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Everything posted by tiger

  1. very quick review says that multiple attacks is a full phase action and -4 OCV
  2. I believe there would be modifiers for attacking multiple targets as well, unless it's AOE
  3. If anyone has the original Champions mini-series by eclipse comics could you pm me please
  4. I've updated all the files and Jason now has them, Should be ready for you soon. Thanks again
  5. Hey all, I'm in the process of updating my S.I.D.s Report line. The file sizes were getting a bit huge. Should have them all done and sent to Jason by the first of the week. This includes the latest one for the Mutant Legion as well. thanks
  6. I like the submerged prison idea from Cap Civil war. If it's underwater escaping is rather hazardous. A friend suggested a prison on the moon or an asteroid, both have problems connected to them. I use Stronghold, being in a desert and a such it a good protection against escape.
  7. If you want. The first sheet is the style I use in my gaming products. I have debated with myself of changing to a different style.
  8. Well sheet two is a version of the sheet in the back of the Hero Systems book. The problem with the HTML sheet is it does translate into a PDF very well, I least so far.
  9. Hello All Thinking of changing the character sheet layout in my gaming products. Not sure I will but the thought has crossed my mind so I wanted your input. The first sheet is the style I'm using now, the next two are the others that I am thinking about. So have a vote and let me know you preference Sheet1.pdf Sheet2.pdf Sheet3.pdf
  10. I I thought so, He will fit nicely with the rest
  11. Just received art for an up coming Fh project called Tome Of Villainy. Thought it turned out well and thought I'd share
  12. tiger

    Mind Flayers

    This is an old write-up I've used from 5th edition and then upgraded to 6th Mind Flayer.pdf
  13. Been playing Champions almost from the beginning of the game and never had this come up until now. Can a character attack using say a HTH attack preforming a presence attack at the same time? Say a Tiger is build with a roar that is a presence attack and uses it as it attacks with its claws. Would this be considered two attack?
  14. 183 downloads

    A Spell Point System for Fantasy Hero
  15. I remember reading somewhere that the crossovers had limits on what the writers could do with DC's big three. If that's true I'm sure it hindered the writers quite a bit.
  16. Just seems that every villain and his brother has some any more.
  17. Coming in late so forgive me if I'm rehashing. Two problems I see: 1)He can do, or can't do, whatever he needs to. I mean one issue he shoves the world out of the way of an asteroid, next issue he can't. One issue he can lift the aircraft carrier with out damaging it, next he can't. No real consistency. 2) Kryptonite, a supposed rare substance, is in the hands of everyone and everybody it seems.
  18. Another DC problem: you ever notice how many people have the RARE component Kryptonite?
  19. I think it all started by being Robin for the better part of forever. Then joined Teen Titans still as Robin, the sidekick logo just didn't go away fast enough. Course most of the robin after him didn't fair very well, you'd think they would notice that. Of course he is batman lite, even his weaponry is pretty much the same, that might have something to do with it too
  20. They will want royalties. Don't pay them and a drive through window is added to your base, just ask VIPER
  21. That's a good one, but CLOWN used it
  22. yea, just cant come up withe a good word using N. outside of nitwits, numskulls..etc...could use nuts
  23. Have another group I needhelp with a name. The are crazy psychopaths. I'm leaning towards FUN Fun-living Unbalanced N----
  24. Newest commission, Sister the the previous posting. Flat color will added the finished image as well Lightning Bolt
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