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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. They say love is blind.
  2. I gotta find out now which universities offer astrology majors.
  3. When you have Doctors of the Catholic Church who are The Great write about astrology it makes you wonder if science is missing something. And that answer is Platonism.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/reel/715294049963125?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw
  5. The ones who don't get nearly enough credit in Hollywood are the accountants. Really. Those people are the true creative geniuses
  6. GOD: Cain, where is your brother? Cain: He wasn't Abel to make it.
  7. If you only believe 12.5 % of the Bible you are an eight-theist.
  8. Actualise the potential.
  9. Theoretical pseudo-scientist. Theoretical pseudo-physicist.
  10. https://youtube.com/shorts/lT2KOcNWg3w?si=enHzDWw5B5MMO2sn
  11. Have you heard about the chocolate record player? Sounds pretty sweet.
  12. Why can’t a nose be 12-inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
  13. Was she giving him the side-eye?
  14. Who is the best US President? Ie overall best. and if you like, top 5.
  15. And the Texas Book Depository.
  16. Duke’s obviously with the Magenta religion.
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