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Glen Sprigg

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Everything posted by Glen Sprigg

  1. Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived! Well...Comet and Archangel are both the types to step up to the front of the line and take him down, although Comet is more the HTH-style fighter; Archangel tends to like his big flaming holy sword.
  2. Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes I've got a 1000-point Archangel. Combine Thor and Zauriel and you've got it. I've also got the Disciple, who basically works miracles. At first it was limited to stuff that happened in the Bible, but later on he got creative. Both work for God. I've created a team of Catholic heroes (although these are the only two who actually have divine-inspiration as their origins). What can I say? I like positive outlooks.
  3. Re: Best published adventure I recommend "Atlas Unleashed" as a good one for starting a campaign; there is a built-in origin for PCs if you want to use it. Road Kill isn't a great adventure (having to rescue a boy-band from a heavy metal villain group is a tough moral decision for many people), but it's reasonably low-powered for a beginning group. You could also use the Mystic Masters book, even if it's based in comic-book magic; the opening scene could be modified or even used as is for a fledgling team.
  4. Re: Name for an elemental mage I have a character with similar powers (mutate, not mage). Originally he was called 'Mr. Marvel' because I really couldn't think of a good name for him. Fortunately, the Hero Boards saved me and my character's dignity, and he was renamed... Equinox. Hope that works for you.
  5. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... Upon further consideration, I'm now going to create a 10,000 point character just for this scenario.
  6. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... How's THIS for some thread necromancy? ...your team's headquarters includes a petting zoo with the Supreme Surpent as the prime attraction. ...your secret lair has a Batphone with Zeus playing the role of Commissioner Gordon. ...DEMON offers to ward your town from evil magic 'as a token of our esteem.' ...the Harbinger of Justice is your sidekick. ...the GM can't come up with a way for Takofanes' VPP to hurt you even after consulting with the Hero board pantheon.
  7. Re: Golden Age Champions On the plus side, with some quick conversions of the 4th edition characters, we'll have even more GA characters to play with. You know what I'd REALLY like to see in GAC? A Canadian hero. Even if it's just one. After all, Canada was in the war earlier than the Americans anyway. Two full years earlier, in fact. No way the Nazis didn't have agents north of the 49th parallel for a Canadian hero to pound into bratwurst.
  8. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever How about these ones? Superman vs. the Elite in Action 775. They wanted to prove he couldn't beat them without going 'over the line.' He did it anyway. The Justice Society in a sort-of limited series from a few years ago. It was a two-parter, with six or seven 'in-between' issues with names from the Golden Age of Comics. They fought some sort of alien who wanted to end war by destroying the planet. Set in 1944, it's a great story and an impressive fight at the end of both issues. Wonder Woman vs. Hawkman...in 1942. When Byrne redeemed himself in my eyes for many sins by giving us a Golden Age WW. Hippolyta goes back in time and serves alongside the Justice Society for eight years. I'm a huge Golden Age fan, and this works for me in a big way. Watching her and Hawkman go at it when they first meet was cool: sword vs. mace.
  9. Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!! Archangel would glare at the impertinent, MAGIC-USING infidel creature before him, promptly declare it a demon, and draw his really big sword. Comet would only go along with this hunting scenario if innocents were endangered by it; otherwise, he's standing there and wait for the bear to try something dumb, like attack him. Dr. Infinity would basically chuckle, shake his head sadly, then teleport both he and the 'hunter' to a more suitable dimension...where bears are considered both prey and delicacy. Snowbird would rely on some of his more 'jungle-minded' teammates to help get the team out; he'd be more concerned with staying alive. Frosty wings aren't really stealthy.
  10. Re: WWYCD: Anti- 'Authority' The only way I can see my characters allowing this situation to get this far is if they're not on Earth for the development phase of this plot. I tend to play the old-fashioned HERO type as opposed to the dark and moody style so prevalent in today's comics. Angst is fine, in small doses. I also prefer more high-powered games, so JLA-style threats are just fine. So, let's see... Archangel would consider any such plan the beginning of the End Times, which he knows aren't scheduled for a while longer. He and his team (the Crusaders, an all-Catholic team based in the Vatican) would be ready to fight, and Archangel would, if necessary, call on some of his close, personal friends. Anyone remember JLA 6-7 and the introduction of Zauriel? Comet would pledge to oppose these dictators, and drum up public support and resistance in the countries that were forcibly taken over. Then he'd start hitting people. Very hard. Dr. Infinity would, like Archangel, start calling in some heavy artillery from other dimensions. Being next in line to the Archmage's power, he'd be calling in a lot of favours from extra-dimensional beings of serious firepower. He'd also try to find a way to mystically imprison the most dangerous of the dictators, preferably in a dimension REALLY far from Earth's. Snowbird would offer his assistance to the government; he's not powerful enough to deal with opposition that tough, but he's certanily willing to be on the frontlines taking on whatever comes.
  11. Finally, I can contribute! This is from an AD&D campaign (2nd edition; 3rd sucks). All four PCs are elves; the DM threw in a half-ogre for 'balance.' The campaign isn't too old; we're 2nd-3rd level characters. We arrive on an island in search of some skeletons. After dealing with an ambush of kobolds and skeletons, the DM asks what we're doing. "We're going to the trees." DM: Are you walking, running, what? Dannelar (priest of Corellon, my character): Crawling. Sylca (fighter/mage): Leapfrogging with Prysm! (the bladesinger) Dalziel (mage/thief): I'm belly-dancing. DM: Well, Ogg (half-ogre) is taking the boat. When you can swim, come talk to him. Me: Well, what did you expect? We're all elves. We're frolicking.
  12. Read Harry Turtledove's "American Front" series, an alternate history about what happens after the South wins the War Between the States. That'll give you a good idea of what things might have been like. As for my characters...most of them are Canadian, so it wouldn't mean much to them. If we go by Mr Turtledove's AH, however, things change drastically... Snowbird would likely be a more patriotic Canadian, serving the American occupation authorities but secretly working against them. Comet would be an international hero regardless; he'd still be fighting the good fight, trying to do good all over the place. Shadowhawk would be working with Snowbird in secret; he'd probably have more to do with a higher crime rate in Toronto, but he'd definitely be helping the Canadian resistance. Archangel would still be in the service of the Church, defending the entire world in the name of God and the Pope. He probably wouldn't be welcome in the Confederacy, though, due to his belief in equality and disdain for fundamentalists who reject Rome. Glen
  13. Comet and Archangel would take the lead with other JLA-level heroes, go up into space and start playing kickball with the spaceship. Snowbird would have his team working to minimize rioting and looting in the city. Shadowhawk would likely do the same, after insuring his computer files were intact. Glen (now a Standard Hero! Woo-hoo!)
  14. 1000 Points? Cool! Archangel could fit nicely in that. My version of Thor, if you will. ARCHANGEL Characteristics STR 100 DEX 30 CON 50 BODY 30 INT 20 EGO 30 PRE 50 COM 30 PD 50 ED 50 SPD 8 REC 30 END 100 STUN 105 Cost: 480 POWERS 50 Damage Resistance, 50 PD/50 ED 40 Flight 30", Restrainable (wings) 90 Multipower (Holy Blade) (90 point reserve) 4u Hand-to-Hand Attack, 12d6 4u 6d6 HKA, only against pure evil 6u 9d6 Sight Flash, Area of Effect Radius, No Range 2u Missile Deflection vs. all 7u 9d6 Healing, Not on Self (-¼) 90 18d6 Mind Control, 0 END, Persistent, No Range, AoE Radius, Only to Make People Tell the Truth 45 Total Life Support 56 Regeneration, 5 BODY, Resurrection 10 Flash Defense 10 points 10 Power Defense 10 Points 10 Lack of Weakness 10 Points 20 Mental Defense 26 points 40 +5 Combat Skill Levels 20 Universal Translator 6 KS: Catholic religion Powers Cost: 520 The Multipower isn't a focus because it can't be taken away any more than Thor's Hammer can. Glen
  15. Snowbird's fine as he is; no changes there. Likewise for Comet. Archangel might be somewhat different; perhaps his sword has a divine technological component. Shadowhawk would be a mystic detective instead of using technology. Glen
  16. Hmm...Comet's powers won't work underwater, so he's either gone or radically changed to a straightforward 'flying' brick. Likewise, an ice-projector isn't going to do much except float, which wouldn't be all that impressive. Shadowhawk would still be a vigilante, although crime-fighting and detective techniques would be different underwater. Archangel would be mostly unchanged, except he wouldn't have wings.
  17. Snowbird would be an underground hero, fighting against Communism much as his grandfather fought against Nazism. As paranoid as he is about his secret identity, he'd be difficult for the KGB to track. He'd be on his own, not trusting others enough to team up with them. Comet would probably be a state-sponsored hero, having grown up on a collective farm in Montana. A loyal member of the Party, he would be hunting insurgents such as Snowbird. Shadowhawk would be one of the leaders of the resistance in North America, using his carefully husbanded resources to fight the Communists at every turn. His multiple identities and technology would give him the edge he needs to avoid having to fight them physically. Archangel, much like Nazi-world Archangel, is one of the most hated enemies of the State. Proof that there IS a God is NOT what the Communists want to see wandering around. Too bad they can't kill him...
  18. Snowbird would probably be a Viking warrior, driven from his home because of his use of evil magic (the amulet was created by Ymir, the Frost Giant lord). Comet would be a peasant who used his newfound divine gifts for good, coming to the attention of the nobility. After completing some noble quest, he would have been elevated to knighthood. Shadowhawk would be a sherriff, hunting outlaws without remorse or mercy. He'd probably be like the Sherriff of Nottingham, more of a villain than a hero. Archangel would live in Rome, defending the Vatican from any threats, or in Spain or Turkey, fighting the Saracens alongside knights.
  19. Gee, let's see...what would Snowbird be? Comet would probably be an eagle, or maybe a tiger. Shadowhawk would obviously be a hawk, although I like the idea of a fox as well. Archangel? A lion. No question there. Glen
  20. Hmmm...Nasty Nazis. Let's see... Snowbird probably wouldn't exist; the Nazis would have killed his grandfather and most likely his whole family, ergo no Snowbird. On the other hand, the Nazis would probably have liked to have gotten their hands on a mystic amulet with the power of Ymir... Comet would be a freedom fighter, and his Captain Marvel-like physical change would make it harder for them to find him. Shadowhawk would probably have been a freedom fighter, but surviving without powers in a Nazi world that hunts and hates you wouldn't give anyone a long life expectancy. He would have put up a long struggle, but he's probably dead. Now, as for Archangel...immortal supernatural being who is tough enough to stand at Ground Zero, can't be lied to, and carries a holy sword that slices and dices pure evil like a Ginsu knife, who is also living proof that yes, there IS a God...without the Pope or much of an organized church to defend, he'd be more inclined to just start avenging the entire world. He might not be able to take out the entire Nazi regime, but he's going to make their lives miserable. Glen
  21. Icky setting. Never liked them. Still... Snowbird might not know anything about the amulet that gives him his power. He'd probably be using his powers to keep people from dying of thirst (when you can create ice, water's just a campfire away). He'd protect the people he lived with, but probably not much more than that. Comet would be a travelling hero, trying to help as many people as possible. Radiation wouldn't affect him, but emotional attachments would. Shadowhawk would be a benevolent warlord, defending his people like a feudal lord. Archangel would be a messenger of hope, reaching out to the few remaining faithful and trying to ease the misery of the unfortunate masses. Glen
  22. Evil Snowbird would have a different name, obviously; bad-ass villains don't call themselves 'Snowbird.' He'd probably be called Icehawk or something. He'd be a nasty, sadistic thug, probably leading a team of villains that he didn't trust. He'd be even more paranoid about his secret identity. Evil Comet would be Superman gone bad. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. He'd certainly be a high-level threat to the entire world, on the scale of Gravitar (who might very well be his nemesis on Evil world). Evil Shadowhawk would be a freelance assassin who eventually took over the city's underworld and rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Evil Archangel couldn't exist; his powers come directly from God, who wouldn't have given them to a psycho.
  23. Well, Snowbird IS a legacy character; his grandfather is a WWII hero. So he'd be unchanged. Comet starts out at 400-450 point Superman clone. By now, he'd be pretty much like Superman is today. Icky. (Gonna have to write him up...) His descendant would probably be less powerful, but still muy impressive. Shadowhawk is Batman, only not quite. His legacy character would be a highly trained vigilante, probably like Batman today (except not as infallible). Archangel is an immortal being. So, think Thor if his book had started in the 1940s instead of the 1960s. Glen
  24. I just have to say, I love the last line of your sig. You, sir, are a cruel and sadistic man. Will you be my friend? Glen
  25. Glad to see someone finish the work I started. I'd forgotten about those conversions I did (with Scott's blessing) last year. Or rather, just over a year ago now... Good work and full kudos! Glen
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