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Everything posted by AngryBug

  1. Re: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen question
  2. Re: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen question Yeah, in the novel, RLS' implication was that evil is weaker and smaller than good... So what does it say about the American psyche that Hyde is always pictured by Hollywood as being immensely more powerful than Jekyll?
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER 49 more posts until we hit 1500... I think that opens up the Secret Level...
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Good choice! I just reread the whole series not too long ago... Then I got all depressed because there won't be any more... The "prequels" by Herbert's son Brian and Kevin J. Anderson are very good (I've only read the "House" series so far), but it's just not quite the same...
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Well, with babysitting being a hard commodity to find, actually seeing movies in the theatre is a rare treat, so I'm very particular... Spider-Man 2 is the only movie I can guarantee I'll be seeing this summer...
  6. Re: Sebastian Shaw? Absorption. It's the first power listed in FREd. You'd also want high defenses, probably "only to amount rolled by apsorption, -1/2"... To be as effective as Shaw would be expensive, but easily written up... Points go to STR, or STR and defenses...
  7. Re: Base Building Bananza There's no "standard issue" sized warehouse, as far as I know... I'd just decide how much of a city block it covers, figure out from there what the dimensions are, and consider it to be a two-story tall empty shell (most warehouses have high ceilings, the previous tenants took all their shit with them when they left) with exposed metal supports on the walls which make it easy to customize, and fill it in until you run out of room... You might want... A meeting/strategy room? A Gym? Got enough washrooms? Any of them have showers? A kitchen, or at least a 'fridge and microwave? A Danger Room (could double as Defenses)? A Computer/AI? Vehicle parking? A Robot Butler/Guard? A couch? TV, DVD, Video games? A Force Wall? A Library/Reading Room/Den? A Fireplace? Hot Tub?
  8. Re: Mad Scientist's Creations I have enough trouble sleeping, thank you, I don't need that in my head...
  9. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome "Realism" is, indeed, a very strange word to apply to genres that utilize so many ideas not physically possible in the real world. I prefer to think of it as internal consistency. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief in games (comics, movies, novels, TV...) as long as the internal logic is consistent. I tend to become a "nitpicker" that way... if you say you can't teleport through a force field, then do in a later episode, that drives me nutso... So, whatever the House Rules, as long as they make sense for the campaign world, they work for me... I think Worldmaker's rule against raising DEX makes sense in conjunction with his "rule of 23", as, without the rule in place, any long running campaign would eventually see every character without "superhuman" agility trying to spend XP to max out their DEX at 23. Which leads me to wonder, WM- what percentage of PC applicants have DEX 23? I would think you'd have a problem with everyone without "superhuman" DEX trying to start there... In a similar vein, would a Speedster, or someone whose power is "superhuman agility", be allowed, on an individual basis, an "exemption" from the rule against buying up DEX?
  10. Re: Ultra Super Duper Illusions If I'm reading right, it sounds like an EGO+30 effect would be required most of the time, specifically "Target will believe statements... which contradict reality under direct observation.". Since it's based on illusion, too, the target will always remember what happened, but what he remembers will be the illusion, not whatever really happened. So, with this special effect the Controller would be unable to make the target forget his actions, but the target would always misremember them, which is a similar effect and might require a minimum EGO+10 in order to work at all, since "reality" would always be at least partially illusion... I'd say there might be a -1/4 Limitation there, maybe more if a high enough set effect (+20 or +30) was always required...
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I know, it's absurd... They need to explicitly encourage it. Right now, too many players are wasting perfectly good fighting time chasing that little black disc around the ice...
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER So... How 'bout them Sharks?
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER to bed... Did you know you can only post once every 30 seconds?...
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q. You say Bob Seger is starring in Wes Craven's new movie? What's it called? A. The ditch looked shallower from the cab.
  15. Re: building mystery men (the movie) I think I've heard of this, but I've never seen it... Do you know if it's available on DVD?
  16. Re: Ideal Gloating Guffaw? Today, Edmonton!! Tomorrow, THE WORLD!!!! Bwah HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!! Oh, wait... I'm busy tomorrow... Okay, NEXT WEEK, THE WORLD!!!!!!
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Well, tomorrow morning I go back to work after 22 weeks of parental leave... I'm entitled to 35, but we just can't survive on what EI pays, so I have to go back early... I've enjoyed the break, but it's really driven home how much I despise my job. Yet, without a great deal more education than I have, anything I would enjoy seems out of reach. I've wanted to go back to school for the longest time now, but debtload has made it impractical... it was just starting to get more manageable, but then pregnancy #2 came along and my wife's income, already low, dropped to zero for about six months or so when she was put on bedrest (for what turned out to be no good reason *coughquackcough*)... followed by my lowered income on EI... So, we've added several grand more debt to the pile, and back to work I go... I love both my sons dearly, and I will continue to make any and all sacrifices for them, but I'm feeling more than a little low...
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That's okay... This thread is all about volume, not content.
  19. Re: Comments Needed on my Character: Guardian Also, Vorsch, the DEX in the EC doesn't add to figured characteristics (5E p.92), so SPD would only be 3 (for the 6pts.your "fix" shows) not 4, but would be bumped up to SPD 4 when the MP is used.
  20. Re: GMs: PC Scrutiny & Acceptance Your point is a very good one, SS, and well made...but on the other hand we're talking about a genre where a pair of glasses is considered a disguise...
  21. Re: Players and GMS:Character Alteration If the GM came to me beforehand and said, "I want to introduce something that will make your character realize his powers are not what he thought they were, is that cool?" and I said, "Sure!", it's okay. If he introduced it without warning me, but is willing to have the "revelation" be false if I really don't like it, it's still okay. If he didn't warn me beforehand and it's now an unalterable fact, that is NOT okay.
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER If you're done with Green superheroes, who is your favourite BLUE superhero? (The colour, not the state of mind...) The best blue superhero of all, of course, is the Tick... but my sentimental favourite has always been the BLUE DEVIL!! Your picks?
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