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Everything posted by eepjr24

  1. 6e1, 184: Personally, I find that rule to be an excellent compromise. If you for instance have several of these that apply through different foci and the attack has multiple special effects for instance. But generally for DR without limitations I would have some questions if you had more than one on purpose. - E
  2. I think you are going to want to create a new character template? I would read Character Templates chapter and then come back if that does not make sense. - E
  3. I have always considered the Sacrifice Throw to be the "Tackle" of the martial arts world: Sacrifice Throw ½ 3 +2 +1 STR Strike; You Fall, Target Falls However, Tackle and Flying Tackle are used interchangeably in the Hero System Martial Arts (6e). As far as a standard maneuver, Trip is about the closest you get to that (6e2, 83). For DogPile, that to me would just be a grab and squeeze or slam, with +5 STR (or 1d6) for additional attackers. - E
  4. HMO? And if you have a Secret Identity in my games you can expect it to come up once in a while. Otherwise it would be worth no points. - E
  5. I believe what dsatow was indicating that if you took the additional +1/4 limitation, your activation ends your action. Otherwise, you are free to use your action. - E
  6. 1. Vacuum tubes are less susceptible for a variety of reasons. Voltage tolerance, larger surface area to disperse across, less complex nature means less to go wrong, etc. https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/264738/why-are-vacuum-tubes-more-resistant-to-electromagnetic-pulses-than-solid-state-d 2. Long term ELF exposure can lead to a susceptibility to cancer and other abnormalities in humans. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/10/001016073704.htm 3. EM has not been shown conclusively to cause cell mutation, but the physics on that world really are up to you. I would find it more likely that the denizens of this Earth would be more resistant to EM. 4. On the Empress, you need to decide how you want it to play out and then put the appropriate steps into place. Is she nearly prescient? Then position troops. Is she thorough but not prescient? Perhaps monitor XDM everywhere that she knows about, but light exploratory missions might not set off alarms. Uber-narcissistic? Ignored it, since nothing can harm her in the long run. Etc. - E
  7. The adder is correct. And yes, after the advantages are applied, the Mental Defense for Mental Paralysis (6e1, 217) would be 3*2.25 = 6.75 per point of mental defense, making is slightly more expensive than standard defense (assuming no other advantages or limitations), likely to account for the fact that it is actually working to make an attack less easy to break out of. - E
  8. I agree with Doc, but you are also playing weekly, which a lot of folks just can't make time for. I live in Longwood, so Winter Garden is a 45 minute drive (about the same as for my other game) but I would not feel comfortable knowing that I could make half the sessions or less. - E
  9. I play 5th pretty regular and I am familiar with the rules, but I am not sure Hero lends itself well to conversion from a varietal standpoint. You'd have to be pretty okay with a significant number of effects having a lot less variety than Hero supports. That's aside from the entire DCV / PD / ED conversion to AC. - E
  10. Curious why you gave "Only affects literate people reading the message" when you had already chosen a level of striking appearance that limited to that group? Plus it didn't actually affect the points. Does that mean people who were not literate but read the message through a spell (Universal Translator - built as a detect, not a language)? - E
  11. That is not an interpretation, that is in the rules. 6e1, 302 Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+¼): Characters apply this Advantage to walls, Entangles, and other barriers to prevent characters from Teleporting through them. A character cannot Teleport through any barrier that Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation unless he buys his Teleportation with the Advantage Armor Piercing. Characters may purchase Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation multiple times to overcome Armor Piercing. Other ideas: Buy a teleport sense for the building and trigger attacks or XDM or growth on teleport. If you want be nastier, shrink UAA and teleport into a prepared cage for them. Minor transforms to be able to identify them or mark them as thieves. You could also buy the advantage as one way (you can teleport in but not out) and make it difficult or hazardous to attempt to leave without keys or other items (magic passwords, pattern locks, mazes, pitfalls, etc.) You could buy the building itself as invisible to sight from the outside (leave the fences and such visible) and have a method to enter or see through it. You could also buy images against the common senses used to teleport to cause people to teleport into walls if they believe them. You can buy the house as a base and give it a magical "minder" (AI) with appropriate defense mechanisms. The ideas basically come down to: Make it difficult to enter. Make it difficult to find / target. Make it painful to enter. Make it difficult to exit.
  12. Thanks for the update and I understand the travel blues. Luck with the TSA. - E
  13. I am having good luck with HeroMachine lately. It looks cartoony, of course, but it can get the idea across. - E
  14. The rules on 6e2, 173 are for using non-weapons as improvised weapons. That damage is non-killing as well, and limited by the PD and Body of the object and your strength. So as a superb fighter you could pick up and throw that discarded dagger as a non-weapon for 4d6 N damage. On 6e2, 60 it elaborates that picking up a weapon that was disarmed from you takes a half phase. On 6e2, 67 it says that you can spend a half phase and attempt to grab a weapon at -3 OCV (or more, depending on weapon lengths), -2 DCV and a strength contest to get control of the weapon, after which your phase ends. You can use it your next phase, if you won (not tied or lost) the strength contest. The beer stein there would do 1-2d6 N damage if you hit (-3 OCV for unbalanced, -3 for non-proficiency). Plus a -1 to -3 range modifier. Leaving out all the context and modifiers makes a big difference. - E
  15. Full Phase (-1/2) would still activate in segment 3. It takes your full phase but still goes off on the same phase (6e1, 376). If you mean Extra Phase (-3/4) then it will activate on your Dex in segment 6, in which case your only alternative if you want to activate your Desolid would be to abort to it (6e1, 376; 6e2, 23), losing the END, if any, spent on the Teleport and paying additional END for the Desolid. You would also not be able to soliloquy to plead for your life, ask a team mate for help, make a presence attack to startle or cow your opponent, etc. Really, Full Phase seems like quite a deal at -1/2 on attack actions. For the most part it prevents you from doing a half move and that's it. For non-attack actions it seems about right and the genre will affect whether the Full Phase is a great value or just about right, since Superheroic needs movement less in many case with a prevalence of ranged attacks as compared to some Fantasy. - E
  16. I think the way it is written the value is built in to assume no other half phase actions before it. With the longer times, it warrants more limitation value if you can do nothing else. But all of this is just speculation and Steve does not generally answer questions about why or how he came to a particular limitation value, which I think is a life saving move on his part. - E
  17. Okay, your previous reply on Trigger interrupts made great sense. If instead of the HKA situation, the character went with a Change Environment to force a dexterity check to not fumble the incantations (thinking more something distracting or interfering like tossing sand in their face, a fake to the head with a weapon or shield, etc). If this kind of ability became more common I can see some casters reacting by staying further away, disfavoring incantations, etc. But if they wanted to try to offset the Dexterity penalties, they could also buy Skill Levels (limited or not) to offset the CE penalties. This might be another of those corner / edge cases you could deal with in the next APG or another supplement. No answer required and you can delete if you find not appropriate for the rules forum. - E
  18. FYI, Steve answered the Trigger thread, but left it in GM territory, although provided some good guidelines. I think I would allow either the Skill vs Skill he proposed for damaging attacks or the Change Environment. I can see if either of these became common, casters would adapt by possibly buying skill levels or by buying rPD or DCV to defend against the interruption. - E
  19. Just to clarify, Choke is a standard maneuver, no need to pay for it (see 6e2, 84). Although there is an equivalent Martial component as well. - E
  20. I like that idea as well, just curious about the timing officially. Thus the Rules post. But if it worked.... Spell Interrupt: Change Environment, DEX roll at -2 or spell fails, Trigger: Sees a spell being cast, half phase to set, trigger takes no time, trigger expires at the end of combat (+1/4) [7 AP], Must have weapon or shield prepared (-1/4). [6 RP], [1 END] Seems reasonable to me. An attack roll is still required, the caster gets a '"save", range modifiers and cover would apply if you are trying to do it at range. - E
  21. I quoted the rule, pretty aware of it. 😃 I have found that in the holding actions game things tend to favor the caster since they typically are more prepared to attack at range and have others available to hide behind. Perhaps that turns out differently in your games. Our fighters went more the route of having combat luck or higher DCV's to avoid magic.
  22. As an aside, I thought about it a bit and wondered if Trigger could be used to stop it via the damage component. That would give fighter and rogue types another interesting option to stop the casting if the incantations last long enough. So I asked in the Rules forum, we'll see what Steve says. - E
  23. This thought came to me during this thread: We were discussing incantations and how to stop them. I was trying to think outside the box of non-standard ways and I came up with Trigger. If I have say a rogue type who throws daggers and wants to be able to defend himself against spell casters, would a RKA (thrown dagger) with a trigger "seeing someone start incantations" go off before the spell was cast, even if the spell power was instant? I could not find anything referencing how long things like Gestures and Incantations take to execute besides: (6e1, 382) "(If a character has two or more Instant powers that require Incantations, or Constant powers that only require Incantations to activate, he can activate them all in the same Phase.)" That implies less than a half phase but it pretty vague. If the caster is damaged, that would trigger: "If he takes damage or is adversely affected by any power that requires an Attack Roll or MCV Attack Roll while he’s Incanting, the power doesn’t turn on or immediately turns off." As always, thank you for your time and effort for the community. - E
  24. Obviously each GM can interpret things however they like. In my games silence fields are rare enough that it is not a big deal that they block incantations and even fits with Toxxus' observation that otherwise it is difficult to interfere with Incantations. Maybe in those types of games, Incantations should be worth 0 for instant powers and -1/4 for longer? - E
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