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Everything posted by Catacomb

  1. Re: high-level presence In strict numbers? Not so much. Let's face it, Spidey does TRY presence attacks, they just don't work.
  2. Re: high-level presence C'mon. Spiderman does NOT have a presence that high. When was the last time he said "Drop your guns" and someone actually listened? Seriously don't get all graspy at the straws here. All I'm saying is: We have a house rule. You're a super human being then presence does not effect you the same way it would the aforementioned 'mooks'. If it DID then just do as I say. Make a character based solely around presence, and rule the world because without a houserule the mechanic would be very very broken. Drop an 80 on someone and watch even people like Thor or Cap get all bendy in the knees.
  3. Re: high-level presence Does Spiderman have a 25 presence? He doesn't exactly tremble before Thanos, or Galactus, and Spidey is only 'street level'(top end though he may be.) and those villians are aguably the highest end on the presence scale you'll find. I think the argument is certainly one that should have a loophole once a character has passed a certain point level(that doesn't even need to be that high, think Punisher would quake at the sight of either of the aforementioned baddies?) otherwise, just make a presence based character and rule all, and for cheap too.
  4. Re: high-level presence There's certainly a difference between being concerned that he just walked through but you can't show me where a true super hero has ever just wizzed on themselves and said "Its Thanos, I give up!". Big difference there, and with a high end PRE attack that is exactly what one could do if the GM allowed it.
  5. Re: high-level presence We have a very simple house rule regarding presence: It just doesn't work on Supers. Why would it? We're talking about people who deal with death, terror, other supers, etc. every day. Why would they be intimidated to the point of sniveling children because some baddie went 'BOO!' even if it was someone like Thanos? That's where MC powers come into play if you want that effect IMO, otherwise presence is far, far too powerful for the points(Cliched phrase I know, but true if looked at objectively.).
  6. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? Hey guys with all of the faith and religion bashing. The NGD forums are that way.
  7. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes
  8. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? The secret ID issue in Champions is one that is pretty unwieldy since the secret ID usually applies to an indaviduals personal 'rogues gallery'. Sure you can implement it to involve the team, but when you have multiple people at the table something like secret ID doesn't come into play as much because it means focusing on one player, and that's when you lose the group. Historically in comic books its a nice plot device, but in the game, it just means something else that can be brought out to split up a team and what they are doing so I hardly ever use it as a plotline unless I can make it work for(against) all involved.
  9. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes By far the 'best' change. Wish they'd go back to it.
  10. Re: The best retcons of all time It was mentioned in another thread but I'll ask here because its on my mind. Does anyone remember the issue number of the Spiderman comic where he takes Aunt May out and tells her he's Spiderman and she tells him she's always known? That was an awesome comic book moment and I'd like to get my hands on it again.
  11. Re: The best retcons of all time Everyone and their sister used to think Wolverine was always a tough as nails type character but the way they did his Origin was very suprising, and actually helped me to like the character again. Not really a retcon, but his origin certainly flew in the face of conventional wisdom.
  12. Re: THE Uber Team Absolutely.
  13. With all of these 'Round table, most macho, blah blah...' threads going on I figured I'd throw my own out there. You can put together a team, THE ultimate team. You get 5 members and they must be 'earthbound' and can be from any comic book. What would your line-up look like? Here's mine. Captain America - Team Leader. The only member of the team who isn't a 'planet buster'. Thor - The mouth and the muscle. The only reason I chose him over Superman is because Supes is bland, always has been, and always will be. My team requires personality. Dr. Strange - Supernatural angle covered. Moving on. Martian Manhunter - You could go with Prof X. or even Phoenix as your mental guy, but why do that when you can get a shapeshifting, brick/mentalist? Reed Richards -Tech/Genius/Second in command. The rogues gallery for this group would be great as well. Dormammu, Surtur, The Excecutioner, Kurse, Blastarr, Thanos, Darkseid, Loki, Malefic, Mephisto, Dr. Doom, Super Skrull, Ultron, Galactus, Red Skull.
  15. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) You can use a power pool for alot of Surfer's powers.
  16. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) Huge difference. The Thor fight was absolutely epic and, well, believable.
  17. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) Yeah, sometimes a writer should know when something is good as opposed to being mad that his 'baby' got beat in a fight.
  18. Re: CHAR: Thor. (Marvel Style) A few things about Thor, and mind you this is coming from a Thor FREAK, but still worth listening to even if a bit skewed. -Thor is a lot like Superman in that he rarely ever touches any of his potential and he needs a serious Psych lim on that. During the write up I did with the guys I play with we called it 'I say thee nay!'(Although what I'm talking about is beyond the level he hits when he says that. Maybe it should be called 'Ultron we would have words with thee'.) -Thor is the most powerful terrestrial 'bound' hero in the Marvel universe. Not only does he have the power at his disposal that dwarfs pretty much anyone else that could be brought up he also has incredible SKILL in how to use it. Its a pretty easily overlooked fact about Thor considering that he is on a team with the greatest team leader in comics, but the guy can do a lot more than just point hammer, knock down bad guy. He just rarely has to. -Thor has an incredibly powerful will. He has been controlled, but it is not easy to do by any means. -Thor does have to breathe, but he can hold his breath a very long time. -Thor is bullet proof to a point, but amongst the bricks of the Marvel universe he is not as resistant as Colossus or the Hulk and he has been shot(high calibre armor piercing rounds), cut, and stabbed but I can't recall his bones having ever been broken. -Thor's weather control powers should be limited to rain, t-storms, etc. I've seen write-ups with a broader control but I don't see how that's in the spirit of things. -Thor's tears can cure cancer, too bad he's never cried. -Thor is bound by all kinds of codes of honor and oaths and they have bitten him in the arse more than once. -There is no such thing as a Thanos bot and how dare Marvel writers try and rape one of the greatest moments in comic history. -Thor could beat Spider-Man, unlike Firelord. -I disagree with the assertion that certain things Thor has used should be considered 'plot devices'. Much like Batman, Thor has resources at his disposal that are not readily apparent and are, indeed a deus ex machina of sorts. That's the character though. He has the Odin-power but rarely uses it, Mjolnir has a power pool of its own that is pretty impressive(Ask the Juggernaught.), he has his belt which effectively doubles his strength(The doubling of strength has been harped on MANY times in the comics. That's point blank what it does, doubles it, so think about where you put that str initially.), and the list goes on. Anyway, those are a few of my thoughts on Odin's favorite son. Now, go forth and smack something with a hammer. Oh yeah, great write-up BTW but the psych lim really needs to be there as its one of his biggest staples. His enraged goes beyond Sif too. Innocents, Captain America, The Warriors Three, Baldur, and Hercules being harmed in his presence have all set it off Certian enemies have set it off as well without harming anyone but just by showing up. Kurse, and Surtur both come to mind.
  19. Re: WWYCD: The Darkest Hour Well, this being the case then my Psych lim of responding violently to innocents being harmed gets the 'Previously unknown psychic' geeked... literally.
  20. Re: When you think "Superhero".... Spider Man is pretty much the best example IMO. He's not a conflicted loon(Batman), he's not an indestructable uber hero(Superman), he's not a symbol(Captain America.). He's not hunted or forced into his role, he simply is a hero because to be anything less with what he has would be a sin in his eyes.
  21. Re: What Marvel/DC storyline have you ripped off...err been inspired by? I used to rip off Justice League(Cartoon Network) religiously.
  22. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread The auditer? If so I have a list of going rates for such a task, just one rule: no women no children. I also will mail the shell casing to the target's home or office as a future warning purely for your convienience at no extra charge.
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread A few days ago a guy cut me off in the mall parking lot, I parked and started inside as I saw the guy who just cut me off running up to me. I thought "Well I guess this fella's wanting an ***-whooping." and I prepared myself for the worst because the human species as a whole is kind of a collective group of jerks. Guy comes up, sticks out his hand and says he was sorry.
  24. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread OH HAPPY DAY! Today I did not shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
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