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Everything posted by Nadrakas

  1. Here's a Brain Dump (I'm having a lot tonight...sorry, keeping my mind off thing...). If several FH Boutique settings were done, perhaps they could be loosely linked somehow. Perhaps connected by a back story, wherein the different worlds were once linked (Via Mystical Gates? Maybe they still are, but only weakly now)? How long ago was the connection? Who created it (The current Races or another "Ancient" Race?)? What caused the link to be severed? Perhaps there is a dominate Race on each world, with a minority of differing Races that were trapped when the connection was severed? One world is dominated by Race "A" and has a minority of Races B, C & D. Another world is Dominated by Race B and has a minority of Races A, C and there is no Race D. And similar on the other worlds. Each world has evolved culturally, historically, politically, magically, etc after the link was severed. Just tossing out ideas. Not invested in it... ~ M
  2. Fair Point. So, Champions Complete would be the answer (Baring any "new" release of 6e1 & 6e2...through POD perhaps...). And yes...$40 bucks is pretty expensive, especially if you're new to a system. ~ M
  3. I like the idea of a FH setting (or settings). I also love the idea of Curry Another example of "Rice vs Curry" is Vampire: The Masquerade. An example of a Boutique world (Along with all of the rest of the WoD...) -- however, some liked the Rules & others didn't (the Rules are too "simple" or the Rules are too "complicated."). Also, the different WoD Settings didn't quite fit together. Now the New WoD setting fit together (kind of...), but...nah, I'll leave that alone. Hmmm...You know, in the Real World, Curry is often put over Rice :love: There are a few Setting, like Eclipse Phase, that are licensed under a Creative Commons License. Eclipse Phase is a pretty Unique Non-Fantasy setting, which IMHO, is good and would be a nice Cyberpunk setting for Hero. Here is an excerpt from the link: "We encourage people to play in our sandbox. We want our players and fans to share the game with their friends, write fan fiction, create websites for their campaigns, post their house rules online, publish netbooks based on their personalized settings, create crossover systems for running Eclipse Phase using other published (or home-brewed) rules sets, or even mesh Eclipse Phase with other favored crossover worlds. To this end, we've published the Eclipse Phase RPG under a Creative Commons license. Details on how this license works, and any exceptions that apply, are noted below." ......... View this license ......... "Eclipse Phase products (including printed rulebooks/sourcebooks and PDFs) by Posthuman Studios are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License, with the following exceptions noted below." Only thing is, you can't sell the derivative product. It's a thought. ~ M
  4. So if I am reading this right (I believe that I am...)... From the License: "A. Grant Of License: DOJ hereby grants to LICENSEE a license to publish NAME WORKS using the HERO System rules to define characters, abilities, technology, places, and events in those products, subject to the terms, conditions, and restrictions set forth in this Contract." A LICENSEE can create Presets, but can't actually reprint the Rules/Powers from any of the Hero System Books (ie: Hero 6e v1 & 2, Champions Complete, etc). Sounds fair enough. Create plenty of well thought out (and explained) Presets and point back to one of the Hero System books (Thanks Tasha. Which book? H6e V1 or CC? TBD...). ~ M
  5. (BTW: Where is " DOJ's terms" -- I looked, but I can't remember where they are...) I have the software (Adobe CS2 + Indesign...and Corel Draw x6) and I suddenly find myself with a lot of free time. I would be willing to work with other people and assist with something like this or... ...this. (B&W works well, if the Artwork is of good quality, the books are well laid out, and what is put out is a quality product). Thoughts? ~ M
  6. "Sigh"...it's too bad that a Good Product couldn't just "Be Done" by someone (Fans Perhaps) and put out a Setting. ~ M Edit: Replace Good Product with "Product We're Wanting"
  7. I'm working on converting Eclipse Phase to Hero...I like the setting, but want it in Hero. ~ M
  8. I try to be reasonable...but it's hard at times. My wife and I talked about this a loooong time ago, before we were even married, about this and a great many other things. Whatever our children decide to do is good with us (Some exceptions exist, like becoming a criminal...). If either one, later on, is straight/gay/lesbian/bi then it wouldn't matter, as long as their in a loving & caring relationship. Same goes for other things -- Religion, Politics, etc. Life is too short for hate. "Sigh"...I saw too much of that when I was in the AOR (Iraq/Afghanistan) & other places around the world. BTW: Wiccan family here. (And if the kids decide on something else...then that's cool.). I'm sorry about you're Grandmother. My Brother has done the same to us (except he tried to forcibly convert our children...) Peace...and Blessed Be. ~ M
  9. Kitty is...Daredevil??? No other comment needed (if true)... "Sigh" ~ M
  10. I've always thought that Dark Sun would be better in FH. I would be interesting to see the rules. A for the magic aspect of the Defilers/Preservers, would the Side Effect Limitation work? Side Effect (Minor) -1/4 (Occurs Automatically x2, Affects the environment near the character): Final Limitation = -0 Side Effect (Major): -1/2 (Occurs Automatically x2, Affects the environment near the character): Final Limitation = -1/2 Side Effect (Extreme): -1 (Occurs Automatically x2, Affects the environment near the character): Final Limitation = -1 1/2 Perhaps the Side Effect is a Drain (Body) with a Delayed Return Rate (1 Century would be +4 advantage, but it probably should be much longer..) feeding into the END Reserve? Hmmm...not "cheap", but... Peace. ~ M
  11. No...we're all Playing Palladium, because it's "Universal" (Uses Martial Dodge in order to get +5 DCV...) ~ Nadrakas
  12. Does anyone remember Talislanta? I always thought the tag line "No Elves" was great. ~ Nadrakas
  13. While I, and especially my wife, like to toolkit things & build our own powers/spells/equipment/characters/monsters/etc (You should have seen some of the Awesome spells she came up for d20 Epic years ago), I think you're very much on the money. A lot of Gamers today (and even of Yesterday) want a well written, preset world that they can use without a lot of work beyond adventuring in (and "official" adventures help too). Everything has to be in Black & White (like you said...Spells, SAs, Equipment, along w/NPCs, Monsters, Calendars, etc too). Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, but just a difference from when I started (I'm olde...) and there wasn't really much beyond the rule books to work with. Then again, when I was younger I could spend a lot of time on Gaming and Gaming related stuff. Nowadays...not so much. Don't know if that's true of other people, but I suspect so...possibly even today's newer gamers. Not enough time...too much to do. Simulating other RPGs like D&D/Pathfinder -- and other RPGs -- can attract players as long as the Rules don't get in the way of the Feel of the original setting. I've seen some Great ports...and I've seen some Horrible one's that make me want to crawl under a rock and hide. Peace. ~ M P.S.: Did I mention that my Wife is the actual Brains of the Outfit?
  14. LoL...If I may (via my wife's suggestion...) World of eWok Craft (Hunting down Imperial Troops, with mini-cooking side quests) ~ M
  15. Democrat Republican Party (Actually, this one has already been done.) Honest Politician (An Oxymoronic Statement for most of them...) ~ M
  16. LoL. Of course I have, many, many times. In fact, we're currently reading it as a family (My daughter likes the Dwarves the best: per her, "Their Masterpieces are Beautiful.") I do want to see the movie -- even if, from my understanding, extra material has been put in (Thus, the "No Spoiler" comment -- I've tried to avoid the "review" sites, as I want to see it for myself.). I'm ok with extra material, as long as it's "official" and not from out in left field (I expect anything extra to be "official," per the source material). Anyway, looking forward to seeing it. Part 1 was very good, as were the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, so I suspect Part 2 will be up to par also. ~ M
  17. Awe....SPOILER!!! (Just joking.....don't want spoiler on this...) ~ M
  18. 40K Reference: "Purge The Unclean." That being said... If people suddenly started manifesting powers -- say a brother, sister, cousin, a good friend: You know these people pretty well -- people who aren't violent, then having "Powers" like flight or telekinesis isn't really going to change that (A few assumptions here...ok?). Would most people with family or friends who are Mutants really turn on them? It would, in the big scheme of things, depend upon the background of the individuals involved, but I don't think that the majority of people would turn on the people they know. For example: If my 9-year old Daughter suddenly started manifesting Powers similar to someone like Shadow Cat, I would be a little freaked out at first, but she'd still be my Daughter. I'd still love her, be worried for her safety, try to help her and I certainly wouldn't let anyone take her away to any "Camps" -- over my dead body! Now for the "Extreme" Take... As for Governments: I think there are two potentials here, neither of which are mutually exclusive. 1) Coop the Mutants to work for the Government. Offer families of Mutants, especially young ones, a place for their children to be safe and learn to control their Powers. Offer older Mutants the opportunity to Serve their Country and be Heroes (ie: Famous). Baring that, there is always the coercive method -- force the Mutants to cooperate by holding family members captive, brain washing the Mutants when they are young, even having a powerful Mental Mutant alter the minds of Mutants to be loyal to the Government. 2) Persecute the Mutants: There are always those who will use fear to gain more Power, to Control Others, in the name of National Security. Small at first, with discussions of the "Potential Threat" that Mutants pose. Then, if (probably when) a mutant commits a Violent Crime, the Rhetoric would be ramped up. Every "Mutant Incident" would be magnified out of Proportion to it's true nature -- imagine if a school were leveled (even accidentally) like how Scott Summers did in Wolverine. Or if a kid who's been bullied his whole life, manifests Mutant Powers and kills his tormentors (and maybe others) in a "Mutant School Massacre." Each incident would be used to drum up support for legislation to expand Government Power: "The Powers these Mutants wield are dangerous. They can't even control them, and for the protection of America's Citizens they must be Registered and Tracked. That is why today, I am Sponsoring this amendment to the Patriot Act, the 'Mutant Identification and Protection Clause.' It will provide protections for all Mutants, while giving Peace of Mind to those without Normal People." - Some Senator, Some State As I said, these two are not mutually exclusive. The Government could Recruit mutants to work for them in order to combat the "Threat" posed by "Rogue" mutants. Perhaps some Mutants are actually a Threat (Like Magneto...), but most would be just like the rest of us -- except they have Powers. And it would "Officially Begin." Monitoring, Collecting, Recruiting, Neutralizing...War. ~ M
  19. Oooohhhhh....Shiny, Shiny, Shiny. I want to be a Vampire-Werewolf-Mage-Ghost-Thingy! ~ M
  20. Watchable, yes. Still, curling up with my wife and reading a good book with her. Even reading a good book on my own is nice too. ~ M
  21. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: You have my Vote! ~ M
  22. Yes. However, as the old saying goes: "Sex sells." No matter how repugnant the idea of a 14 year old is (even if she is "just" a comic" doing a spread leg pose), there are -- unfortunately -- quite a few real, live teens who do much worse. Sad, and disgusting, how our society glorifies sex and then "sexifies" kids. I'll get off my soapbox now. ~ M
  23. Contents of the Phillip K. Dick Reader: Fair Game The Hanging Stranger The Eyes Have It The Golden Man The Turning Wheel The Last of the Masters The Father-Thing Strange Eden Tony and the Beetles Null-O To Serve the Master Exhibit Piece The Crawlers Sales Pitch Shell Game Upon the Dull Earth Foster, You're Dead Pay for the Printer War Veteran The Chromium Fence We Can Remember It for You Wholesale The Minority Report Paycheck Second Variety I remember reading some (most really) of these a looong time ago. I'll have to go back and reread them. Of course "The Minority Report" was turned into a movie (Along with others...) "Sigh"...But then again, I prefer the written word over the movie adaptations in most instances. ~ M
  24. We use the Skill Value system out of APG II (It's touched on very briefly in HS Character Creation, page 55). It works pretty good for us. As for specializations, how's this: Cost: 1 point for each +1 with a specifically defined area of Specialization within a particular skill Some Examples: Acrobatics: Moving Vehicles, Tightropes Acting: Specific Individual Analyze (Would have to be specific for each type of Analyze) Animal Handler: Specific Tricks Autofire Skill: (Not Applicable...) etc... etc... etc.. Thoughts?? ~ M
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