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Everything posted by Savinien

  1. Re: Anyone running any online games? No I didn't get it to work. I'm still on my alternate.
  2. Re: Anyone running any online games? What does UAC stand for?
  3. Re: Anyone running any online games? So, I got a new laptop over the weekend and it runs Windows 7. I can't seem to get anything past the initial screen asking for memory configs with maptool. Help?
  4. Re: Anyone running any online games? What is up with the game tonight? I'm getting a bit nervous.
  5. Re: Anyone running any online games? About flippin' time. Missing the game ruined my whole week! j/k not really. :dodgy:
  6. Re: Anyone running any online games? Thanks for letting us know. Get better soon. I know it knocked me out for almost a week.
  7. Re: Upcoming Kamarathin Titles from D3 Games Yeah! Those authors sound great. Wherever did you find them?
  8. Re: What's in a name? Wow. How did this simple question garner so much notice. (But, I missed it?)
  9. Re: Has anyone converted the world of Fallout to Hero? Looks like Aroo had some good files. You can probably find them at the Star Hero site. I know there are a couple Fallout Hero games going on at HeroCentral, too.
  10. Re: Anyone running any online games? I'm fine with a lurker. I was thinking about the added BOD today and wondered if you couldn't use combat luck to represent the same thing/ I've used it in the past, though I admit it is quite arbitrary and some attack builds don't work well with it (blow gun sleep darts...). Just a thought.
  11. Re: Anyone running any online games? He is the gun-toting homicidal maniac! As for the BOD adjustment and simplified healing... I'm all for it.
  12. Re: Anyone running any online games? Very nice read. I like the behind the scenes stuff, too. I enjoyed myself immensely and really looking forward to the game next week. I was impressed on how well you could do all the maptools stuff. I think that really helped keep the game moving. All involved seem to want to have fun telling an interactive story and I couldn't ask for more.
  13. Re: Anyone running any online games? Here is a pic if you haven't thought of one, yet. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://gwcafh.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/guzman.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gwcafh.wordpress.com/&usg=__UF9N7pe0r9zi9jNIzWgB4t39xKY=&h=338&w=270&sz=28&hl=en&start=83&sig2=-2s3GbgDIHrGqu8WLcXM0w&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=sUgzrqopUFB5nM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=95&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgoateed%2Bpirate%26start%3D80%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dgmail%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dgm%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=ePyYS6nmMozINfTcjHo
  14. Re: Anyone running any online games? Dang. It just occurred to me that I probably don't have the correct maptools version either. At least I'll have a bit of time to get it going before 7pm tomorrow.
  15. Re: Anyone running any online games? That would be fine. I saw him as running from Einan Nobility due to a problem with a gun he built (a la The Mexican) for some background. Would he be able to create well-rounded shot to help others with their range modifiers? Probably some sort of inventor ability. I thought of a gunpowder grenado that was encased in two hemispheres with flint between them. The 'ball' would be twisted to create spark and light the 'fuse', then toss drop the grenado and kaboom.
  16. Re: Anyone running any online games? What's in a name? I will actually get to work on the character tonight I guess.
  17. Re: Anyone running any online games? Awesomeness to follow: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/28792-Early-Firearms?p=641655#post641655 http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/55481-Victorian-Western-HERO-Firearms?p=1340839#post1340839 There is a lot of interesting stuff in those two posts and it really all depends on how 'realistic' vs 'gamable' you want it to be and where you draw that line. In games from the era I've played we almost always use the Activation Roll. Range penalties are pretty staple, too.
  18. Re: Anyone running any online games?
  19. Re: Anyone running any online games?
  20. Re: Anyone running any online games? I was thinking of a grizzled gunsmith with such good gunsmithing abilities weapons he's built or worked on border on 'magic'. I'm not sure how that fits into the magic system or if you'd prefer super skills.
  21. Re: Anyone running any online games? So, I'm a bit confused on the setting. I am currently playing a Colonial Hero game pm Hero Central and love it. I also own a couple 7th Sea books (players and GM guide), but I've never played the game. The two don't exactly mix for me as the Colonial game is set in the New World and 7th Sea as I recall it in 'Europe'. I may be confusing that with a MUX I helped write for back in the day called Outremer though... I'm not sure why I'm telling you this, though. My point is that I don't necessarily grok the setting completely at the moment, nor the two characters yet. Any way we can get a post containing the PCs we have thus far?
  22. Re: Looking for an online Fantasy Hero game... Still no luck, Narf? You should have a look at Mastermind or Tugun's games. The later seems to like Dungeon Crawls and the like. They may be D&D though. Or, how about Sundered Skies?
  23. Re: Anyone running any online games? I wish you the best and my schedule might get tame enough to be involved by then. Would that be 5 -9 pm central?
  24. Re: Besruhan Intrigues Great thread! I'm duly impressed and inspired. Thank you!
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