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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Why does Thrak want us to "vote librarian?" Not that it's a bad idea...
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Not bad... ...for an amateur. Keep practicing.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I saw this on my "New Urban Legends" module. The amazing thing is, Snopes says it's true. I'm not a religious man, but if I were...
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings No no no. It's like this: KHAAAAN!!!!! There. Now you try.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Tell me about it. It can be quite a challenge to lead a group of students on a perfectly innocent reference quest sometimes. And can someone please tell me why every hacker with a site has "free porn" tattooed all over it? Not every visitor wants to see that! My porn comes from somewhere else.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Ahoy! There be comics here! Arr!
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm actually enjoying my classes and looking forward to tonight's special lecture series. Now, if I can just graduate before I die...
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Actually, it's a legendary technique known by only a few Canadian Monks.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Sorry, I can't support the Vallejo Fist thing. My mom used to go to the moose club lodge in vallejo...I just can't see it any other way. It sounds to me like "Moose Club Lodge Fist," and that's just not right.
  11. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Ok, I guess this is a moot point now, but I just saw the #502 cover, and I have to ask...what's with Hawkeye's cyborg arm?
  12. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I can't really think of a specific story arc, but my favorite Avengers era was when Hank was trapped at ten feet tall and became Goliath. The team was Cap, Hawkeye (his heyday), Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Goliath. I believe this is what is referred to as "old school."
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I give up. I've really been fighting my depression for the past few weeks, and I'm losing. I've spent so much time here lately because it keeps me distracted. As soon as I'm not doing something, I'm overwhelmed. I just got back from watching Monday night Football at a friend's house, and I was fine during the game. Now that I'm home I feel like crying. No reason for it. Nothing particularly stands out as miserable, I'm just filled with hatred, guilt and self loathing. Why am I telling you this? Well, I'm a little punchdrunk from lack of sleep, and I just took some vicodin, so why the hell not? I'll probably regret this in the morning. I just feel...tired. I really need to rest.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Ever have one of those days where you think You know what would go good on this frozen pizza? Nuts.
  15. Re: Telepathy Defense : I'm thinking of an Elephant! I think the idea is best represented by Mental Def, Concentration throughout. Add EGO rolls to taste.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Umm...Hurricane Jeanne did hit. It just went through our area yesterday.
  17. Re: Alpha Male Contest Because Fireball can't be stopped by a can of Raid? Seriously, though, these particular summon spells don't seem to be the ones in question. The original topic (if I understand correctly) seemed to take issue with effects such as Gate or Clone which create another independently minded adversary, one who would/could keep fighting after the summoner had been defeated, for example. Interesting thread, but there seems to be a base disagreement here. Some are arguing that the Alpha male battle is an elemental survival type fight, where you do whatever it takes to win, it's all good. The other interpretation is that it is a show of dominance in a social setting, battling for supremacy within a group by defeaty of an individual. I find I'm drawn more to the social definition. The term "alpha male" is a social one, not a physical one. It encompasses physical (energy, magic, strength, whatever) as well as personal (intelligence, willpower, charisma, style) power. When an individual has exhibited the right measure of both, he is bequeathed the title or honor by the rest of the group. As someone alluded to before, if you can't get the group to follow you, you're not the alpha. Again, take the case of Guy Gardner in the JLI. Physical power? He had it in spades, over everyone else in the group except perhaps J'onn. Thus, he felt he should be the leader. The rest of the group made it abundantly clear that this was simply never going to happen. No personal power. The group made the decision. Even if he had somehow beaten Bats, they never would have followed him. Also for consideration, what happens when the alpha male leaves the group? Does he meet a group of strangers as an alpha? No, they don't know him thus he has no status. He can certainly try to gain the honor again with this group, but it does have to be earned. Now the real question...is this happening between two players in your game?? That sounds like bad news!
  18. Re: New Campaign Start Idea - Critiques Wanted I like the general idea of the campaign. I've always wanted to play in this type of scenerio. The only problem I have is...I'm not sure I understand your character creation process. Are the players designing the characters and you'll translate into a character sheet? Or are you choosing the powers to give to them? Also, if they are really random average people, then you're going to have a lot of characters with 8-12 dex and str, unless they're specifically super powered exceptions, right?
  19. Re: Forgotten Golden Age Villains I have a Who's Who somewhere that had a group formed of the golden age nazi associated supervillains, and I can't remember many that haven't been mentioned, but the one that always stuck out in my mind was...The Fiddler!
  20. Re: Archetypical American Warrior core? Wow, that's a fantastic deconstruction! I think you've really hit on something here, especially this part: I know that I certainly feel this way. Hmm, perhaps I'm more typical american than I thought. It all fits so well. The vehicle is the only thing I would really debate. Way to go above and beyond with the answer, I'm archiving this for future reference. So, anyone else want to define the characteristics of their national warriors? (I know some are still being debated.) Honestly, I'm more interested in hearing first-hand accounts, too, which I know a few of you can offer. (btw, Did anyone else think of the Thing while reading Hermit's analysis?)
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Odd injury, huh? Thanksgiving, 1987. I was using a knife to cut bread for the dressing. I was pulling the blade across the bread with relative ease, when after several strokes I noticed a streak of red on the knife. Huh, what's that? I thought as I glanced down at the bread seeing a pool of red liquid. The realization that it must be my own blood was more of a "Duh!" moment than a "AAAAAGH!" one. I looked at my finger, one on my deformed left hand, and saw that I had cut cleanly halfway through and that it was hanging there. Those fingers have no bones--I was very lucky not to have sliced the entire thing off. Funny thing is, there was no pain. I could feel something, but it didn't hurt. So I said in a matter-of-fact voice "Hey Mom, look at this." I remember being surprised at her reaction. She was horrified. I couldn't understand the panic even though the blood was now trickling down my arm and all over the bread. I was fascinated. Of course, her reaction was really the more apprpriate one and probably saved my finger. I still have a scar running across that finger. I should add that even though it never hurt beyond some slight throbbing the next day, I later developed phantom pains. Not really pain, but...ok, lemme see if I can explain it. Run your wet finger along a chalkboard slowly sometime. Then imagine that sensation coming from the inside of your finger...just bleah. Now, as for stupid injuries, don't get me started...!
  22. Re: National Warrior Archetypes Good ideas, people. Thanks. Keep 'em coming
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