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  1. (Also posted to Champions cuz SuperApes are just totally genre) For real-real, not for play-play. You'd have to be some sort of soul-less automaton not to get jazzed over these suckers. http://www.miniaturemarket.com/karmans
  2. Re: Unity vs Your Super Team Justice, Inc. is currently averaging 650 pts. per member. Unity would get curbstomped. Now I'm actually okay with this, as Justice, Inc. is supposed to be my World's JLA.
  3. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art The only part I know is that de Rue means "of the street", roughly.
  4. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Might that have been pre-2001? Apparently there were two major changes to Savate in 2001 and again in 2003, though the latter was more to the actual progams, than what was legal in the ring. And I do remember that punch, but I remember it from a previous Defense Savate class. I'll ask my teacher what they did with it.
  5. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Oh, the hip-twist, closed fist to the bottom of the jaw? Yeah, I forgot about that one.
  6. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Which swings? This might be a West Coast/East Coast thing, but the four punches we learned were Direct-Lead(Jab), Direct-Rear(cross), Hook, and Uppercut. Or it might be a Savate de Rue thing come to think of it, we've learned a lot more strikes in Defense Savate including palm strikes and an esoteric "reverse pimp slap".
  7. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art The thing that amazed me was that Savate is SERIOUSLY paired down from Savate de Rue. I mean, the overwhelming majority of moves are illegal in Savate. And in terms of effectiveness, Savate is really no better or worse off than kick-boxing. Also, most of what I knew about Savate I learned from Batroc, Oliver Gruner, or the UMA. Modern Savate is really pretty different because of the seriously heavy dodging element. I was never ever on my toes half as much in Goju-Ryu. If someone wanted to make a "Close enough" version of Modern Savate, they could just add Martial Dodge to the Savate package from UMA and probably call it a day. Savate de Rue is just plain old ornery meanness. It shares a similar methodology to Kajukenbo. Do whatever you need to end the fight. Punch, Kick, Throw, Hold, Lock. The more I spoke with my instructor, the more amazed I got honestly. I'm taking Savate, but there's a really good chance I'll be saving up for private instruction in Savate de Rue. He freely admits he'd just be teaching me the "basics", but I really am fascinated to see how the wider style works. Right now I just get snippets when he teaches us "Defense Savate" moves once every two weeks as part of the standard class.
  8. Re: Nicholas Angel AND he has a MINI!! http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=949
  9. Not sure if this will be of use to anyone, but I figure knowledge, even trivia like this, can't be a bad thing. Plus, if anyone is inspired to take a whack at writing up Modern Savate and Defense Savate, I'd be glad to help, or just enjoy the fruits of their labors. Savate as presented in the UMA is really nice representation of well, Savate, or Boxe Francaise from the early to mid 20th century. It is a sport. Codified and with clearly accepted punches and kicks, no clinching (like Boxing) and no "ground game" to lift an MMA term. I'm not sure where the names for the moves came from though, as they are not the ones used in modern Savate. But much like Kendo is the sporting form of the fighting style of Kenjitsu, Savate is the sporting form of a much nastier style of street-fighting called alternately; Savate de Rue, Savate de Defense, or Defense Savate. There are four accepted styles of kicks and punches in Savate. There is a heavy emphasis on dodging, and the lateral step to avoid an attack is a fundamental starting point of three of the four kick styles. Blocking is also taught, but it's more like the close block/parry of boxing, than the wider blocks of some Eastern styles. (I'm mostly thinking about the basic Karate high block) Most of this goes out the window with the wider Fighting style/Martial Art. In addition to the above, you learn things like "The Knuckle Breaker", a block that involves intercepting the enemy's punch with your elbow on the nice breaky points of the fingers. There is a similar knee block for your opponent's feet/toes as well. There is also an entire series of takedowns, holds, clinches, and throws that are obviously absent from the sporting form. As the years have gone on, Savate has stayed true to it's heritage of absorbing whatever worked (It gets all it's punches from Boxing for instance) including grappling, submission, and ground game. Like most modern martial arts, it is reviewed constantly and updated. In 2003 for instance, a special sub section was created called "Savate Baton" that specifically taught police officers how to use the police baton, a tonfa, effectively with Savate and Canne fighting techniques. In the US, it's all but impossible to find a teacher for Defense Savate. You can find a teacher for Savate with only a little difficulty, but the only places teaching the fighting style as opposed to the sport, are in France. There are students of Defense Savate teaching Savate in the US and Canada, but as yet, the full fighting style is not anywhere near as popular as the sport outside of law enforcement circles.
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Ishtar doesn't get to make fun of anybody. Ever.
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I was able to completely freak-out my co-workers in IT today. And all it took was to roll out a new machine to the test bench, with a BIG sign on it saying: VISTA Test Machine. Do Not Re-Image. Heh. Sooooo hard not to laugh when they came to me with the fear in their eyes....
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Cloverfield and Iron Man would be my two most recent. Liked the first, loved the second.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Following up on L. Marcus (And that little guy was darned impressive, I could clearly hear him yelling "Men!" when he'd strike. Good start!) and his Kendo, here's my next PC's martial art...Quantum Jujitsu. (NSFW for music cursing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY_jjSQi0M8
  14. Re: Nicholas Angel Hey Mike, get a mini too. http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=948
  15. Re: Panzer VIII "Maus" Yup, and their 1000 tonne monstrosity was to be called the Ratte. http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/finditem.cfm?itemid=9384 And HERO stats here: http://www.herogames.com/viewDHIssue.htm;jsessionid=a5HwtvIXZ-Gh?issueID=217474
  16. Re: Martial Arts sub-genre settings? How about now? So randomly, I almost think of The Last Dragon as Dark Champions, but with a serious MA flavor. Mostly due to the glow.
  17. Re: Return To Doctor Han's Island (advice needed)
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yeah, addicting... Sabre's Parents in WWII: Blade and Brynhilde
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hmmm...I just tried to do Blade, Sabre's dad, and I was kinda surprised that I didn't remember he had a costume that was like 75% Canary yellow. On the other hand, I made a neat re-imagine of Doctor Arcane (IMHO).
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine My favorites so far, all from our team Justice, Inc. (Man they lose a lot of color information as JPG's....) Sentinel in his standard and "Grondbuster" armors. Paragon: Master of Yengtao Sabre Carstairs: Leader of Team Beta, Member of the Blood. Titan: The guy who punches people into low orbit.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Wow this thing is addictive...
  22. Re: Need some name help: French Supers Savate has glove rankings instead of belts, and the highest rank that doesn't include some way to revolutionize the sport is a Silver Glove. So... Gant d'Argent. (Which is actually one of my heroes on CoH, but I digress)
  23. Re: Jokes One Little Letter A new young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand. He notices, however, that all of the monks are copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up. In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies. The head monk says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son". So, he goes down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscript is held in a locked vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years. Hours go by and nobody sees the old abbot. So, the young monk gets worried and goes downstairs to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall. His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he is crying uncontrollably. The young monk asks the old abbot, What's wrong, father? With a choking voice, the old abbot replies, "The word is celebrate."
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Spongebob Redux... Insane Clown Posse Spongebob (NSFW)
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