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Everything posted by Catacomb

  1. Re: Top Eleven Adversaries of Arnold I think most real Arnie fans will agree with the Predator being number one. Pretty much the coolest on screen realization of an alien ever, even better than well, the 'Aliens'. So many cool moments in that movie and it was the ultimate one on one showdown at the end.
  2. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners "Did NOT know who he was f***in' with!" - Riddick, Pitch Black "I hope I give you the s***s you f***ing p****! " Spoon - Dog Soldiers "I can't believe that just f***ing happened!" Connor McManus - Boondock Saints "We could kill...EVERYONE!" Rocko - Boondock Saints "Victims...aren't we all?" Eric Draven - The Crow Love the Yojimbo and McClintock lines Keith and Susanoo, rep when its up for you two again.
  3. Re: Top Eleven Adversaries of Arnold "You have what you want Cohaagen now give these peoplee eaaaarrrr." No Cohaagen, no list. One of the best baddies ever. Also, how did Kyle Reese not make the list?
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I just finished watching 'The Mighty' for the first time. Wow.
  5. Re: I eat my Cheerios stealthfully! Matsamuchi, I thought ninjas was supposed to be quiet
  6. Re: Villain Team Name Call them 'Mythos'
  7. Re: Marvel Apocalypse Its already been established that Thor's hammer will 'create' another Thor as soon as someone worthy wields it in his absence. http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/thordargoktor.htm
  8. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain One morning as you were getting ready for work, awaiting the most tasty of foodstuff morsels you turned away for a moment and then... POP The toaster spring unloaded but you were a moment to late, someone had stolen your Egg-o waffle, you asked them to 'leggo', but it was to no avail. Now they must all pay.
  9. Re: Top 20 Comic Weapons
  10. Re: City of Heroes (Champions of Champion) Energy melee is really nice because of the debuffs from all of the attacks and the transfers do more damage than just about anything any brute powerset can put out. Elec give you the stam to sustain it. That's for pvp though, for pve I use a dark/elec brute, unlimited stam and very nice for killin' monsters and running TFs. Not so useful in pvp though.
  11. Re: City of Heroes (Champions of Champion)
  12. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign.
  13. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign.
  14. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. Man I just had to come back to this. What part of 'Ultimate Universe Sans 'hippy' Thor' did you not get? I hate to get the 'ol dander up but Thanos hasn't done alot in the Ultimate Universe whereas Apoc has done things along the lines of his Saturday morning self and is indeed deserving to be on a list where the end all be all powers of the over saturated mainline marvel universe haven't even been introduced. See, I DID respond to your little query originally, you just chose to ignore it. Call it whatever you want, but you're arguing with yourself here becaue beyond pointing out that you're just plain WRONG in your grandstanding I don't much care what you think. How's this? Next time I GM I'm giving Ka-Zar the cosmic cube and then I'm giving paste pot pete the powers of all of the Galactic Champions so they can use Thanos as a footstool. Anyway, I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
  15. Re: WWYCD?: The blatant-ening. This is the single most entertaining thread I have ever seen so I decided to be a part of it. Now I am. ~ fin
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I have filled my desktop and laptop drives with Tom Baker eps of Doctor Who.
  17. Re: 7 heroes summoned through time: who are they? Charlemange(Was a hero too, not just a conqueror), Miyamoto Musashi, Bat Masterson, Robert the Bruce, Davey Crocket, Alvin York. That's all I got.
  18. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. Actually, Thanos got taken to school by Squirrel Girl and Ka-Zar so I guess that right there kills any argument for him. Dr. Strange has been taken down by Deadpool so there's another one down, and Galactus? He's a chump, Spider-Man has put him in his place... See how that works? Really, you guys are pretty funny because its obvious that you are merely trying to place your own limitations on things because you either dislike Apoc(As shown in the last post), or are obvious Thanos fanboys. FYI, at least Apoc is somewhat original, unlike Darkse... er, Thanos.
  19. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. *sigh* As I said, I never ranked them so you're kind of arguing with yourself. While I find it somewhat entertaining you might want to just... not. Also this is MY top five in MY universe. I ask you to think about that before you reply again since your replies are placing your constraints on my world.
  20. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. I don't recall having ranked them first off. Secondly Apoc is amazingly powerful. Third it is the Ultimate universe without 'hippy' Thor. Fourth, have you ever tried to make Apocolypse? He's insanely expensive all things considered(Followers, bases, abilities beyond regular powers i.e. his skills with genetics, henchmen.). He is the most expensive character ever introduced in our campaign.
  21. Re: Who are the top 5 most powerful characters in your Campaign. As far as who has been introduced I'd have to say. The Doctor - Homegrown super genius/mentalist that we've only encountered a few times and admitedly have yet to fight but I just have a feeling... Apacolypse Thanos Reed Richards Dr. Strange Pretty standard Marvel fare but it may change up after our GMs recent housecleaning.
  22. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest 100% serious. Had a guy one time who tried to take distinctive appearance twice for having two different colored eyes. Just had to add that here.
  23. Re: City of Heroes (Champions of Champion) I play(ed) pretty hardcore for awhile but I just don't find it all that fun anymore. Only so many times you can do every mission in game and rock the pvp zones. I realized when I had four different 50s it was time to hang it up.
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Battle Flag - Low Fidelity Allstars
  25. Re: high-level presence He's a very good example because he lacks the high end presence of a Thor, or a Cap, but yet can stand against ANYONE and has(A higher presence) without so much as flinching. So I use him to show the desparity between presence level to presence resistance in Comics.
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