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Everything posted by Gadodel

  1. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List It seems to me that a KS: Culture would work as well. One can attempt to answers questions that one born and raised in that region should know the answers to. There could be a huge variety of basic questions one could try to answer. Examples: Do you know how to use the internet? Do you know how to change a tire? What is H2O? Can you identify parts of the cardiovascular system in this display? Do you know how to shoot a gun? etc.
  2. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List I am wondering if something like: KS: High School Graduate Competency 8- Then pick specific areas to suit the character. SS skills obviously should be a bit more specific.
  3. Re: Character: The Blue-Eyed Killer I like it.
  4. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List Cool! That makes sense.
  5. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List So, a Degree would mean that the character should have the Scholar aspect? Whereas, someone with just a High School ed wouldn't have 'Scholar' necessarily..
  6. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List And Skateboards.
  7. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List Help me to the next step: If we start at KS: General Education..or call it High School Education. What would a college education mean? Would one be able to go beyond 8-? For example: if one had a Bachelors Degree in say, Psychology; would they have KS: Psychology 11-? BUT in no other Science?
  8. Re: Marvel's Rogue Thanks Bluefire.
  9. Re: Marvel's Rogue 1. Please elaborate. 2. Damn. That is just meanspirited!
  10. Re: Ancient civilizations Because I studied Latin in college and thus, know quite a bit about Rome; I often try to use the city as a setting. Since much of antiquity has been preserved there i.e. buildings, finding maps etc is easier too. Course, one has to go there to get them...my mom brought some back when she visited The Vatican.
  11. Re: HERO 5th Revised 5th Edition with Supplements. The book could remain black and green...but the word 'Supplements' could be 'Gray' or something.
  12. Re: Marvel's Rogue This thread give me some ideas for Demonic Possession and so forth.
  13. Re: Symbiotic Relationship Upon reading about it further, I suspect that 'Transfer' might be of use. I suspect that 'Transmutation' might be worth rereading as well. What do you think?
  14. Re: HERO 5th Revised Actually, the 3E vs 3.5E debate is nearly identical. The rules between them were clarified, corrected and specified too. A 3E fighter can operate in a 3.5 adventure, a 3.5E fighter can operate in a 3E adventure. OK, the Bards and Rangers were altered greatly, but the same compatibility exists for them. AFAIK, a HERO from 5E can operate in a 5E-Update campaign and viceversa. Though, I do believe this compatibility is greater than the 3E/3.5E situation. The debate is nearly identical, but not perfectly so. Can we atleast all agree that Steve Long-with one hand tied behind his back, can beat up the entire staff at WoTC? Yeah, the debate about all if this really is *that* mature...
  15. Re: HERO 5th Revised 12,000+ posts on WoTC's Boards and some of them are relevant here. I remember when the announcement was made that there would be a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition. The uproar was incredible. No, I wasn't emotionally scarred by it; I was using D20 Modern as my base set of rules by that time. 'It is not fair that you are making us buy the updated revision!' No one was forcing anyone to do that. Hell, there wasn't even a big marketing scheme behind it. 'I will have to change everything in my campaign!' Again, that isn't true. It is your world, it can operate under whatever rules you want it to. When you decide it is ready for a change, 3.5E is an option to 'consider'. 'Some of my players don't want to change, some of them do; it is ruining my group!' It shouldn't. Some of it is entirely compatible, some of it will require the DM to make some choices. Choice, it is a good thing. Then, there was around 10,000 threads that made even less sense! Choice. I choose to ignore it all and do what I wanted to do, which was to have the kind of fun I wanted to. HERO attracted me because of three reasons: 1. It epitomizes 'choice'. The options are overwhelming. The flexibility and versatility is awesome. I can make any sort of decision and you know what, the rules will be there to support it...somehow. 2. The maturity level. Not just in the game, but those that play it and those that participate on this (and other messageboards). 3. D20 was and is good, but starting to get clunky. Some might say HERO is clunky. I call it crunchy. I recommend that you exercise some 'choice'...I think the facts were well established. Personally, I'll pick up the HERO 5th 'More Options Book' as soon as I see it on the shelf at my FLGS.
  16. Re: HERO 5th Revised I'll pick it up as soon as I see. If it gives more explanation, it is worth it; particularly since I am a novice. Plus, I feel like I need to get back into shape. Hauling around and using such a big book should be a good way to start.
  17. Re: Archetype/Concept: 'Jack of All Trades' Wow. Impressive. This gives me all sorts of ideas. Thanks.
  18. I'd like to refer to Jack of All Trades as a 'Polymath', less typing. I suppose HERO has all sorts of ways to make a Polymath. This character is likely going to be loaded with Skills (And enhancers), Perqs and Talents. I've got a pretty good idea of how that part of the Polymath can be made. I also am starting to thinking of certain disadvantages, many of them Psychological/Social; that can be picked. What I am looking for are 'Powers' that I can use to make the Polymath more special, but not necessarily 'genre' specific. In other words, a Polymath that could be used in a Multigenre campaign where Fantastic Heroes and Superheroes roam. In other words, the Polymath can still operate in this context and still be 'competitive'. Thanks.
  19. Re: HERO 5E and D20 Thanks everyone, for the good advice. Starting with concepts is a very good idea. I was trying to convert entire stories. I was taking the 'top down' approach rather than the 'bottom up' approach. As Advisors, you pointed out the logistics and mathematical problems with the approach. I am also glad that this didn't become a 'X' vs 'Y' issue. Both systems have respectable merits. Though, I am finding that HERO has the capacity to expand upon archetypes (concepts) without being confined to a particular set of game mechanics (classes et al) This means that I need to decide what I like/need/want from an archetype whilst staying within my experience with HERO. I'll post my first archetype/concept and just jump write in.
  20. Re: Symbiotic Relationship I will. What got me to thinking about this, is a Power in the Expanded Psionics Handbook (3.5) from WoTC. There is a Power called 'Fusion'. It does what it sounds like it does. With that power, two entities can combine their Abilities, Feats, Powers, Skills etc. Very powerful!
  21. Re: HERO 5E and D20 Thanks for the advice and links. I am trying to keep the conversion process as simple as possible. Many elements of D20 are easily convertable. What is hanging me up a bit are the Spellcasters. What I am thinking so far: Wizards: VPP (Arcane) Clerics: VPP (Divine) Druids: EC Psions: MP Though, I am trying figure the math part out... Example: A 20th level Wizard would equal what??? Killershrikes site is helpful, but my knowledge of the Power Frameworks is novice at best.
  22. Re: HERO 5E and D20 Yes, that is what I am thinking; pretty much. Though, sometimes it is hard to ignore the numbers as they are quite helpful.
  23. Re: Symbiotic Relationship Whoa! That sounds both mischievous and promising! Thanks.
  24. Re: HERO 5E and D20 Excellent! Thanks for the link. My issues revolve around the Power Frame Works. I wonder if there is a reasonable equation available...
  25. Re: HERO 5E and D20 I've got tons of experience with D20. I've got next to none in terms of experience with HERO. I am new. I am looking for ways to convert my D20 stuff to HERO...
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