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Everything posted by Nadrakas

  1. There is news -- though I think that usually the "news" has to do more with the people reporting the InfoTainment ~ M
  2. Agreed. I've had quite a few players over the years who never really wanted to know how a System (any System) really worked. They were ok with knowing some basics, but not the true ins & outs of a system -- most felt that it was the DMs/DMs/Storytellers Job to do all that "Rules Stuff" (Not including Rules Lawyers here). They wanted "Plug & Play" -- though after a while most of them learned the Rules to one extent or another. ~ N
  3. Do you mean the Hero System Contracts or is the Licensing that Chasing a Golden Buck was done under a Paid License? It sounds like the later, however, if the former, then this may be a viable possibility. ~ N
  4. Don't knock yourself! I'm sure you'd do fine! ~ N
  5. Don't knock yourself! I'm sure you'd do fine! ~ N
  6. NuSoardGraphite & shuddemell: Thanks to both of You (and anyone else who thought of this...). I was thinking this...but wanted to see if anyone else had a similar thought. I'm fine with producing modules (and other Source Materials) for Hero. We'd have to be careful to not violate any Hero Games Copyrights. Producing a Hero Fantasy Product would be OK, but producing one to plug into the Turakian Age wouldn't be (Not saying that's what you were suggesting...). Things would have to be "Generic" in nature. Hosting at Hero...I believe that Hero has a place for that under Downloads here on the Boards. I suspect though that you meant another location at Hero? Isn't one of the Fantasy settings being updated for 6e? Not sure it would need to be "dumbed down" exactly; maybe the "Powers" could be explained in the "flavor text" (while including the write-ups) so that new players could get a feel of how the "Powers" work. ~ M
  7. Narf the Mouse, on 17 Dec 2013 - 6:18 PM, said: (Nod)...not a bad idea. Crowdsource vs Kickstarter...I think I meant Kickstarter earlier -- sorry. ~ M
  8. Perhaps Crowdsource the book?? I'm not personally big into Crowdsourcing...but I understand the reasoning -- and need -- behind it. ~ M
  9. Taarna, She fit's very well into the Tarakian Age IMO. ~ Nadrakas
  10. Which Area of the Forum would you suggest?? ~ M
  11. LoL... Starring Brook Shields as a...Fish? But what kind? ~ Nadrakas
  12. Agreed. I think you have a very valid point about concentrating on and expanding each Campaign Setting for each Genre. Setting books that expand the different settings, while at the same time providing further adventure ideas, are extremely helpful to GMs. That is one thing I found helpful in Exalted (and RIFTs...) -- the Splat books for Exalted provided plenty of adventure ideas, though at times information was hidden in weird places (ie: Stuff about Sidereals in the Lunar Splats...but that's WW for you). But barring an expansion of the Core Hero Lines...what do we as the Fan Base do? (Beyond supporting the company with purchases & being Hero Ambassadors, of course). ~ Nadrakas
  13. Ok...so, based on previous, IMO I think, for the most part, we're pretty much In the "Same Book." Maybe not all On the same "Sheet of Music," but In the "Same Book." So, I'd like to ask some questions about how each of you would do things. Feel Free to Answer or Not...this could be Time Consuming. Thanks, in advance, to all of those who do answer. (I won't assume anything about any of the answers here...for example, assuming that the Genre will be Fantasy Hero only...) If you were going to put out an Original Game World, to help attract Players to the Hero System, then... 1. In One Sentence state what makes Your world Exciting and Unique. 2. What Genre(s) would it be? (Hero 6eV2, Page 213 to 263; Champions Complete Pages 221 to 222)? Are there any differences in the Recommended "Ground Rules" (Hero 6eV2, Page 264; Champions Complete, Page 222)? 3. What Tone would it have? (Ref: Hero 6eV2, Pages 268 to 269; Champions Complete, Pages 184 to 185 -- except for Seriousness...not in CC -- I'll leave it here anyway: ignore if you don't have CC...): a. Morality? b. Realism? c. Outlook? d. Seriousness? 4. Briefly describe the Archetypes available (Races, Mutants, Transhumans, Whatever makes the world "Unique & Exciting"...): 5. Is the Campaign an "Epic Power" setting, "High Power" setting, "Medium Power" setting, "Low Power" setting, "No Power setting, a "Mix Power" Setting or Something Else entirely? If "Power" exists, briefly describe how the "Power" system works: 6. Briefly describe the World Itself: 7. Briefly describe the People(s) and their Culture(s): 8. Anything Else You would like to Elaborate on? 9. Now, give a more in-depth Description of the World: This is, for the moment, a relatively "quick exercise." Any serious production would require lots of work at every stage, and a descent marketing campaign. Anyway, thanks again to everyone for answering. Note: Hero 6e and Champions Complete References included in the event that people only have one or the other book. Peace. ~ Nadrakas P.S.: If we can get anything off the ground, I am offering my time, services, computer/softeware to put stuff together. It doesn't have to be a complete world (Unless we're willing to try this early on...) -- it could be Adventures, Monster Books, Power/Magic Books, a "How to Play Hero Guide" or anything else. Something simple would be best at first. I want to grow and expand Hero!
  14. NewsTainment...isn't that the Truth. I like that -- may have to use it in the future (if you don't mind, that is...). ~ M
  15. They're, They're... ~ M (That was meant as a very bad grammar joke...)
  16. "Shrug" -- Yes. Unless the worlds all have a connected/linked pre-history in the Fantasy Genre. That was the thought anyway (See original forum post...). ~ M
  17. Just a "Brain Dump." I was thinking that they would be linked in the same time frame, as opposed to being connected linearly thru time (ie: From Past to Future). That way, you could take you're character from one World Setting to another World Setting (Kind of like going from Forgotten Realms to Greyhawk...). Linkage would be loose enough, that if - and only if - the GM and Player's want to integrate them then they can. ~ M
  18. Hmmm....Marketing. That requires Money. ~ M
  19. I've like DOJs releases -- I've ran most of them before and intend to continue to do so. That being said, with FH, when compared to other settings, there isn't a huge amount of support material. Expanded world & setting books, NPC books, Adventures, etc. I know that we can't have our "cake and eat it too." With WotC there is a vast amount, and with a lot of smaller companies they tend to focus upon one setting and print support material to the exclusion of all else (often to their own detriment). That's both Heroes strong and weak point. It's so good at simulating different Genre's that it get's spread kind of thin, which limits how many supporting world books there are. A Catch-22. ~ M
  20. Here's the Questions: Did it attract the D&Ders? ~ M
  21. Forgive me for asking, but couldn't The Turakian Age be described as kind of D&Dish? Well...the magic is most definitely different (Power Skill, each spell bought differently)...call it "D&D leaning." Asking for the sake of Reference here... ~ M
  22. Yeah...I know. "Sigh"...G: B...where the Dark Elves hate everyone (What's new?) and Humans are from Earth. Unfortunately it's already owned by Steve Jackson...so I don't think it could be used. ~ M
  23. A possibility. Hmmm...I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that something similar has been done before (But that's probably true of a great many concepts...). Still, it doesn't mean that it can't work. Afterall, every tree begins with a seed, but not all trees are the same. So, the world and it's history can be unique. As for the ruins...that leaves a great many things open. Perhaps the arrival is still going on? Maybe not as fast, with intermittent arrivals of a few hundred -- or thousand(s) here and there? Maybe different races (I know...the standard races are comfortable for many players...). Hmm...perhaps one of the Races is actually a servant race of the Ancients? As for Races, I personally would prefer to not have "half-(insert race)" -- at least without a well thought explanation. ~ M
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