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  1. Re: Whoops! Did I really allow that power? High strength with double knockback.
  2. Re: To gun fu or not gun fu? Man, I did not come here to get into a flame war, I hope I didn't offend you. These were just simple back of the wrong envelope calculations. For some reason I was thinking HA was 4 points per level. But in any case, if we add more martial maneuvers to the character, then we have to pay for them... and that just ends up making the point disparity worse. Lets add Martial Dodge and Martial Escape to round out the Martial Arts Package. Note: I reduced the EB to 5d6 to remove the damage class from the equation. (25) 5d6 EB (3) 2 Range penalty skill levels with EB (RNG bonuses are PSLs vs. range, not +OCV) (4) : +2 DCV with one maneuver : Simulated Martial Dodge (8) : +25 strength -1 1/2 only for escaping -1/2 No figured characteristics : Simulated Martial Escape ----------------------- (40) vs. (4) Basic Shot (+0 OCV +0 DCV +2 RNG +2 DC) (4) Martial Dodge (4) Martial Escape (15) 3d6 EB ----------------------- (27) If we do the same thing to the HtH example we get a similar result.
  3. Re: To gun fu or not gun fu? You are right to avoid gun foo. If your player wants to play a master of firearms, skill levels and extra damage dice are the only fair way to go. and by fair, I mean fair to the other players...the ones that you made pay full price for their powers. Here's why: Two ways to write up a 6d6 EB with +2 vs range. 30pts 6d6 EB "Ray Beam" 4 pts +2 Ranged Skill Levels with "Ray Beam" --- 34 pts vs 15pts 3d6 EB "Ray Beam" 4 pts Basic Shot (+2 Ranged Skill Level, +3 DC) --- 19 pts You could argue that the non-marital arts example should cost more because it can be used with Haymaker, but is that worth 15 points? If I were the guy that you let buy the martial arts version I'd spend the points on +5Dex and not even bother to kiss Haymaker goodbye on her way out the door. You could also argue that the problem with ranged martial arts affects normal martial arts too. You would get no argument from me on that point. Martial Arts has always been broken in the hero system for the same reason as noted above. 16pts +4d6 HA "Mighty Fist" (total 6d6) 5pts (10 pts) +2 DCV -1 limitation "only after Mighty Fist" --- 21 pts vs 8pts 2d6 HA 4pts Martial Strike (comes with +2 DCV and +2d6 HA) --- 12 pts If you're playing in a talented normal game, Martial arts is a good fit for the simple reason that super powers aren't available, but once you cross the boundary into super land you should leave MA at the border - they have no place there.
  4. Re: Help with a power Even without the book in hand you bring up a good point. The definition of instant has a bit of flexibility. But when you combine it with Stretching Granting the full -1/2 limitation may be a bit too much, as it may be too limiting to work with stretching (since some of it sounds like it is already partially built in). Perhaps a "-1/4 Limited Power: one phase only" may be more appropriate. The limitation here is that the character can only perform actions that can be completed in one phase. (No haymakers, disarming bombs, typing letters to grandma, etc...), but it still allows him to be counterattacked. In that case, I'd go with 32 9" Stretching (56 Active points) +1/4 Does Not Cross Intervening Space. -1/4 Limited Power: One Phase Only. -1/2 Increased Endurance: 2x End (to bring the real cost down)
  5. Re: Dumbest Moment Ever in your games Phantos is a 6ft tall male human infected with nanotechnology. He glows with an unearthly white light, can fly, shoot lightening bolts and teleport through electrical lines. He is trying to infiltrate a villain base and has decided to ambush a villain and take his costume as a disguise. Which of the following villains will Phantos choose... A) Chessire Cat - a teleporting martial artist. His costume is a Karate Suit and a full face mask. 2) Charger - an electrical blaster. His costume is blue tights with yellow lightening bolts and a full face mask. d) Mandingo - half-man half dog. His 'costume' is a pair of purple shorts (to maintain his remaining dignity). ...drumroll... If you answered d) you are correct! Award yourself 2 points for remembering the topic of this thread. If you answered A) or 2) you fail and should report to the nearest termination booth.
  6. Re: Help with a power What you are describing is the practically the definition of Stretching with the advantage +1/4 Does Not Cross Intervening Space. You could even put a limitation on it like -1/2 Instant to enforce the concept that you are teleporting back to where you started at the end of the action. In you put the "Stretching" in a multipower with your TP, that will keep you from both teleporting and "stretching" in the same phase. The stretching will also let you perform other actions besides your HKA (E.G. grab, punch, open a door, anything you could normally do in one phase). For 56 active point you could get 9 inches of stretching for a real cost of 37 points.
  7. Re: Looking for prinatble Hex Map try this! http://perso.easynet.fr/~philimar/graphpapeng.htm
  8. The Immortal Necromancer is a woman. She has worn out her current boidy and needs a replacement. So far the candidates she has kidnapped have not been suitable. Once she finds one that meets the relavent mystical criteria (e.g.one that can 'tame the savage heart' and pass 'the test of the sacred blade'... or something like that) she will transfer her soul into its new vessel and continues her craven existance of keg stands and bar crawling.
  9. Teleport??? I havn't worked with Bases much, but how about Teleport - Useable on Others (Perhaps limited to those that know a secret code)) - Megascale (To whatever level necessary to emcompass the world)
  10. High and Mighty High was a flying energy projecter. Mighty was a flying brick. They were "heros" We had been playing out the great super villan contest. The GM thought we were getting a bit out of controll. We had just extorted a billion dollar ransom out of the city and were feeling pretty cocky. He brought in High and Mighty to reign us in. Our first introduction to them was awe inspiring. One of the villan groups (Mr. Mean and the Nasties) was breaking up a charity parade on live TV for points in the contest. High and Mighty intervened. Our group was watching the event on TV from the relative safety of our base. Mr Mean was breaking up a couple of the floats as the Nasties held the police at bay. Laser eye beam blasts came from out of the sky killing two or three of the Nasties (autofire RKA with no range modifier). Mighty the streaked out of the sky into a move through on Mr. Mean blasting him through a building or two. Another phase of RKAs and a multiple move by killed the rest of the Nasties. Their intoduction into capaign didn't have exactly the affect that the GM anticipated. We ralized that we couldn't afford a run in with High and Mighty. Rather than decide to reign on our villan personas we ecided to distract them. Our next caper was to spring all the villans in Stronghold (the super villan super max prison). Not only did that keep High and Mighty off our backs long enough to win the contest, but we were able to recruit a couple of the more financially motivated supervillans onto our team.
  11. I wasn't there ... Before I joined the group I currently play with, there was a guy that played Bizarro Hitler. He was Hitler from Bizarro World. You're probably familiar with the concept of Bizarro World, but in case you're not: Bizarro world is just like our world, but everything is the opposite. While Real World Hitler was evil, Bizarro world Hitler was good. Where Real World Hitler was a normal man, Bizarro Hitler had super powers. Where the Real World Hitler didn't wear roller skates, Bizarro Hitler wore roller skates.
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