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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. The meaning of "Kara"? I was thinking today: Kara Ka.ra. Ka is an ancient Egyptian (word / image) for spirit and "Ra" was god of the sun and creator god of the Ennead. So "Kara" must then mean "Spirit of light" aka Sunny, joyful, happy etc. To me, her name fits her well, really well. Edit: thought about it a bit more and come up with a new 'definition': highly spirited, full of life, and looks to the light side of life. Also a note that Rachel has "Ra" as well. I'm guessing that "chel" must translate to "master of bat-fu" in some ancient tongue. . Seriously I don't know what "chel" means. anyone help? Google?
  2. And he (or Andy) could just fit it into a softcover (page count similar to Fantasy Hero) it will be ideal.
  3. Error Error Dr. Anomaly -- quoteing of musings if forbiden due to Old Man's initial post. Those go in the musing about musing thread. Now go to your corner and think about it
  4. this thread has a lot of legs. who knew people wanted to muse so much?
  5. Steve asked what we want to see. I only have one requirement: ONE SETTING BOOK TO RULE THEM ALL!!! I'm a simple person, with a simple wish. Steve, hope you got a chuckle.
  6. what is with repeating the christmas specific ads well after christmas? I don't get it, nor approve of it. Thank goodness I dislike the fast food chain anyway.
  7. FYI: The musings about musings have exceeded the musings in terms of default pages. We've been musing about musings more than we have been musing.
  8. Well this is my story. My hard drive was starting to make a funny noise on Wednesday night. I took it in to have a look at last Friday (Thursday was busy). It turns out that I could get the computer back for the weekend and the hard drive collapsed in "pre xmas hype". Well today, a Monday, I'm finally posting back again after a unwelcome delay. Now to catch up with 4/5 days posts. :sigh:
  9. I find LotR fever ironic. All those people making sure they see each movie the day/weekend it is released. They are attracted to Sauron's ring just like Bilbo, Gollum and Frodo. That's the ironic thing -- the ring is bad news -- I thought they knew that? Also the Ring will never leave those who made the films. Whatever they do, the Ring they will remember, cling to their time in its presence -- sort of like Bilbo. I plan on seeing RotK on Jan 2, 111th Birthday of JRRT (It is released in Aus on 26th Dec).
  10. There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
  11. e-friendships, a new word for a new year.
  12. To post or not to post -- that is the question.
  13. Lemming is also doing a conversion. more details in the pet project thread in General Roleplaying. YOu might want to PM him.
  14. Old man thanks for the advice about cat in the hat. and for my muse: why does Hollywood have to a$$-rape every property that it comes in contact with?
  15. Starlord previous post what is a "holy smiley"? -- a smiley with holes?
  16. Silence is the teacher, love her student.
  17. Why is gravity kind to Starlords avatar?
  18. Why does one have to study before you take an university examination?
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