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Everything posted by megaplayboy

  1. Re: The New Circle It's a bored dimensional conqueror who moonlights as a superhero in this dimension to pass the time. Half the points are for perks which only come in to play in his own dimension. He has a set of shtick powers in a MP, a massive VPP which is much harder to use outside of his home dimension, and a giant adamantite colossus that he "pilots" inside(it looks like a spartan warrior clad in Hellenized plate)--his "Machina". His weaknesses, aside from susceptibility to boredom, are that he was abused as a child deity, and tends to collapse when physically assaulted by any powerful male foe; that almost all of his active powers require him to gesture with his hands and fingers, and thus a simple entangle could disable him; and that his machina is too huge to be useful in many situations, requiring him to do without its formidable protection. I've gone through two writeups already, and was working on the "final" version when my newer PC crashed
  2. Re: The New Circle (looks at needless carnage earlier in thread) hmmm... guess I won't post that 10,000+ point writeup of "Deus Ex Machina" then...
  3. Re: Tactics Advice If he can take any +1/2 advantage on his EB, I'd suggest getting some altitude with the flight, since not every opponent can fly, or has a ranged attack. then, depending on the nature of the opponent, you can select advantages appropriately: AE-Accurate(vs. Martial artist) AP (vs. brick or another energy projector) No Range Mods(for long range shots) x1.5 Knockback(to keep flyers off your back) Autofire 5(this should be your "finisher" against anybody whose DCV has been halved or reduced to 0--you'll hit 3 or more times and do a lot of damage, but it will drain your END fast)
  4. Re: If Champions didn't exist... I'd probably lean towards MSH/Advanced, DC Heroes/1st or 2nd Ed., or maybe Tri-Stat. Underground was a "superpunk" game that intrigued me. It's interesting no one's mentioned Aberrant
  5. Re: Do you use the Published characters as a baseline for you campaign? Well, since NND entangles are officially kosher, a limited form of that might work(the defense being using your CON as damage dice against the entangle). Could be a transform endowing the appropriate physical limitation, though that seems like overkill.
  6. Re: Do you use the Published characters as a baseline for you campaign? Iron Golem would be able to hold him off for almost a turn before dropping, thanks to 20 PD, DI/Growth giving some KB resistance, and half reduction. He never had more than a 65 STR, though, so doing significant stun would be unlikely, but he could at least handle a few phases of pounding. Possibly he could chin block a couple shots, brace against knockback, and hold out a full turn.
  7. Re: The White Knight defense actually, 30 agents armed with 8d6X attacks (60 AP)would do the trick even better, since they'd almost all hit, and the PC is defined as having only 10 points of PD/ED. Average Stun per attack after DR is 4, multiplied by about 25, minus 14, equals about 85 stun!
  8. Re: The White Knight defense another possibility is to buy some extra defenses(beyond the 2.5x DC cap) with the limitation "permeable(minimum stun damage is 1 point per point of body)"(-14 or -1/2, not sure what that's worth). You could stack that with the damage reduction, so even a 30d6 attack only does about 5-7 stun.
  9. Re: The White Knight defense a conforming force wall bought at 0 end, with personal immunity, might work. The character would basically be invulnerable to all attacks which did less than the def of the wall. the tricky part is I don't think there's any advantage which allows you to keep the FW up after it's breached.
  10. Re: The White Knight defense Autofire attacks tend to swamp that build--take 10d6, hitting five times--that's 30 stun after reduction, minus about 14 stun due to absorption, meaning 16 stun gets past those defense, which cost 100 points per type. If you go at 150 active points,20d6 AF5,that's 75 stun after reduction, minus 14 stun due to absorption, for 61 stun past defenses. or if you only hit twice, still a respectable 16 stun after defenses and absorption.
  11. Re: Why super tech never goes mainstream The short answer: because a world where super tech went mainstream would quickly look very different from the real world; because characters whose abilities come from super tech would become much less special if much of their tech was available off the rack; and because comic book writers don't want to deal with that stuff, so they hand wave it away when they have to. In a superhero RPG campaign, the GM and players are not necessarily bound by the same conceit. It's up to the group to decide whether or not supertech can be developed commercially. If the GM decides one thing and the players wanted the other, grumbling will ensue.
  12. Re: Why super tech never goes mainstream well, we had a situation in a campaign where the alien prince, his science advisor, and his princess crash landed in their FTL-capable starship on Earth, in the city where our superteam happened to be. One of the other team members had built his own power-armor and was a super-engineer. Another had an innate talent for figuring out exotic tech. Also, the alien prince's evil counterpart had also crash-landed in his FTL capable ship, and was cutting a deal with the smartest guy on Earth/CEO(who happened to be a villain in his free time) of a high tech company. So the 3 PCs sit down and work out a deal to help the prince rebuild his stardrive, in exchange for a 3-way deal to develop FTL drives, and starships, for commercial use, trading with the prince's planet, and eventually other planets. It took a year or two of game time, but eventually earth-built starships came to fruition. The campaign didn't quite last long enough for the full implications of that to be realized, but suffice to say, the PCs in question became ridiculously rich. I had plans to introduce an interstellar war based on a trade dispute, but the game ended before then.
  13. Re: Defensive VPP -- would you allow this? since it's not really under player control, and the defenses aren't likely to be permanent, I'd allow it.
  14. Re: Anyone have a writeup for a super archer? Here's a 4th Ed. writeup for an archer villain, kind of a zen assassin: Blood Bow Value Characteristic Points 20 STR 10 27 DEX 51 20 CON 20 15 BODY 10 18 INT 8 20 EGO 20 20 PRE 10 16 COM 3 10 PD 6 10 ED 6 5 SPD 13 8 REC 0 40 END 0 40 STUN 5 Total 162 Points Powers END 22 2d6 RKA--bow; Focus: Obvious Accessible, -1; Charges: +60, +½; Range: 225 0 29 Invisibility (Normal Sight, Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste); Concentrate: ½ DCV, -¼; Limited Power--only vs. single target: Seriously, -½ 5 24 Multipower (60-pt reserve); Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 u-2 4d6 Drain vs. running (Return/turn); Range: 300; Ranged: +½; Affects: Single Power, +0; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 u-2 4d6 Drain vs. body (Return/turn); Range: 300; Ranged: +½; Affects: Single Power, +0; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 u-2 4d6 Drain vs. dex (Return/turn); Range: 300; Ranged: +½; Affects: Single Power, +0; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 u-2 4d6 Drain vs. int (Return/turn); Range: 300; Ranged: +½; Affects: Single Power, +0; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 u-2 2d6 RKA; Based on EGO Combat Value: vs. ECV, +1; Range: 300; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 6 u-2 4d6 Entangle (DEF 4); Entangle Damage: Entangle Takes no Damage From Attack, +½; Range: 300; Linked to RKA: -½; Focus--bow: Obvious Accessible, -1 6 30 Missile Deflection (Arrows, At Attacker, OCV 9); Deflect Attacks: Normal, +0; Deflection Bonus: 0; OCV: 9 10 Armor (5 PD/5 ED); OIF: -½ 25 Spatial Awareness 6 Telescopic Sense (Sight, +4 to PER) 158 Total Powers Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 24 +3 level w/All Combat 15 +3 level w/Ranged Combat 3 Concealment 13- 4 Japanese (Native Accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 12 +4 level w/All Ranged Attacks 3 Tactics 13- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Shadowing 11- 25 Find Weakness with bow RKA; Attack Type: One, +0 14- 30 Danger Sense (Against All Attacks, General Area); Works: Against All Attacks, +10; Range: General Area, +10 11- 3 Fast Draw 14- 3 Lightsleep 134 Total Skills, Talents, Perks 200+ Disadvantages 25 Hunted--Crusaders (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Hunted--Japanese Superteam (11-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 10 Rivalry with Troubleshooter; Situation: Professional, 5; Position: Equal, +0; Rival: PC, +5 15 Always Obeys Orders of Superiors (Very Common, Moderate) 65 Total Disadvantages COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp. 162 + 292 = 454 454 = 65 + 200 + 189 OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases 9 9 7 0 15/5 15/5 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 ___________________ the basic arrows are tipped with various kinds of poisons, except for the BOECV attack, which is kind of a "spirit arrow" attack. By focusing, he can make himself undetectable by his chosen target. That, combined with the Find Weakness, and the linked carrier attacks, makes him quite lethal, even against many supers. the disads weren't finished at the time I did the writeup
  15. Re: Show me the PC and the comic relief cosmic hero I mentioned earlier: Captain GalacTick Value Characteristic Points 150/250 STR 140 45 DEX 105 75 CON 130 30/40 BODY 40 45 INT 35 35 EGO 50 75 PRE 65 20 COM 5 30/40 PD 0 30/40 ED 15 6 SPD 5 45 REC 0 150 END 0 150/160 STUN 7 Total 597 Points Powers END 100 Density Increase-10 (×1000 mass); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1; Mass: 0 kg/0.00 lbs; Extra PD: +10; Extra ED: +10; Extra STR: +50; Knockback: -10" 0 100 Growth-10 (×1000 mass, ×10 height); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1; Mass: 0 kg/0.00 lbs; Height: 0 cm/0"; Extra STR: 50; Knockback Reduction: -10; Extra BODY: 10; Extra STUN: 10; DCV Penalty: -7; PER Penalty: +7 0 90 Armor (45 PD/45 ED); OIF--galactick armor: -½ 30 Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED) 34 Damage Reduction (Physical, 75% Resistant); not vs. magic, surprise, bright, shiny things: Sometimes, -¾ 34 Damage Reduction (Energy, 75% Resistant); not v.magic,surprise,bright,shiny things: Sometimes, -¾ 25 Spatial Awareness 5 Discriminatory Sense (Spatial Awareness) 30 Telescopic Sense (Unusual Senses, +20 to PER) 20 N-Ray Vision 10 High Range Radio Hearing 30 Detect energy (+10 to PER); Time Required: Instant, +2; Range: Ranged, +5 24 Running (+12", 18", NC: 36"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Has Turn Mode: No, +0 5 187 reduced endurance: STR; Reduced END: Zero, ½; Double Knockback: +¾ 10 Flash Defense (Sight, 10 pts) 10 Flash Defense (Unusual Senses, 10 pts) 140 35" Flight (NC: 70"); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1; Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0 0 10 Lack of Weakness (-10 to Roll) 30 Life Support (total) 20 Knockback Resistance (-10") 10 Instant Change; Clothes: Any Set, 10 25 Mind Link; Minds: Any One Mind, +15; Number of Minds: 1, +0; Distance: Any, +5; Dimension: Any, +5; Link with: Anyone, +0 23 Mental Defense (30 pts) 30 Power Defense (30 pts) 50 Regeneration (3 BODY/Turn); Regenerate: From Death, +20 625 Variable Power Pool--power galactick (250-pt Pool); Control Cost: 125; Change Powers as 0 Phase Action: +1; No Skill Required for Change: +1 40 Supersonic Flight (Mach 4, 3,000 MPH) 4 30 Superleap (+30", 80", NC: 160"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0 6 60 Shape Shift (Any); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1 0 250 Clairsentience (Spatial Awareness); See: Future and Past, +40; Dimensions: Other, +20; Range: 6,553,600,000,000"; Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1; Concentrate: Throughout & 0 DCV, -1 0 2082 Total Powers Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Combat Piloting 18- 3 Computer Programming 18- 3 Inventor 18- 3 Area Knowledge--milky way galaxy 18- 17 Mechanics 18- 17 Navigation 18- 3 Oratory 24- 500 Base--fortress of gratitude: 2500 300 Vehicle--ravager of justice: 1500 200 Follower--regulus (1, 1000 pts, 0 Disad.); Number: 1, +0 1 Professional Skill--galactic superhero 8- 30 +10 level w/All Ranged Attacks 50 +5 level w/Overall Level 40 +5 level w/All Combat 3 Systems Operation 18- 3 Tracking 18- 0 Large Spaceships 2 Space Vehicles 2 Heavy Weapons 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Bump of Direction 49 Danger Sense (Against All Attacks, Anywhere); Works: Against All Attacks, +10; Range: Anywhere, +15 18- 40 Luck (8d6) 20 Universal Translator 18- 3 Area Knowledge--andromeda galaxy 18- 3 Area Knowledge--magellanic cluster 18- 3 Area Knowledge--zeta galaxy 18- 17 Electronics 18- 1321 Total Skills, Talents, Perks 1900+ Disadvantages 25 5d6 Unluck 10 Reputation--klutzy, clumsy, dumb megapowerful dude (8-, Extreme) 5 Dependence--massive energy (3d6/1 Day); Substance: Uncommon, +15 20 Distinctive Features--giagntic, aura of power; Concealability: Concealable, 10; Reaction: Extreme, +10 25 Hunted--mojo destructo (14-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Hunted--Dr.shiny, evil sorceror supreme (11-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Hunted--mr.bright, inventor/mentalist (11-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Phys. Lim.--dumber than a sack of hammers--no common sense (Frequently, Greatly) 10 Code Against Killing (Common, Moderate) 20 Psych. Lim.--"dedicated crimefighter" (Very Common, Strong) 15 Secret Identity--"Kent GalacTick" 40 Susceptibility--bright and shiny objects (3d6 STUN and BODY/Turn); Condition: Uncommon, +5 40 Vulnerability--magic (2× STUN and BODY); Attack: Common, +10 20 Vulnerability--magic (2× Effect); Attack: Common, +10 20 Vulnerability--bright and shiny objects (2× STUN and BODY); Attack: Uncommon, +5 5 Watched--space cavaliers, other groups (11-); Capabilities: Less Powerful, 5; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Mild, -5 300 Total Disadvantages COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp. 597 + 3403 = 4000 4000 = 300 + 1900 + 1800 OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases 15 15 / 8 12 30 85/75 85/75 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
  16. Re: Show me the PC and here's the NPC version of Vigilance, the "BatPunisher" of my last campaign: Vigilance Value Characteristic Points 30/50 STR 20 26 DEX 48 30 CON 40 20 BODY 20 23 INT 13 23 EGO 26 25/40 PRE 15 20 COM 5 12 PD 2 12 ED 6 6 SPD 24 16 REC 0 60 END 0 60 STUN 0 Total 219 Points Powers END 130 Battlesuit--urban battle gear; OIF: -½ (20) Armor (8 PD/8 ED); Hardened: ×1, ¼; OIF: -½ (13) +20 STR; OIF: -½ 2 (7) Clinging (Clinging STR +0); OIF: -½ (27) Invisibility (Radar); Reduced END: Zero & Persistent, 1; OIF: -½ 0 (20) Life Support (total); OIF: -½ (7) Power Defense (10 pts); OIF: -½ (3) Flash Defense (Sight, 5 pts); OIF: -½ (3) Flash Defense (Hearing, 5 pts); OIF: -½ (3) Infrared Vision; OIF: -½ (7) High Range Radio Hearing; OIF: -½ (3) Ultraviolet Vision; OIF: -½ (2) Ultrasonic Hearing; OIF: -½ (4) Telescopic Sense (Sight, +4 to PER); OIF: -½ (4) Telescopic Sense (Hearing, +4 to PER); OIF: -½ (7) +15 PRE; offensive use only: Frequently, -½; OIF: -½ 10 Elemental Control--cybernetic cape/cowl (15-pt reserve); OIF: -½ a-10 Swimming (+30", 32", NC: 64"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Has Turn Mode: No, +0; Surface Only: No, +0; OIF: -½ 6 b-10 Superleap (+30", 40", NC: 80"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; OIF: -½ 6 c-10 15" Flight (NC: 30"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; OIF: -½ 3 d-10 30" Gliding (NC: 60"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×1, +0; OIF: -½ e-7 Damage Reduction (Physical, 50% Resistant); Requires Skill Roll:Danger sense: -½; OIF: -½ f-10 Missile Deflection (All Ranged Attacks, None, OCV 9); Deflect Attacks: Adjacent, +½; Deflection Bonus: 0; OCV: 9; OIF: -½ g-10 Invisibility (Hearing); Reduced END: Zero, ½; OIF: -½ 0 5 Mental Defense (10 pts) 5 Lack of Weakness (-5 to Roll) 36 Variable Power Pool--utility belt (30-pt Pool); Control Cost: 15; Change Only in Certain Circumstance: -½; OAF: -1 37 Multipower--arsenal of justice (75-pt reserve); OAF: -1 u-3 Stretching (8", NC: 16"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Reduced END: Zero, ½; OAF: -1 0 u-3 2d6 RKA; Charges: +8, -½; Clips: 4, ½; Variable Advantage: Max. Advantage ½, +1½; Range: 375; OAF: -1 0 u-3 3d6 Entangle (DEF 3); Entangle Damage: Entangle Takes no Damage From Attack, +½; Area Effect (Radius): 5" radius, +1; Charges: +16, +0; Range: 375; OAF: -1 0 u-3 3d6 Drain vs. stun (Return/turn); Range: 375; Ranged: +½; Area Effect (Radius): 5" radius, +1; Affects: Single Power, +0; OAF: -1 u-3 3d6 Flash (Normal Sight); Range: 350; Sense: Hearing, 5; Area Effect (Radius): 4" radius, +1; Charges: +16, +0; OAF: -1 0 305 Total Powers Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Acting 17- 5 Area Knowledge--LA 16- 5 Area Knowledge--Richmond 16- 5 Area Knowledge--SF Bay AREA 16- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Bribery 17- 3 Bugging 14- 3 Bureaucratics 17- 3 Climbing 14- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Combat Piloting 14- 24 +3 level w/All Combat 6 +3 level w/Single Attack--handgun 3 Computer Programming 14- 3 Concealment 14- 3 Contortionist 14- 3 Conversation 17- 5 Criminology 15- 3 Cryptography 14- 5 Deduction 15- 3 Demolitions 11- 3 Disguise 11- 3 Electronics 11- 5 Forensic Medicine 15- 3 Gambling 11- 3 Forgery 11- 3 Interrogation 17- 1 Inventor 8- 3 Cantonese (Completely Fluent w/accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 2 German (Fluent Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Japanese (Completely Fluent w/accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Korean (Completely Fluent w/accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 4 Mandarin (Native Accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Spanish (Completely Fluent w/accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 2 Swahili (Fluent Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Thai (Completely Fluent w/accent); Literacy: Standard, 0 3 Lip Reading 11- 3 Lockpicking 14- 63 Black Panther Self Defense Spirit system (5) Choke Hold (OCV -2, DCV 0, Grab, 2d6 NND) (4) Crush (OCV 0, DCV 0, 14d6) (4) Fast Strike (OCV +2, DCV 0, 12d6) (4) Killing Strike (OCV -2, DCV 0, 1d6+1 HKA) (5) Killing Throw (OCV -2, DCV 0, 1d6+1 HKA) (3) Legsweep (OCV +2, DCV -1, 11d6) (4) Martial Block (OCV +2, DCV +2) (4) Martial Disarm (OCV -1, DCV +1) (4) Martial Dodge (OCV --, DCV +5) (4) Martial Escape (OCV 0, DCV 0, STR 65) (3) Martial Grab (OCV -1, DCV -1, STR 60) (4) Nerve Strike (OCV -1, DCV +1, 2d6 NND) (5) Offensive Strike (OCV -2, DCV +1, 14d6) (5) Passing Strike (OCV +1, DCV 0, 10d6+v/5) (5) Takeaway (OCV 0, DCV 0, STR 60) 3 Oratory 17- 3 Paramedic 14- 10 Contact--high level LAPD contact; Usefulness: Incredibly, +3 16- 7 Contact--low level street contact; Usefulness: Very, +1 15- 3 Persuasion 17- 3 Professional Skill:teacher 17- 6 +2 level w/All Ranged Attacks 2 Metallurgy 11- 3 Psychology 14- 30 +3 level w/Overall Level 3 Sleight of Hand 14- 11 Stealth 18- 3 Survival 11- 3 Systems Operation 14- 3 Seduction 17- 3 Shadowing 11- 5 Security Systems 15- 5 Tactics 15- 5 Combat Sense 15- 30 Danger Sense (Against All Attacks, Self); Works: Against All Attacks, +10; Range: Self, +0 16- 5 Defense Maneuver 7 Fast Draw with gun 16- 15 Find Weakness with RKA; Attack Type: One, +0 12- 15 Luck (3d6) 3 Tracking 14- 2 Air Vehicles 5 Knowledge Skill--organized crime 16- 5 Knowledge Skill--street gangs of LA 16- 3 Knowledge Skill--police procedure 14- 5 Knowledge Skill--criminal psychology 16- 2 Knowledge Skill--LA paranormals 11- 50 Base: 250 5 Streetwise 18- 476 Total Skills, Talents, Perks 300+ Disadvantages 10 Enraged when innocents harmed (11-, 11-); Circumstances: Common, +10 10 Distinctive Features--large handsome black man; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Always noticed & major reaction, +5 20 Reputation--vigilante crimefighter (14-, Extreme) 15 Secret Identity--Robert johnson 15 Watched--police (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Vengeful (Common, Strong) 20 Psych. Lim.--devoted to justice (Very Common, Strong) 10 DNPC--girlfriend of the moment (Normal, 8-); Skills: Normal, +0 20 Hunted--organized crime (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 25 Hunted--Lords of crime (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 10 Watched--media (14-); Capabilities: Less Powerful, 5; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Psych. Lim.--protective of innocents (Common, Strong) 15 DNPC--high school students (Incompetent, 8-); Skills: Normal, +0 200 Total Disadvantages COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp. 219 + 781 = 1000 1000 = 200 + 300 + 500 OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases 9 9 8 10 20/8 20/8 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
  17. Re: Show me the PC Here's the Supes clone from my last campaign: Paragon Value Characteristic Points 70 STR 60 30 DEX 60 35 CON 50 17 BODY 14 25 INT 15 25 EGO 30 35 PRE 25 30 COM 10 35 PD 21 35 ED 28 7 SPD 30 21 REC 0 70 END 0 70 STUN 0 Total 343 Points Powers END 35 Damage Resistance (35 PD/35 ED) 35 Elemental Control--Paragenetic abilities (35-pt reserve) a-35 14d6 Energy Blast; Range: 350; Versus: ED 7 b-35 35" Flight (NC: 70"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0 7 c-35 Supersonic Flight (Mach 7, 5,250 MPH) 7 20 N-Ray Vision 5 Infrared Vision 5 Ultraviolet Vision 10 Tracking Scent 3 Ultrasonic Hearing 15 Microscopic Vision (×100000) 15 Telescopic Sense (Sight, +10 to PER) 15 Telescopic Sense (Hearing, +10 to PER) 10 Knockback Resistance (-5") 30 Life Support (total) 37 5d6 Aid to all paragenetic powers (Fade/turn, Max. 30); Range: 0; IIF--paragon symbol inside costume: -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Side Effects: 30/Half, -½; Affects: All Powers of Special Effect, +2 7 37 5d6 Aid to all physical characteristics (Fade/turn, Max. 30); Range: 0; Affects: All Powers of Special Effect, +2; IIF: -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Side Effects: 30/Half, -½ 7 20 Faster-Than-Light Travel (32 LY/Year) 5 Flash Defense (Sight, 5 pts) 24 Running (+12", 18", NC: 36"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; Has Turn Mode: No, +0 5 5 Mental Defense (10 pts) 10 Power Defense (10 pts) 10 Instant Change; Clothes: Any Set, 10 451 Total Powers Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Acting 16- 3 Breakfall 15- 3 Area Knowledge--LA 14- 3 Bureaucratics 16- 3 Conversation 16- 3 Deduction 14- 3 High Society 16- 22 Wrestling (3) Slam (OCV +0, DCV +1, 14d6+v/5) (3) Take Down (OCV +2, DCV +1, 14d6) (4) Escape (OCV 0, DCV 0, STR 85) (3) Hold (OCV -1, DCV -1, STR 80) (5) Choke (OCV -2, DCV 0, Grab, 2d6 NND) (4) Reversal (OCV +2, DCV +2) 3 Oratory 16- 3 Paramedic 14- 3 Persuasion 16- 5 Contact--President of the US; Usefulness: Incredibly, +3 11- 4 Contact--Gen.Masterson; Usefulness: Extremely, +2 11- 3 Contact--chief of Police; Usefulness: Very, +1 11- 3 Contact--mayor of LA; Usefulness: Very, +1 11- 5 Money (Well Off) 18 +6 level w/All Ranged Attacks 3 Seduction 16- 3 Streetwise 16- 1 Tactics 8- 3 Knowledge Skill--world superheroes 14- 3 Knowledge Skill--world supervillains 14- 5 International Police Powers 3 Federal/National Police Powers 10 Eidetic Memory 25 Luck (5d6) 60 +6 level w/Overall Level 206 Total Skills, Talents, Perks 300+ Disadvantages 10 Public Identity 15 Reputation--world's greatest hero (14-) 15 Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate) 10 Enraged--innocents harmed (11-, 11-); Circumstances: Common, +10 15 Distinctive Features--incredible physique; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Extreme, +10 15 Psych. Lim.--protective of innocents (Common, Strong) 20 Vulnerability--surprise attacks (2× STUN); Attack: Common, +10 20 Vulnerability--magic (2× Effect); Attack: Common, +10 15 Watched--us government (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 10 Psych. Lim.--hollywood hedonist (Common, Moderate) 145 Total Disadvantages COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp. 343 + 657 = 1000 1000 = 145 + 300 + 555 OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases 10 10 8 10 35/35 35/35 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
  18. Re: Show me the PC Kid Wonder Value Characteristic Points 20/50 STR 10 18/28 DEX 24 20/35 CON 20 14/20 BODY 8 15/25 INT 5 15/20 EGO 10 20/35 PRE 10 20/30 COM 5 10/25 PD 0 7/22 ED 0 3/6 SPD -8 17 REC 0 70 END 0 63 STUN 0 Total 84 Points Powers END 24 +30 STR; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 3 24 +10 DEX; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 24 +15 CON; not inpresence of viperiumradiation: Usually, -¼ 8 +10 INT; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 12 +15 PRE; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 4 +10 COM; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 10 +6 BODY; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 8 +5 EGO; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 12 +15 PD; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 12 +15 ED; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 24 +3 SPD; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 21 Damage Resistance (21 PD/21 ED) 20 N-Ray Vision(can't see through skin) 3 Microscopic Vision (×10) 56 Multipower-viper superscience enhancements (70-pt reserve); not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ u-6 14d6 Energy Blast; Range: 350; Versus: ED; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 7 u-6 7d6 Energy Blast; No Normal Defense(mental defense): +1; Range: 350; Versus: ED; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 7 u-6 14d6 Mind Control; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 7 u-6 Invisibility (??, Sight, Mental, Hearing, Smell/Taste, No Fringe); not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 7 u-4 1½d6 Transform (Major, Anything); Range: 260; Cumulative: Yes, +½; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 5 u-6 35" Flight (NC: 70"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; not in presence of viperium radiation: Usually, -¼ 7 296 Total Powers Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 3 Acrobatics 15- 3 Paramedic 14- 5 Persuasion 17- 3 Breakfall 15- 3 Streetwise 16- 5 Seduction 17- 5 +1 level w/HTH Combat 40 +4 level w/Overall Level 20 Comic Book Martial Arts (4) Punch (OCV 0, DCV +2, 12d6) (5) Kick (OCV -2, DCV +1, 14d6) (4) Block (OCV +2, DCV +2) (3) Throw (OCV +0, DCV +1, 10d6+v/5) (4) Dodge (OCV --, DCV +5) 20 Danger Sense (Against All Attacks, Self); Works: Against All Attacks, +10; Range: Self, +0 11- 10 Eidetic Memory 3 Knowledge Skill--Viper 14- 120 Total Skills, Talents, Perks 150+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features--mutant; Concealability: Easily, 5; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0 25 Hunted--genocide (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Secret Identity--Tommy Flanagan 5 Watched--Karl Raven (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Limited, -5; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Mild, -5 15 Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate) 10 Psych. Lim.--feels responsible for brother's actions (Uncommon, Strong) 15 Hunted--Kid Miracle (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0 15 Psych. Lim.--protective of innocents (Common, Strong) 10 Psych. Lim.--uses powers to get things he wants (Common, Moderate) 5 Watched--Viper (8-); Capabilities: Less Powerful, 5; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0 120 Total Disadvantages COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp. 84 + 416 = 500 420 = 120 + 150 + 150 OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases 9 9 7 0 25/21 22/21 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
  19. Re: Cheesy diceroll advantages How much of an advantage would it be for "to hit" rolls or skill rolls--i.e., "all 6s become 5s", "all 5s and 6s become 4s", etc. That seems like it'd be worth at least double, since it could equate to "never misses" or "never fails". I know there's an inherent inertia both in the system and the people who play it against having absolutes.
  20. Re: Show me the PC well, Superman's possible DNPCs: Lois Lane Jonathan Kent Martha Kent Lana Lang Pete Ross Jimmy Olsen Perry White Catherine "Cat" Grant Det. Maggie Sawyer Morgan Edge(depending on continuity) +a half dozen others It really depends on how much work the GM wants to do...
  21. Re: Show me the PC well, he didn't start out with that many...only had 2 in his first incarnation, but underwent a couple of "radiation accident" rewrites which upped the numbers. Probably could just incorporate them into one "inner circle" multiDNPC disad
  22. Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian That's it, maybe we should have a "celebrity writeups thread"... Shakira and Selma Hayek should be listed as professional rivals, and Jennifer Garner(who in the game world should be an actual ninja/secret agent) should be listed as a romantic rival for the affections of hopelessly untalented Ben Affleck.
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