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Everything posted by eepjr24

  1. <shrug> Every GM can allow what they want in their games. If you wanted to take the Full Phase, Incantations and Gestures only to start, I would probably just give you a -0 on the whole shebang and call it a day. I'd just call it SFX that it sticks around in between attacks. Points wise, the real points works out the same if you take Full Phase, Gestures, Incantations and Time Limit: 5 minutes or a -0 limitation. - E
  2. Correct. The problem is that JM wants to put limitations like Full Phase, Incantations and Gestures on his HKA. And only do them when he summons the sword once (not every time he hits), until he dismisses it or it goes away. That takes an advantage to make happen. - E
  3. Life support is not strictly a level based nor an adder based power. It is a collection of logically grouped powers which have level based sub powers. Other similar powers would be Change Environment and Enhanced Senses. You can purchase each "sub power" separately in this type of power at various strengths or levels, so there is nothing stopping you from having a MP with different variable or ultra slots with differing types of life support in them. The example that comes to mind for me was a gadgeteer that I ran with a similar set up. I did not vary the levels of say Extended Breathing, I just used Expanded Breathing as a slot that was an oxygen scrubber and enhancer. His suit could be configured in a second or two to handle most "safe environment" LS slots as well. I could see something similar for a nanobot type character for disease or poisons, if they put all their powers into an MP and had to decide what the nanobots were doing now. All about priorities. <GM Hat> As a GM, if you tried to create something like this simply as a cheap way to get longevity or diminished eating or sleep by switching the slot on once a day or whatever, I would tell you to take a hike. Or if I was feeling particularly evil that day I would work up a villain with an MP drain and have you starving, delusional from lack of sleep and aging rapidly in front of your comrades. </GM Hat> - E
  4. Ah, I see what you mean. You need Time Limit for that. It is an advantage for instant powers, not a limitation, and you may think it is too costly for what you get, but it does exactly what you are asking for. The book example is for claws, but swords work just as easily. You could add other advantages or limitations to the sword to make it a focus or physical manifestation, 0 END (magical or high tech), etc. etc, etc. - E
  5. I have been tear gassed in the military multiple times (ships self defense force). It is not fun, but I never thought of it as overloading my nervous system. Your mucus membranes go into overdrive, as do saliva and tear production to attempt to clear the irritant. It's along the lines of the first 10-15 minutes of an anaphylactic reaction, before the point when your throat really closes up (yes, I have had those as well). It is rather scary the first couple times, but one of the company commanders in boot camp would go into the chamber and light the CN/CS and stand in there without a mask yelling at us to check our seals and stayed in the whole time without a mask, I think to show that it was possible to get used to the gas with enough exposure. - E
  6. I guess I am confused on what you mean here? This is pretty much default behavior? If you want gestures and incantations, you take them as "just to start" and set a reasonable time until you need to use them (next combat or the like). HKA's only consume END when you use them. This would probably qualify as Physical Manifestation as well. What am I missing here?
  7. When I use it, I have players drop their common advantaged attacks into Excel and let it do the math for them then just have it handy. Its not a big deal for most, they have 1-2 attacks and it's easy to do. Folks with tons of gadgets mixed with Martial Arts it can be a longer list. But really it evens the playing field if you have those who prefer just plain old high dice attacks versus those with 2d6 double penetrating autofire reduced end attacks. I typically just browse through the sheets and make a judgement call if it is going to be needed for the campaign. If it becomes a problem later you can always inform folks you'll be using it going forward and send them a template. - E
  8. All weapons in Hero System are just powers with a Focus limitation, so yes.
  9. I would also go with this method, although I would probably only give you a -1/4 if you buy it as proportional or -1/2 if all of the INT is lost on the first level of growth, etc. - E
  10. As a GM, this does not seem all that overwhelming. More for the player, honestly. I would require you to have a character sheet for each form, of course. It might not fit the original concept as well, either, since each "shift" is a half phase action. Also, make sure the GM is on board with the alternate Body / Stun loss rules or you could die when shifting back. Lastly, I would probably allow just a -1/4 limitation on the main multiform power "only allows shifting up or down one level". By the nature of multiform, there is no reason to buy it multiple times, you just pay +5 CP for doubling the number of forms so 15 CP in this case would handle all the forms. And if you change speeds between forms the math can get a bit wonky. Make sure your GM is on board with optional speed changes in a turn, otherwise you will be stuck at the slower speed until your next phase 12. Overall, the aid solution seems a lot easier to manage, although speed changes still could be an issues. - E
  11. Some GM's might have a problem with spreading the endurance cost out over 10 turns. I know I would, since that great mitigates the effect of the limitation, making it worth less. Personally, I would limit the limitation like so: Extra Time : 1 Minute for 4x endurance (-66 RP) = +26 RP or 40 RP net, means total power cost would be 45 RP. Done another way, you could reduce the value of the limitation by the extra time amount, making it -2 1/2 (versus -4) and get 23 RP total. I might round the limitation up to 5 minutes (since 10 turns is more than 1 minute) in this case to split the difference and call it 24 RP. But whatever works between you and the GM is all good. ?
  12. Thematically I think it makes sense in most genre's to not be "catching your wind" at the same time someone is beating the snot out of you. If that's not the case in the genre you are playing, hand wave it. I noted what I would do above if someone wanted it as an option in a campaign where it was not the baseline (advantage on DEX), but you could also just make it a talent. - E
  13. Gloves: Naked advantage on an IIF that buys off the focus limitation on his gear. Perhaps sound images, physical manifestation for the other instruments? Gun: Multipower, OIF EB - variable sfx, maybe variable advantages Teleport with Gate option, no NCM Smaller Teleport with Gate option, extra NCM, megascale
  14. Being an automaton does not prevent drains, just halves the effectiveness of drains against the actual automaton powers. It does not affect other powers or attributes differently from the normal mechanism of drains. If you want that, buy Damage Negation (versus body drain) or Power Defense. Also, just because some material is inherently resistant to something does not mean that it gets those resistances for automatically or for free. Steel is resistant to bullets, but you can't just say you have a steel suit and get rPD for free. When you say that diamond is inherently resistant to heat, I am guessing you are referring to it's high thermal diffusivity? If so, that property is awesome if you are looking for heat transmission, but not so great if you are looking for something to say, keep heat away from you. It would pass it through to you better than almost anything else, about 10 times faster than gold (which is HIGHLY thermally diffusive). - E
  15. If the weapon can be targeted or temporarily removed you can buy it with Physical Manifestation as well. If you are looking for something that you can give to others and have them use, you can buy the powers with UBO, in one of it's various incarnations. Lastly, if you are talking about creating intelligent weapons that have their own will and powers, that really is the summon power, the special effect is just that the being looks like what we weould consider a weapon. - E
  16. eepjr24

    Brick tricks

    I did not forget it, this gives the equivalent dice for increased KB without using naked advantages or exceeding the AP cap. For 5 RP he gets +3d6 only for KB. On beam, I prefer to only use that on blasts, since it has other implications. So I used Must use full STR instead. For me, this would mean you must use the entire 8d6 if you use any of it. Also to note for the original poster, you could still technically still add Haymaker or Move by / Move through on this, upping the damage considerably. But if you have a 40 AP cap, I would be careful with who you do it on, since the GM has probably build defenses around that and it is not very heroic to one shot kill a villain. - E
  17. eepjr24

    Brick tricks

    Or if your GM is uncomfortable with naked advantages generally, you can just buy HA. 25 STR +3d6 HA (15 AP), HTH Attack (-1/2), Must use full STR (-1/4), Only to add knockback, does not add direct damage (-1) 5 RP - E
  18. I got that, I just think you missed adding AOE to it. Megascale by itself just changes the "hex" size, it does not add AOE. So you just have a VERY long range single target AID that can skip over barriers that you have the ability to perceive beyond. - E
  19. Not sure why you want 300 km range on it? Without assistance you still could not target at that range? Or did you intend to add AOE to it? Also not sure why you need indirect unless you also intended to set it to AOE, in which case you probably don't need Ranged. - E
  20. Hrm. I did not realize this was as a sidekick. So essentially this is a follower? Do you control both of them or does the GM control the sidekick?
  21. It could be a multiform with everything on the 'worn' costume form bought as "No Conscious Control" except the ability to change back. The "gun" would need to be a foci still most likely. So you would have 3 forms: Boy. Costume with no controller. Costume with controller. - E
  22. With either a very good roll or multiple rolls, yes. If END is not a concern, I would just make it the Boost version, two actions should get you to max or close enough most times. - E
  23. Just remember that aids to DCV only have half effect. - E
  24. This won't do what you want unless you want them to all be within reach to grant it to them (+1/4 for a few meters away, +1/2 for normal range which would be 50 meters). They also would not have control of the power unless you added at least another +1/4 for that (in other words, if you had it on OCV, they all have it on OCV). Personally as a GM I would only let you get about 50 people in a 4 meter radius circle so you'd need the +1/2 level to get to 128 people. And you are setting yourself up for an AOE attack doing it, so be careful where you try. Note: CSL with all HTH went to 8 points in 6e, I did not use that since it looked like you were using 5e math. - E
  25. I would simply not allow the limitation, if I was going to enforce the rule at all, of course. I'd be more likely to use Ghost Angels interpretation and say if a player declared they were holding for a recover I'd allow them to do that and nothing else. If I did enforce the rule, I'd probably allow an advantage to offset it. Something like +1/4 for all DEX (characteristic or power, limited or not) to allow hold for recovery. The value might go up if it turned out to be extremely useful, but I doubt it. - E
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