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Everything posted by nHammer

  1. Cool Stuff. I don't know if I would use the stuff, but I appreciate your hard work. Good job. I don't know if this stuff could be made apart of the Hero Games website. Copyrights and Trademarks and stuff like that. The way it is now is just fan related stuff, but I don't think Hero Games has a right to support this information.
  2. I don't know what annoys me more in this post; The insult to the creators of the game, or that I agree with what is said about Mechanon. I pronouce it like Killer Shrike does.
  3. I've found many errors in Millenium City. On many pages it mentions people flying around under their own power, and we all know that's not possible. :rolleyes:
  4. :confused: Where's the problem? At the top of the webpage in nice readable letters you put "UNOFFICIAL CONVERSIONS".
  5. As long as nobody post Hero Games characters, I wouldn't think Steve would care.
  6. Re: Build your Avatar So where's your write up for Grendel?
  7. I'm not familiar with 10 super rpgs, but I'lll do my best.
  8. You at least have an understanding of gaming, whether it be roleplaying, wargaming, or CCGs, you've played. Getting people to vote for gaming awards if they have never gamed is wrong.(IMO)
  9. Personally, I think non-gamers shouldn't vote (or shouldn't be encouraged to vote). If you have no idea what the games are, you shouldn't vote.
  10. Re: Dang! Nothing more to read! Star Hero
  11. I would rate Enemies: The International Files along with Eurpean Enemies.
  12. Later this year I'll be running a comedy/action adventure Star Hero campaign. It's inspired by the TV cartoon show Futurama. We (the group I game with) really need to play something different. We've been playing D&D and Champions for awhile now, and burn-out is creeping in slowing. I think this game will be LOTSA fun.
  13. Many years ago in a campaign the majority of Utah got destroyed. All the PCs were killed. When we started playing again with 5th ED. we invented New Salt Lake City. It's an ultra modern city. Because it's a high profile city in the world, it's prime picking for super viallins. Us player characters are super hero cops.
  14. Funny coincidence..I recently started updating the Protectors to 5th Ed...
  15. nHammer

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