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Everything posted by Enforcer84

  1. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero My mom said I could.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sunglasses At Night - Cory Hart
  3. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero I got mugged on the way to a costume party.
  4. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes I loved Mar-Vell's superhero costume (changed from his Kree Military Uniform)
  5. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero It was this or Politics, and I have a soul.
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Should I stay or Should I go - The Clash
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Blue Jean - David Bowie
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You meet a brand new nigh all-powerful new hero who has always been around and served as the rolemodel for all the heroes in your universe for decades, but was held on ice for the last couple of years. See: Sentinel
  9. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero Sadly, I was the only one the suit fit.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sweet Dreamer - Ian Hunter & Mick Ronson
  11. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hot Child in the City - Nick Gilder & Time Machine
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer has the full set of "When Death Tribble Ate the World" Commermative Plates.
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Father, Mother, Son - The Scream
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A few of the last words of Evorhan Dinwhistle. Evorahn: "You God is a six armed who "makes war" from shadows and cries whe the light is shined upon him. Ehlonna fears him no more than I fear you. Even if you kill me today, know that I will forever haunt your dreams, and I killed killed so many more of you than you did of I." Unfortunately, the last archer lucked out after I had killed the two priests. I did not die there, but was sacrificed.
  16. Re: Hyper Agility Powers... Oh yeah!
  17. Re: Hyper Agility Powers... good catch... ...but I dont know if I want to do that. I kind of like the idea that his reflexes are even outside of his control, he cannot bring them all to bare in combat... hence a lower CV but... I dunno, cause if I give him levels...We will see.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Point Tribble and Zornwil towards chicago. Point the ladies towards cheesecake Point myself towards the window Goodbye cruel world! *thud* Stupid ground level apartment.
  19. I got the idea for this guy from the Ultimate Speedster. Wagner's law states that any Hyper Agile superhuman must study swordsmanship. (Early versions of said law also forbade the hero in question from using swords) So I am making a very High level character (750 pts) who has superhuman Dexterity (35), Speed (8) and the powers that insue. To go with his Fencing martial art, he has Kung Fu Maneuvers. I could save points by combining the manuevers but I don't wanna. the other abilities I have given him: Ambidexterity Me First!: Lightning Reflexes for All Actions +10 (15 pts) - This is to counteract the damnable speedsters who all have this ability too. Battle Quickness: +7" Running only to determine half moves -1 0End (10 pts) - this means he can move his whole 7" of running as a "half Move". Mobility: Combat Luck (+3/3) (6pts) Hyper Agility: +3 with DEX based Skills (15pts) He has a Multipower: (50pts) Battlefield Punches: +5d6 HA, Autofire, 1/2End Whirlwind sweep: +4d6 HA, AE (Any), Personal Immunity, Selective (not sure I need the PI on this one. Blade Storm: 2d6-1 HKA, Autofire (5), 1/2 End, OIF (Blade of opporotunity) Blade Wave: 1d6+1 HKA AE, Any, Selective, OIF (BoO) Evasive Missile Deflection (Any) I believe this is yours Missile Reflection (Arrows, and lower) back at originator Anything else he should have? He's got a buccaneer motif, a lightly armored costume, a coat with more defense *activation* as well as other defense types, an enchanted rapier, a steel whip, a high tech flintlock, and ... I'd like him to have an airship but He's already pushing the 750pts and he has little by way of team gear and perks...
  20. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes I gotta say when Walter Langowski's spirit took over the Sasquatch/Snowbird body, I was amused at how well he took to becoming a hot female.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Looks good!
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