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  1. Re: Golden Age adventures I did a write-up of the Ratte for DH. http://www.herogames.com/viewDHIssue.htm;jsessionid=a3PGgvuu-qOc?issueID=217474 Ages ago I posted a US modified Surcouf HDC sheet, but no one ever downloaded it, so it got dropped from my attachments.
  2. Re: Menton is up Yeah, the one thing I liked about CU Menton was that he DIDN'T look like very other stereotypical emaciated psyker. *Le Sigh* Very disappointing, but I'm going to try and stay positive. So far however, 1 for 3 on character design for me personally.
  3. Re: Golden Age adventures I can second the Turtledove stuff. The arrogance of the invaders is also a hoot. If you need some toys to smash or tool around in, I have some real, fake, and REALLY fake stuff on my vehicle page. http://home.comcast.net/~champsstuff/ Space is still down however.
  4. Re: Who bought a copy of Omlevex by Spectrum Games? Got it, liked it, but haven't used anything from it yet. My intent is to use it as an elseworld.
  5. Re: New Mechanic: Different Approaches For Deflection/Reflection Well here's the thing. We could argue for days about whether or not something is a "legitimate" limitation or not, but the proof is in the pudding as they say. Wolverine has his claws rendered moot fairly often in the comics, mostly because people think "Hey, that guy has freaky pointy claws that cut through anything, including the laws of physics. Maybe we should do something about that?" And they pull out nullifiers, or strap them to his chest, or something else designed to keep him from using them. So in the "Marvel HERO game", either Wolverine's PC paid for Restrainable or Focus, or after the eleventy-billionth time that someone rendered him all but ineffective, the player went "Dude, come on, that's gotta be worth a -1/4 at this point...There is no way Cap keeps getting OAF and I'm stuck with nothing!" Then Joe Q cut a greaser, and everyone threw food at him until he cried. Um, anyway, you get my point I hope. This is HERO, and it's a limit if the players and the GM agree it's a limit. That's about the only hard fast rule here.
  6. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Whitechapel Gods by S.M. Peters Without revealing anything from the book, I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. The story is engaging and fast paced, though there are a few moments where the story gets a little hard to follow. Nothing insurmountable, but it felt like a few extra pages would have gone a long way to making things a little clearer. One heck of a first effort though, and the setting is pretty darn awesome.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I know this has been posted before, but I'm posting this again, because everyone should be reminded about Jake Shimabukuro, and that George Harrison probably would have been remembered as a much bigger name had he not been in a band with some dudes names Paul and John. While my Guitar gently weeps (On a ukelele) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9mEKMz2Pvo
  8. Re: Jokes A man sat down in a restaurant and asked the waitress what the daily special was. She replied, "Boiled tongue." "Boiled tongue!" responded the horrified customer, "There is certainly no way that I would ever eat anything that came out of a cows mouth! That's disgusting! Give me three fried eggs, instead!"
  9. Re: Jokes A pirate is on his ship, with his First Mate standing next to him. As they look out on the sea, another ship appears on the horizon. The Pirate looks at his First Mate and says: "Get me Red Shirt from me locker!" The First Mate gets the shirt, the Pirate puts it on, they attack the other ship and plunder it. The Pirate removes the shirt, and the First Mate puts it back in it's locker. Later, as they look out on the sea, two ships appear on the horizon. The Pirate looks at his First Mate and says: "Get me Red Shirt from me locker!" The First Mate gets the shirt, the Pirate puts it on, they attack the ships and plunder them. The First Mate asks the Pirate: "Why do you put on that Red Shirt to attack?" The Pirate replies: "It's so me crew doesn't loose confidence. If I get hurt and bleed, they won't know." Just then, they look up and see twenty boats on the horizon. The First Mate smiles and asks: "Do you want me to get your Red Shirt?" The Pirate replies: "No, get my Brown Pants!"
  10. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" Yeah, it hit me during dinner last night. I was sitting there with the girlfriend, we're talking about our days and I blurted out "AZOR!" She blinked, and said "Bless you?"
  11. Re: Poor Taste? My best advice? Go straight to the horse's mouth. It's a really cool concept honestly, and I'd be intruiged by seeing it play out, but I can also understand how some might have issues. Every group is different, and some people do have a very heavy investment in their PC's. Whether or not it's insulting though, that's really up to the individual(s). So my 2 cents: Run it past your GM and your group.
  12. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" I had an old long running Champions campaign where I routinely would drop hooks for plots. A disturbance at the library, an old friend is in town, that sort of stuff. My players were usually REALLY good at picking up on them and investigating any leads very quickly, and it made a nice way to set up long term plots in between the "Stop bank robbery" quickies. So one of the players in the game is playing Matrix, the lieutenant of...wow, I'm blanking...the big bad guy, Papa Blood (of "The Blood and Dr. McQuark" fame...). Anyway, he was part of the cabal that locked him up, but in so doing he was converted into pure mental energy living in a gem (The Matrix). Cenutries pass, some day some one drops the thing in a fountain, and it proceeds to make itself a new body out of water. He joins his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand nephew, Sabre Carstairs, on earth, and they proceed to fight crime. The PC comes to me with a plot idea... Ole Unca Matrix wasn't wired 100% right after spending centuries in a gem, and now having a body made out of public fountain water. He starts going a little wacky, starts thinking maybe Papa Blood had the right idea and starts to test his powers by Mind Controlling small rural towns. The incident is marked by a giant blue wombat made of fire hovering over the town at the height of his success. This happens 5 times over as many months. The locations getting progressively bigger as his control over people expands from small towns, to small cities, and eventually, big ones. The players never look into it. Giant blue flaming wombats start appearing over major metropolitan centers and they never look into it. They go "Huh, that's weird. Hey Matrix, why are clutching your head and drooling like that? Oh, excedrin headache?" I swear, the same group that picked up on nuanced clues that required turns of phrase didn't give a fig about the flaming wombats. So we ramped it up. The Giant blue flaming wombats started showing up more, and over LARGER cities. Detroit, Cleveland, San Diego, each time growing and lasting longer. Nothing. What finally happened is that Matrix took over the entire planet, decided it was entirely too much effort, and made everyone forget he did it while putting in new mental blocks to his own power. The players started to figure out they'd missed something when about 3 months later, Matrix muttered "I should have just stayed emperor of the planet, none of this would have ever happened" during an alien invasion.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Okay, itsy-bitsy spider was good, but I spit coffee across the room and fell into hysterics over Old McDonald's farm. EDIT: And "Welcome to McDonald's"...Sweet Monkey Jesus, nice find!
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Volleyball? Martial Arts? BOTH?!?!? Get some. Sepak Takraw.
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Lethal Industry - Tiesto
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The beat is rockin' - Erick E
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Dancing Walrus. No, really... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDg7kWgs5e0
  18. Re: What would be your take on She-Grond? You could always link her to Doc Grond from Digital Hero #37.
  19. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... World War Z, An Oral History Of The Zombie War, by Max Brooks. I'd give it a very solid 8 out of 10, perhaps even an 8.5. Very well told tale of the Zombie war as done through the stories of the survivors. Excellent and compelling read, and Brooks shifts "voice" very well. You don't find yourself thinking that the Doctor from China sounds like the National Guardsman who was fighting in Yonkers. Perhaps the most telling point for me was, that when I finished the book, I was very disappointed that there wasn't any more. Not that it needed it, mind you, just that I wanted more. More detail, more stories, more characters; just more. Some times when I read books emblazoned with "New York Times Bestseller!" I wonder how. Not this time. Great read, very entertaining, and the storytelling style of the narrative is a huge plus.
  20. Re: Rocket launching aircraft carriers My wild guess? Probably close to nothing. If the thrust from the rocket had nowhere to go, that would be one thing, but my unsupported hypothesis is that it's probably like a battleship broadside; It looks like there is a lot of depression, but it's really the pressure wave effect on the water, not actual movement of the ship.
  21. There has to be a plot in here somewhere... (Hmmm, guess I need to go buy an Essex class and some more plasti-card....)
  22. Re: The cranky thread If a suicide bomber is reaching for the detonator, he's the bad guy. When the $%^& did this become anything other than a statement of fact? Sorry, I'll go quietly fume now.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos RE: "Whose line"....I almost hurt myself laughing...that made my night.
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That was a seriously funny movie.
  25. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This one is for Chad. Spinal Tap Lego. And the "Director's cut" extra in true Spinal Tap fashion...
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