. Howard I read a lot of Conan when I was a teenager, and I remember liking it, and finding it a bit more complex than the movies had led to believe it might be. The characters, even as their most basic, were still living, breathing creatures of depth and complexity. So when I read: I was pretty much hooked. Crazed puritan uber-warriors form the guy that gave us Conan?!?! Sign me up!! And my faith was well rewarded. The collection includes major published works, and a group of fragments that were never finished. In all, I found hat after reading the whole thing, I wanted more. Kane is an intruiging character, and seeing his decent into semi-madness as the stories develop and he trudges deeper in to the heart of darkness is just fascinating. Now throw in a huge helping of lost civilizations and strange cultures, and you have a rock solid winner here. Highly recommended, 4.5 out of 5.
  14. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page You mean on the pictures? No, otherwise you guys won't see the new page til 2010. And KS, Thanks! Is it okay with if I alter the colors of the background for my own use?
  15. Re: shadowcats vehicular insanity shop: IJN Yamato And add a Wave Motion Gun.
  16. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page Take 2... http://home.comcast.net/~proditor/vandv/test/DeathKite.HTML I may see if I can change the colors to match the new site. I may also see if my Webmistress can do it quicker and faster than I could fumble my way through it. Overall though, I like the look! I'll have to remember to put a huge attribution to KS on the title page if I go with these.
  17. Re: Sexy costume power Sure, though I only have a link for the cover art right now from the Jeff Dee Gallery. I'll post the full pic when I finish the conversion. http://paratime.ca/v_and_v/pics/vav/iridiumcon.jpg
  18. Re: Sexy costume power I actually used distracting costume for one of my conversions. It was based on my remembered reaction to the original art, and reinforced by my reaction when I saw the art again recently.
  19. Re: Super Transportation This really is an awesome thread. I have a bunch of wacky vehicles over here: http://home.comcast.net/~champsstuff/ Feel free to grab what you like and go nuts!
  20. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page That's pretty slick... Hmmm....okay, lemme take a look at that tonight, and if I have it, rep en route. EDIT: No, I have to share the love. Someone give Aylwyn a tap please?
  21. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page Then it's almost like getting your own gaming module. Hey, maybe if I hard sell it enough, it'll lead to some RPGNOW sales for V&V and some hard backs for HERO. Share the love I say!
  22. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page I also realized I should have probably stated that I was farily married to the sheet idea (for the listed reasons) but that I wanted to see how people felt about the sheets themselves. HD comes with a metric #$%^-ton of sheets, so I mostly wanted to make sure the one I was choosing seemed okay. Sorry if I was less than clear on that (And in rereading, yeah, I was as clear as mud).
  23. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page
  24. Re: Formatting question for the upgraded V&V to HERO/Champions Conversion Page I considered it, and I could probably be persuaded, but I'm leaning towards sheets currently for two main reasons. 1) My new layout is based on a better version of my current page layout. You'll be able to click the name of a module/supplement and get a list of teams from it, then click on that and you get the individuals, click on that, you get the sheet in a new window. But all the rest is on the same page, like drop down menus. So part one is this way, you get who you want, and hit print, and you have a nice formatted HERO style sheet. 2) This is also going to be my personal reserve of NPC's once I kick start my HERO V&V game sometime next year. I'm also not sure how much will be included in the backgrounds...I really don't want to re-eneter their origins, just the bit that's changed since they were published. Like Hauntress will include Shrew's death and what not, Proditor's will include him breaking the Capellan conditioning, and also mention what a super massive stud he, and anyone using his moniker, must be. Well, it'll mention the Capellan part at least.
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