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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Twins graduating a year apart? Sounds like Melvin is the smart one and got advanced a year. Maybe he writes most of the show’s dialog. Their program could be a draw for supernatural hijinks now and then, like being forced to interview Nightmara or one of the dark magical girls in the city. Imagine if one of those villainesses becomes enamored of Melvin’s persona and want to make him their Dark Prince. Some drama could also evolve if Melody ends up becoming far more popular than Melvin ever was, even if the show was his idea.
  2. I really like the name of The Ghastly Geisha, and it sounds much better to me than the first one. If she’s well-built, I suspect Melody could build up a pretty decent fan base. Her clothing choices could also branch out into various kinds of cosplay outfits. Did you mean kimono for her clothing?
  3. The Spooky Kabuki could easily be an Elvira-like persona, since Elvira gained her fame working as a schlock horror movie hostess. Her type of snark would work well for both bad horror movies and bad king Fu films.
  4. That’s fair, but in a Champions Universe more fantastic things can be going on down below. There could be an under city in the nether region between the coal mines and the subway tunnels. Perhaps one of the high-tech companies in the city has a sprawling underground research facility where they conduct illicit experiments. Maybe VIPER has several active Nests going on deep beneath the surface. Maybe this is where Nightmara maintains an Earthside court for her followers.
  5. Hmm. Perhaps Underburgh for a name for it?
  6. As a side note, some interesting builds can be done by selling off normal senses and buying special ones. For example, selling back Normal Sight and buying IR Vision or selling back Normal Hearing and buying Ultrasonic Hearing.
  7. The prior post makes me wonder if there might be an Under-Pittsburgh where mutants and monsters lurk, or perhaps an entire community, some good and some bad, all going about their business in abandoned tunnels beneath the city.
  8. Generate artificial earthquakes beneath the ocean that will unleash tsunami waves able to bury coastal cities beneath hundreds of feet of seawater.
  9. I’m curious how they enforced their will on superhumans. Did the EPA have their own superhumans or agents armed with high-tech weaponry? Or were they able to use resources from other agencies for this?
  10. Ms. Might is an older teenaged girl a little over 16 and one of the few heroic Boom Juice recipients in the city. She is a flying brick still learning her powers, roughly at the same ability level as DC’s Wonder Girl/Donna Troy was when she was that age. Her accidental exposure to Boom Juice transformed her overnight from a mousy, brunette teenager with glasses and a rather plain face into a supremely well-built young woman for her age and also added a couple of inches to her height. Although she no longer needs them, she still wears her glasses and has also taken to wearing baggy clothes in her secret identity as mild-mannered Sally Sanders, high school student.
  11. This was just a random thought I had. What kind of special measures for dealing with waste disposal might need to exist in a world with superhumans? Do fans dig through the trash of the local superteam looking for souvenirs? Maybe there are people searching for things to sell? How much would an old mask go for? What might show up in a supervillain’s trash? Failed experimental weapon prototypes? Items of alien origin? What might Eurostar be putting in their trash? How about VIPER? Could alien microorganisms be getting released into the sewer system every time a team’s alien member uses the restroom? Could there be companies that provide specialty waste disposal services for superteams? How do the regular trash disposal companies work with them?
  12. I found the medical debt concept to be a good replacement for the death during character creation notion of Classic Traveller, and dying appears to have been done away with after first edition. I think it’s called “Iron Man Traveller” now, for the true hardcore Traveller fan. Nothing like needing to pay your bills to motivate a group of adventurers to get out there and do something. Group character creation was actually a ton of fun for everyone, and it was like a mini campaign played out in a single session. The remaining characters have since been converted over to Hero, and we played the first session as the group started their pirating career. Since all three PCs were marines in the service until their forties and retired, they all worked out to be about roughly the same points, so everyone started at 225 despite having pretty modest stats. The crew of NPCs is starting to assemble as well. Our illustrious PCs are also using fake names as pirates, with Brigadier Meson now called Captain Nemos. He even started wearing a cape to present a more dashing figure.
  13. I was looking at the furnace site. It seems like the sort of place that a freak like the Scarecrow or the Joker might use for a lair.
  14. It looks like the sort of place one of Batman’s enemies might use as a lair.
  15. Killavolt is a dark-skinned Boom Boy of mixed ancestry who chooses to use a mask and costume to hide his identity. His powers are electrical in nature, and he is able to project lightning bolts as well as shield himself from harm with an electromagnetic force field that is more effective versus ranged attacks than melee. He is able to fly but leaves a trail of electricity that fades quickly. He mainly sticks to small-time robberies and muggings and prefers to work solo.
  16. That’s true. It could be an accidental exposure to someone or a gang member goes from villain to hero.
  17. How would the following power build work exactly? Healing BODY 4d6, Damage Over Time (4 damage increments, damage occurs every 20 Minutes, +1/4) (50 Active Points) I've never tried adding DOT to Healing before so wasn't sure how it would affect the base ability. I'm thinking you could be healed, then, if you got injured again after the first application of Healing was applied, you'd get automatically healed again twenty minutes after the first healing occurred, then you could get injured again then healed again twenty minutes later, and so on for a few iterations. This setup seems to function a bit like using the Decreased Re-Use Duration advantage without actually taking it. Has anyone ever playtested this sort of Healing construct?
  18. As Christopher mentioned earlier, there is a power called Extradimensional Space in the Advanced Players Guide that could be used for this. There was a discussion on this exact same topic in the Champions forum just a few months ago.
  19. Out of all the ones suggested, I like crofter the best. It just sounds fun to say. Tax Collector: “Crofter Jones, I’m here for the taxes you owe, every last farthing of it.”
  20. Fun-Size is an older, tomboyish Boom Girl, almost eighteen. She possesses linked abilities of Shrinking and Density Increase and some added physical enhancements even without her powers on. So the smaller she is, the stronger she is. Her current limit is shrinking to 1/4 her normal height and a 40 STR, but her punches are armor-piercing when at her smallest size from her tiny fists. She liked to fight even before getting her powers, but she enjoys it even more now that she’s gotten limited invulnerability and super-strength.
  21. Twinkle is a young Boom Girl, aged fifteen. She is surprisingly strong for her size and build (five feet tall and 110 pounds) but with a 25 STR. Her primary powerset is a blinding area effect flash centered on herself that she can emit which she is immune to and a twinkling, lightweight force field just barely strong enough to deflect bullets up to .45 caliber. She can also teleport short distances, which makes her difficult to catch. She will teleport into jewelry stores and steal what she can grab or mug people on the streets.
  22. Large Multipowers with lots of slots can invite decision paralysis during combat. Having three powers active at 50 points each does not sound abusive to me.
  23. Grunt is one of the more physically powerful Boom Boys with a simplistic powerset rather similar to Bulldozer’s. He is illiterate and not very smart, so crime is an easy way for him to make money. He will do simple smash and grabs, once breaking open an ATM for the cash inside, and mugging people.
  24. The Boom Boys (along with nearly as many Boom Girls) are members of a growing network of teenaged street gangs that have somehow acquired a mutagenic serum called “Boom Juice” that awakens superpowers in a very few of those who receive it (in the 200-300 point range for less than 1% of recipients). Nothing much seems to happen to most recipients (90% have a mild improvement no better than a typical VIPER agent), and some die in various horrible ways after taking it (9%). For some reason, it has no effect on anyone too old (over 19) or too young (under 13), so seems to be affected by hormone levels found during puberty. Boomers are a new addition to the street scene and it is unknown if any of them will keep their powers into adulthood or they will fade away as their hormone levels change. It is unknown who is supplying the Boom Juice. Most of them do smash and grab robberies or muggings to get cash. The vast majority of Boomers are physically enhanced types, so tend to be Bricks and Martial Artists along with a few low-level Speedsters. Animal-like powers have also been observed. Some possess energy-based powers with special effects like electricity, fire or cold. None seem to have any mental abilities other than varying degrees of Mental Defense. The gang members are intended to be a low-level villain group for teenaged superheroes to fight. As the superpowered members of the gang gain experience with their abilities, this opposition could continue into adulthood, with some of the gang members becoming full-fledged supervillains.
  25. Where does the humanoid Penguin come from? I would vote for an alternate Earth where penguins became the dominant species and evolved into humanoids. It could be a world very similar to the CU with human history mirrored by this penguinoid species. Sone kind of lab accident could have brought him here, perhaps a company like REACT doing some sort of experiment that went awry, as such things frequently do in the comics.
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