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Everything posted by Jhereg

  1. Re: What are the most annoying GM habits? Yes. In that respect, I'm quite lucky... and entertained.
  2. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome Agreed. The real test of a GM in this case it subtlety.
  3. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome I think one of the reasons my group doesn’t have this problem is a sniper wouldn’t have any fun. My players are freaks who love getting screwed over. Not only do they enjoy close combat, they laugh louder than ever when they get hurt. There’s no more joyous laughter than one of my players who just got stunned while standing in the middle of 5 big baddies with held actions. Then the players break into the ditty in unison: “Ooooooh. We’re $%*@ed! We’re $%*@ed! We’re so incredibly $%*@ed!†Even the group Mentalist closes in for some Hand-to-hand.
  4. Re: Real World Issues in the Game World I sneak my own social commentary into most games. Most of my players are like-minded, so there are no problems there. I don’t use well known, real-world people. I just create allegories for them. The names and faces have been changed to protect… uh, well, my targets. For example, my Champions campaign has a redneck, trigger-happy President, but his name is Francis Robertson.
  5. Re: Critique power please We use the old Horror Hero power, Shift Spirit, and the rules for competing spirits in the same vessel (body).
  6. Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear? Aristocrat: An overachiever, afraid of failure. Arkane: An immortal demonologist, fears the growing power of the unseen evils in the world. Raven: A vampiric Mentalist, afraid of losing control of his darker urges. Xentos: A FH Character who actually has a 20 pt Bovinephobia.
  7. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome Depends on if you feel you need to deal with the player, or the character. I would hope just talking to the player would help. Assure him that in-your-face combat is more fun. On the character side: one of my favorites is the good ol’ sniper trap. Throw a well-organized team against them, which can corral the sniper and turn his solitude into their advantage. You could also throw a bigger, better sniper at him, one that’s equally hard to find. Even a good flash can make his RMods useless. Maybe even a super-flyer who can close the distance to the sniper in a phase or two.
  8. Re: Speedster Concept and Creation Question I like the Char Aid w/ Charges and Focus for a bit of dice randomness/ebb-and-flow in the “juiceâ€. As for the Disad, I would do it as a Susceptibility: it lets the GM determine how much is too much, and the player would have to guesstimate when he might be going too far.
  9. A bit off-topic, but... Ever since FRED came out, my players have been addicted to Combat Luck. Even armored characters buy it for the 30 minutes a day during which they might be caught without armor. It’s fine by me as I like keeping characters around. It’s just an interesting phenomenon.
  10. Re: Choosing between two constructs for a power I like the mechanics of the Suppress better. Can’t explain why; it just sits better with me.
  11. Re: Defender's Evening Attire? It represents a power that will not allow any other power to be used while it’s in effect. The only time I remember seeing it in print is the old FH. However, I’m not sure if it can be used in conjunction with an Ultra slot in a MP, since the Ultra slot in effect does the same thing.
  12. Re: Defender's Evening Attire? So far, I’m liking the multipower slots w/ Extra Time, as the variations between armors will be minor. But I’m certainly still open to ideas. Thanks guys.
  13. How would you make a Power Armor character who as multiple suits of armor (in the vein of Iron Man).? Some of my thoughts: -Multiforms: with a lot of redundancy -Redundant powers bought through separate foci -Additional slots in Mulipowers bought with limitations representing separate foci
  14. I think the important thing is “anything for laughsâ€. The easiest way to reach that kind of atmosphere is to let the players in on it. Then they begin to feed on it. As for the conventions, if you do King’s Quest (less obvious humor, but probably more involved in the long run), I suggest reading up on folktales for material. If you can get your hands on back issues of Realms of Fantasy magazine, they have a regular Folkroots column that discusses folktale influence modern literature. Great material for fantasy games. Another important thing if you want the same feel of the games is lots of side-quests. I loved those Sierra games. I actually ran what turned into a very spooky Horror Hero based on one of the Gabriel Knight games.
  15. Some may be happy to learn that partly thanks to some of the responses on this thread, I’ve decided to give a Standard Super campaign a shot (to date, I’ve never started a campaign higher than 250 pts). I’ve only talked to one of my players about it, but he seems eager. The biggest change however is the wide open Champions Universe scope we’ll be using for the first time in 10 years. Previously, our Superhero campaigns have been limited in scope in one way or another (only mutants, only mentalists, etc.). But I think everyone will enjoy an all out 4-Color campaign.
  16. Actually, as long as it was short-term, my players would love it. They actually enjoy getting screwed over in the name of fun.
  17. That is the greatest idea I have ever heard!!! Your GM was a genius.
  18. Now when I say we like low-powered FH, I mean we like to be the random thugs.
  19. We use the spell colleges out of the old (2nd Ed. I think) FH Rule Book and Companions. Spells usually have at least -4 in limitations making most spells cost 3-7 points. So a starting 50+50 pt. mage can afford an attack, defense, and a few useful minor spells.
  20. I hadn't considered that. As we always play heroic games, I haven't paid too much attention the "cost of living increase" of FRed.
  21. I have to keep everybody’s char sheet with me. I envy you guys and your committed players.
  22. NONE of my players write down their XP!!! It would be infuriating if I had any need for XP myself. They always start the game asking how much they got last time. So I've stopped writing it down as well, and if no one knows, tough crap. Heh. You say "on topic" like it's possible.
  23. OK, out of morbid curiosity, I checked out the FATAL thing. And what’s sad is not how bad it is, it’s how much effort someone put into something that bad. I’m one of the more open-minded individuals out there, and I certainly wouldn’t judge anyone for erotic role-playing, but come on! Stats for sexual organs?!? Unless it’s going to be throwing Energy Blasts, my character’s hoo-hoo does not need stats.
  24. Unimaginative Combatants This is usually a hold-over from D&D. They’re the guys that always use their most powerful attack, then wait to be hit or missed, then start all over again. No dodging. No cover. No tactics. Just trading licks, and expecting their DCV to make or break them.
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