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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I thought it was okay myself. Though the reason given for its cancellation seems silly; it did good numbers, but in the 'wrong' demographic. Apparently older housewives loved Harry*, but since they weren't the people the show was made for, it was viewed as a failure and dropped. * -- I wonder what the verion of Harry Dresden from the novels would think to find out he was the heartthrob of 40-year-old housewives everywhere? Bob the Skull would never let him live it down.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures Woof! Why can't I find gals like that? For some reason, I have this horrid idea of her being its mother. "Just so you know dear, I have this little genetic condition. I can only give birth to nameless abominations that consume the flesh of their fathers."
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Booo! Hisss! Can someone please Rep this palindromedary?
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Oh well, who wants to live forever?
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I remember seeing that movie on TCM. It was surprisingly creepy, considering just how low-key (and budget) it was.
  6. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters? Just as soon as I can find someone willing to play 5th Ed Champions.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'm assuming you mean shadow as in, The Shadow (the Pulp hero). In which case this would not be a nightmare, but truly awesome. Can the occult powers and blazing .45s of the Shadow defeat the mind-blasting powers of the Great Old Ones, or is humanity doomed? The only thing that could make it beter would be if it were the Spider, Master of Men, versus Nyarlathotep in his "evil mad scientist/cult leader" persona.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares TLWW and the other Narnia books are thought of as a "furry" novel by some people. But then, given that furry means simply investing animals with humanlike qualities, there's a lot of "furry" material out there.
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? So if I get hit by a lightning bolt, I'll turn into the Hulk?
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I don't know why it's shocking that there are people who are Christians and who enjoy "furry" art, writing, or whatever. I happen to be one of them. Does anyone think it's odd that there are Christians who like Star Wars, Marvel Comics, or pro wrestling?
  11. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters? It doesn't help when one remembers that Astro City story with 'the Junkman', an evil gadgeteer. He could have used his tech to make himself legally rich... but it was just more fun to terrorize people. Besides, honesty is for suckers; real smart guys take whatever they want!
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Well, Bob Salvatore did say he based drow society on The Godfather...
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I thought that the Japanese film that most directly inspired SW was Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress?
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I've always thought that it's a shame that the typical drow family couldn't hash out its problems on an episode of Jerry Springer. Because, really, with the murderous, perverted, depraved nature of your typical drow family... where else would they feel at home?
  15. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?
  16. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?
  17. Re: Campaign Idea: Superhuman Bounty Hunters?
  18. I've just been reading some of the 'Bounty Hunter' books from the SW Extended Universe, and it's making me wonder -- does anyone think there'd be any interest in a campaign in which the supers are bounty hunters? You know, track down various supervillains and bring them in for the reward? Aside from (of course) the PC heroes and a supply of villains, any idea on what sort of NPCs would be most useful/likely to show up in such a campaign? I figure on at least one super of the boy scout variety, very powerful, who gives the hunters grief over being 'mercenaries'. For that matter, can anyone give me any reasons why normal, real-world cops dislike bounty hunters so much? Thanks all.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I still think that Corman's The Raven is one of the funniest films ever shot, with its only real rival in horror-comedy being Corman's other film starring Karloff, Price, and Lorre, The Undertakers. The dialogue was side-splitting! Like Craven's response to the transformed-into-a-raven Bedlo when he flies in through the window while Craven is wangsting over his 'dead' wife Lenore: "Oh, you grim specter of death, winged emissary of fate, I bid you speak! Where is the shade of m beloved Lenore?" And the raven/Bedlo says in Peter Lorre's distinct voice: "How in the hell should I know??"
  20. Re: Riffing on Baloo Blast, can someone please Rep these two gentlemen for me?
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ah, but is she a wolf-woman?
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures And so we see what the breakup between Thor and Pele is like. Seriously great pics there.
  23. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel This sounds like the room service inside 1408. Great idea!
  24. Re: "Neat" Pictures That scene posted is probably the only watchable moment in the entire film, and it does not redeem the rest of it. Go and read what they say about it on Tv Tropes if you don't believe me.
  25. Re: "Neat" Pictures For dog and fox lovers -- biting or kissing? Really, that seems like one laid-back Akita, doesn't it?
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