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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. Since it is Monday my location pick is “Location”. Now none of you can draft a location. I win.
  2. I know I’m in the first group.
  3. As D&D is the most popular, and dare say, iconic RPG (at least to the wider public), these 6 ability scores, have also, in a real sense become iconic as well. And as for the difference between intelligence & wisdom; intelligence is more like reason, and wisdom is more like intellect (as it was known before Kant misunderstood it and ruined it since).
  4. ATM machine = addicted to money machine.
  5. One reason I posted it, is that I’ve been reading on Distributism and this story entails, in part, what it is about: to distribute means of production (and capital) to the many, not the few.
  6. Up to you. It is Leia in green “resembling” a D&D goblin (or something).
  7. too late, I found something very close…
  8. How the late Bob's Red Mill founder avoided selling out to a food giant and instead transferred ownership to his 700 employees
  9. Baby Yoda really didn’t miss leg, arm, and torso day.
  10. These ARE the droids I’m looking for!!
  11. Did you hear that NASA is about to launch a new mission to say sorry to aliens for Earth polluting space? It's called "Apollo-G".
  12. Two artists had a fight. It ended in a draw.
  13. The patriarchy is dominate in the postal service. After all it is a mostly mail service.
  14. The blind vegan said “I got to watch what I eat…”
  15. Time actually is abstract. So not much a joke…should post it to the advice thread.
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