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Everything posted by Frenchman

  1. Re: Celtic PC's Thanks for all the dictionaries people, I collect them:drink: They'll end up being helpful later, I hope, since I'm going to need to learn a few old languages for my master's
  2. Re: Attack Questions Point of Order: Combat begins on Phase 12, when they both have an action. Having higher DEX, NPC goes first. He could charge or move and attack, but I'd have him back up 1" or 2" and Set vs. Charge (Fantasy Hero, 157). This way PC has to perform a Move-Through/By if he wants a chance to hit him, and NPC has a very good chance to stun or KO PC outright, assuming he hits (a very probable assumtion) NPC could also play chicken, and dodge. His HTH level will give him an 8 DCV, meaning PC is going to need a 9- to hit if he puts his levels into OCV. If PC uses Two-Weapon fighting on phase 4, his DCV takes a hit (depending on what house rules you have regarding that 10-point skill), and that makes phase 6 the time for NPC to wind up a haymaker - it goes off in 7 and will most likely pulverize PC. At phase 12 repeat, but PC is most likely hurting badly at this point. Tactics for the PC would best involve waiting for NPC to attack first - he does have higher DEX, so he gets to go first anyways. After NPC attacks, PC should close quickly and either try to hack him down with both weapons, or grab him. In a grab, PC has the upper hand, because he has a knife - and can use it in a grapple. NPCs spear becomes useless at this point. PC could also throw his knife, especially if he has backups. This allows him to try for a hit while waiting for NPC to close.
  3. Re: Has anyone built a HERO version of a Wand Of Wonder? Yes. Sorta - a player of mine statted out the wild magic table from 2nd ed. AD&D, which was almost identical to the wand of wonder table, I believe. Not quite all the powers are the same, since I told him that 1/3 of them had to be 'weak', 1/3 'medium', and 1/3 'strong' (<30, 30-60, >60, I think). He also invented a few of his own to replace ones that were innappropriate for our game. With a little tinkering, it should serve you well. I shot off an e-mail to that player, if he doesn't have a soft copy of it I have a hard copy in a binder somewhere, and fast typing fingers. That table really made wild magic wild, with some permanant effects on the world. In one city there is a once-major, now-abandoned street that is haunted by an illusionary demon lord and a 1/2 size replica of the party running a bar for the midget replicas of the theives guild. Wild fun.
  4. Re: How do I create the following? rjcurries Idea is the best one I've seen yet for the ressurection, and I think summon is definitly the way to go for the dragon. Another way to do the cloning vats would be Ressurection with a Side Effect (Character has a new body)
  5. Re: PS: Farmer in a Fantasy Campaign I should have been a bit more clear - the reason I'd give farm implements reduced pen comes not from their design, but from game design - if you don't want peasants revolting every 12 weeks, then make the 'weapons' they have access to inferior. My second line of reasoning is one you pointed out yourself: While I'd find it reasonable that an individual (especially a PC) build a pitchfork or scythe as a devastatingly effective weapon in their hands, I wouldn't allow average peasant Joe Serf to wield one that could come close to comparing with a knights sword.
  6. Re: Personal Immunity: How to... mmm...oinions.... I think I need to go have lunch now
  7. Re: Fencer In the Free Stuff section of this website, they have some prefabs in the v1 and v2 sections of HD. I still use them all the time, and this one has most of the weapons you'd ever want, including a maine gauche
  8. Re: Elemental Control Variant As may be obvious, I like this one. I also like this, you can't have very many small powers without having just as many large ones - good idea. How about, instead of making it a flat -1 limitation (or equivalent multiplier, for those of us who like that better) the limitation is based on the broadness of the EC theme. So something rather narrow, like Body of Metal, might get a -1 1/2 or -2, and 'average' ones, like fire or ice, get a -1, while very broad ones, like Mutant or Wizard, get only a -1/2 or -1/4, or are deemed to be too broad to get any limit at all, so they don't get an EC.
  9. Re: Fantasy Miniatures Reeaaallly....I have to check this out
  10. Re: What fundamental things did they really get "right"? SPEED! *twitch**twitch**twitch* No really, I love the speed chart - its what drew me into the combat system and got me to stick with the game long enough to learn about its other wonders Like Hit Locations - I love 'em First System I played which uses a point-buy method - not counting the old Players Option stuff from AD&D which was just horrible. The level of detail and intricacy with which you can make your characters is amazing - the only restriction is what you can afford and what your GM will allow. The separation of mechanics and special effects - this is the defining characteristic of the HERO system in my view, and its best one.
  11. Re: "Down-to-Earth" special powers She has trainded many cats to do many things (some of them almost unbeleivable if you havn't seen it - like flush the toilet when they're done) She has also trained my brothers three iguanas to go back to their cage on command.
  12. Re: Elemental Control Variant Hey, he could even spend all of his points of COM, too! And from the list of disads you give, I question why bother requireing them? Players will take them anyways. No-one here is questioning your creativity, we all can come up with similar lists on our own. I'm questioning the usefullness of requiring a player to take disads - if these are your examples of what you'd allow a player to take in connection to their EC, then a player can just go through the disads they would have chosen anyways, and on the off chance they hadn't allready selected enough 'properly-defined' ones then they just have to add the name of their special effect into it. Stubborn becomes Unbending Will of the Storm Wishy-Washy becomes Unpredictable Nature of the Storm Emotionless becomes Callousness of the Storm Mood Swings.... you get the idea Now if this Storm God had to take a certain number of a certain kind of disadvantages, then we have a requirement that isn't just an exercise in verbal gymnastics.
  13. Re: "Down-to-Earth" special powers Another member of the team - most likely only brought in occasionally when their skills are needed - could be someone with a creepy affinity for animals. My sister is like that, she's been able to train every type of animal she's ever had (and thats a lot!) in a short period of time (few days to few weeks). She makes a living as a horse trainer, specializing in horses that no-one else will touch. For some reason I thought of this thread while talking to her today - she told me that she had trained her new rat to fetch her keys for her. When they're inside of her car:nonp:.
  14. Re: "Down-to-Earth" special powers Yes. Too bad there's not more info available on the internet. I'll have to ask Stan Bennet - our slightly friendly local gym owner who used to be in the circus and has kept a picture of our Governator next to his bed since the 80's. He probably has his autographed biography somewhere or something.
  15. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters God, I hate phlan. It's just so... nucky-tasting. Great job, btw
  16. Re: Lock Picks I'd go with PSLs vs. Not Having Lockpicks - its in the Valdorian Age book as an example of PSLs a character could get.
  17. Re: Personal Immunity: How to... Yes, you can. Page 250 of ReFred. It becomes a +1/2 advantage for CE, but still well worth it and more elegant than the house rule I've been using. Excuse me, I've got some spells to re-design.
  18. Re: Fantasy Miniatures Sadly, I see he is discontinued. I know I've got at least one copy of that one painted, I wonder if I have spares. Even more sadly, Ral Partha is out of business - the year I started gaming ('88, I think) was the only year I ever saw their mini's on the shelf at my FLGS (also gone now) and they were on sale. Too bad I lost most of them in high school.
  19. Re: Personal Immunity: How to... We created an extension of the personal immunity advantage for our fantasy game. It goes something like this: +1/4 Personal Immunity +1/4 Granted Immunity (Yourself and 1 other person) +1/4 2x number of people (including yourself) +1/4 Choose at Casting Example: For a +1 advantage you can grant immunity to 4 people you choose when you activate the power, or for 8 people you choose when you buy the power.
  20. Re: Elemental Control Variant What about Underwater Basket Weaving & BB Stacking? My g/f has her AA in that. Sadly, I'm not joking.
  21. Re: Elemental Control Variant This is what I was talking about - a restriction on what disads can be taken beyond what the player can con their GM into accepting (Though, I guess that con is really what everything is based on) If the disads must make their powers obvious even while not in use, or make them vulnerable to something obvious, then the restriction of requireing them to purchase an EC has some meaning. Like this, I agree with you... In Theory. It would still reward certain concepts over others - such as the Iceman who is the source of his extreme cold, and is therefore protected from both cold & heat, or Temperature Control Dog, who can turn his body into fiery frozen fossil fuels - because while you can get some distinctive features out of that, without a vulnerability (maybe to green-powered hippies?) its going to be hard to get a 40 or 50 point EC. I like RKane's thought of basing the amount of disads needed as a flat cost per campaign rather than dependant on the size of the EC - maybe something along the lines of 1/10 of the starting character points or so - so a 350 point Super would need 35 points of Disads, while a 150 point Fantasy character would only need 15 of them. I'm liking it more as we hash it out - so keep it coming! PS - I had written a typically (for me) long response to your earlier posts, Tesuji & David Johnston, but when I went to post it 11 hours ago, I found my internet had crashed. I had some good counter-arguments in there, but I think they're largely irrelivant now. Damn Sattelite!
  22. Re: Elemental Control Variant In response to Tetsuji: It seems that you're saying that one alien, who has (say) energy manipulation powers and disads related to being an alien (he looks like one, and people treat him like one) should have a cost discount on his powers, while another alien, whos metemorphic powers include cellular level shapeshift (and thus any disads relating to his race would be worth zero points since he can appear to be human to virtually all tests) must pay full price? In my opinion, it amounts to giving one character free points because of which disads they took, as opposed to how many they took. In any case, much of my original opposition to requiring a character to take disads was a knee-jerk reaction, but having had time to process the information I now see a more fundamental flaw in it. A - Every character is going to take as many disads as they can get B - Virtually any disad can be made to be related to their EC power, unless some kind of restriction is placed on what disads are eligible for this distinction. C - Therefore, the overwhelmingly vast majority of characters who take an EC would not have their disadvantages affected in any way by this requirement. D - If this rule isn't going to affect anyone, by the virtue of allready complying anyways, then why have the rule at all? Its just a waste of neurons.
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