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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures I saw that movie. You wouldn't think anyone could screw up something as basic as 'Megashark versus Giant Octopus'... but the SyFy Channel found a way!
  2. Re: Female Master Villains Gee, how do supervillainesses differ from normal women then?
  3. Re: Female Master Villains Liberated women aren't ashamed of tbeir bodies. Down with phallocentric patriarchal morality!
  4. Re: HeroMachine 3 That's a great pic of Amora there, legatus.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares With songs like I Wanna Hold Your Hand After Slicing It Off and I Only Have Seven Eyes For You, Jigsaw, The Last One Got Away
  6. Re: Female Master Villains Hmm, now there's an idea. It sounds like it would have made for a good 'front' for Luther Black's version of DEMON to hide a Demonhame behind. Or it could be used on its own as a lesser, small-scale conspiracy in the campaign that seeks to set women in charge of the world after putting men in their place, on the end of a collar. Of course some guys here would probably consider that a turn-on...
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures I had to link to this: Would this or would this not be the most awesome rock band to ever exist?
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I was kinda surprised at how mellow the other, non-fursuiting bowlers were over the costumers, considering the amount of "all these furries are total freaks!" coverage furry fandom has gotten in the trashier news media.
  9. Re: Female Master Villains Hmm, sounds like a good book to get.
  10. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I'm posting this here ionly because I couldn't find the 'interesting pictures' thread, sorry. Something that is cool yet strange: fursuit bowling. Just do a search for 'fursuit bowling' on YouTube sometime. It's so utterly bizarre, and I say this as someone who likes fursuiters. Then again, who knows? This might be Reality TV's next big hit!
  11. Re: Female Master Villains Thanks for the various reminders about Black Enchantress and the rest. I forgot about them like a dope. As for Shinyu, I still want to work her into the background of my campaign (if I ever get some gamers together). I just find something very cool about a sorceress who doubles as a weredragon. That and I still think it was a shame that she wasn't somehow related to that other dragon-shifting sorceress from the (3rd? 4th?) edition book on VIPER.
  12. I've been racking my brains over this -- does anyone remember if Hero Games ever had a female master villain for any version of Champions, aside from Isvatha V'han? I could swear I vaguely recall someone from 4th edition or the like, but I'm blanking on the details. And perhaps a related question: why have there been so few female master villains, both in Champions or in the superhero comics that inspired it? Thanks all.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I hope he wasn't talking from personal experience.
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore It's the cheese or you.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Probably chanting, "Iya, iya, Cthulhu fthagn..." all the while.
  16. Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?' "What if Mark Millar and Joe Quesada were flung off the roof of the Marvel Offices?"
  17. Re: Takofanes, where is he? Didn't they actually do something like that in an issue of Young Justice?
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I loved this quote: Well, now we have the plot for the next Jaws movie. JAWS 12: THE SICKENING!
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I just read part of the description, and yow! "I'm sorry, sir, but this cheese is no good. It killed the maggots that were eating it." Oh, so you eat it while you're getting bombed. That explains a lot. Someone tell me, how is this horror supposed to arouse women... ? As Homer Simpson of Springfield, U.S.A., would put it, "it just gets worse and worse!" I was hungry until I read this description. Now I'm not sure if I ever want to eat again.
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Has anyone mentioned gamalog cheese before? And my, but doesn't it sound scrumptious?
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yow! Some of those challenges look like they lead to fame of the posthumous variety. Though that fifteen-pound burger... if you finish it in three hours you get it for free. I wonder what you get if you finish it in thirty minutes?
  22. Re: The Reason Behind Teleios
  23. Re: Takofanes, where is he? Oh, very fun -- *urrk* *thud*
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