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Everything posted by Catacomb

  1. Re: Hero is broken Gee if only coordination worked that way...you take the stun per attack and add it together for stunning purposes so you don't multiply damage, you add. PLONK!!! Stinking troll.
  2. Catacomb

    DC Assault

    I'm still a little confused here...you said that the PC's were lead to a remote locale in order to minimize damage so what in the name of Zues's butthole were their 'loved ones' doing there?!?!? I get the assault on Washington(Which, unless they are the only supers in the world should fail miserably, especially if you have an uber-villian who would not see this action as being in his best interests, i.e. Doom, Luthor, Dr. Destroyer, Magneto, etc.), but if they are loved ones then why are they at the fight in the first place? I can see if the 'bad guys'(US Gov. in this case) brought them, but if the supers themselves had a hand in it then they shouldn't be mad at their own stupidity. BTW as soon as supers came on the scene in any sane world there would immediately exist some kind of task force to keep up with the strengths and weaknesses of all known supers at least in America, and they would posses the abilities to exploit both. This doesn't mean a catch-all deus ex machina kind of thing(At least be clever and inventive), but it might be a good time to introduce said group. The reason I say this is because once this arc is finished, if they do happen to rule America(cringe), then this campaign is over...they ruled the US sooooo either they are eliminated or removed as a factor in the world as super heroes, but I can't see them going back pulling cats out of trees.
  3. Re: Cthulhu in the 1960s? Rosemary's Baby anyone? Also I believe that Ramsey Campbell's(sp?) stories are set in the 1960's. Don't go too far with the whole 'social effect' in the 60's with Cthulu though because the game is all about atmosphere and 'Beach Blanket Bingo' + hippies may = scary but not for this game.
  4. I played in a D&D campaign that wa supposed to have a 'Hackmaster' tone, but the GM lost his cool with it after a couple of sessions involving player on player violence.
  5. Duke huh? A little bit of G.I. Joe action...
  6. No mention of Thor's daughters...only his sons.
  7. Re: What would your Character Do? Leave him to die and defend the innocents still in danger.
  8. Do your nastiest attack as a called shot to the neck...or head. The multipliers should be enough to snap any normals neck.
  9. Don't retire the campaign, just bring it to their level.
  10. I like all of the claisentience suggestions...cool for 'porters. BTW we've got one where we just plain don't allow teleporting attacks, particularly with megascale.
  11. If you have a 65 point limit then keep it at 65 points...don't let him enhance himself offensively and defensively with a VPP in order to skirt your point cap. Just my opinion.
  12. I'm sorry if I'm being obtuse here but...the more you have the better you are and the greater chance you have for success.
  13. He has killed once before? Then Catacomb does his job as Vangard's 'Wolverine'. He hunts him down and ends his existence...we aren't Batman here so if this guy has established a pattern then it's time to ice him. The justice system has ran its course so now it's time for justice to occur. Period.
  14. Just a rumor the account is entirely fictitious.
  15. How about 'The Antidiestablishmentarienist'?
  16. You could have some big nasty attack the same are where they all are...hopefully they're at least in the same city.
  17. I have an idea...let's make them and then play them.
  18. I think the better question is...Why would you do Grifter?
  19. Depending on your campaign levels Wolverin is only going to be about two points lower than Spidey, and Nightcrawler is on Pete's level as well.
  20. Yeah, but now Birdman is 'Harvey Birdman Attourney at Law' and his loitigation would win the day.
  21. Yup that's when Thor wasn't Thor, but Eric Masterson who later became known as Thunderstrike. He had no idea how to use the powers at his disposal correctly.
  22. Wolverine's speed and agility are waaaayyyy above a normal humans as evidenced by his fights with Spider-Man, and the fact that it is talked about in the X-Men comic when Gambit, Jubilee, and Wolvie are playing basketball in one of the early Jim Lee issues. Also Wolvie just might be a better fighter than Cap...more training(Or training while Cap was frozen), and trained by some of the best martial arts masters in the world, he's just nowhere near the same strategist. BTW Wolverine has done things in the past that suggest he might be above the normal human levels of strength as well...not alot, but at least a little. Also Thor is not Marvels power Icon, that title falls to Strange(1600 Frickin pts.) or Silver Surfer(2k easy last time I tried to make him).
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