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Everything posted by Gadodel

  1. Re: Learning Curve? Well, yeah; that's true. It might take people awhile to learn how the game works. It may take people a while to learn how to use the game. I think they are related, but they are different things.
  2. Re: "24" Challenge Someday, I will watch this show.
  3. Re: Learning Curve? I quickly learned that 'reverse engineering' everything helped me figure out the basics. I have found that it is easier to do for HERO, than some other games. Example: In HERO, the exact same set of rules are used for a character that will be played and the Dragon that the character might face. I can figure out how each was made fairly easily. In comparison, D&D 3.5; a not so same set of rules are used for a character that will be played and the Dragon that the character might face. Figuring out how each was made will take more time, particularily if the Dragon's age category is quite high. There is a cumulative set of rules that one uses in D&D.
  4. Re: If YOU have been playing Hero since the 80's why do you still keep coming back? Truth. Really, the game is for people who not only have a healthy imagination; but also an enormous amount of will to use it. Sure, the same people could sit down and play RISK for a few hours-but I'd wager that in the back of their mind, they are thinking about chargen in HERO...
  5. Re: Background skills Here's a couple more PS... 'I've done all sorts of jobs, just look at my Resume': PS-Workaholic-12- This could cover all sorts of customer service aspects, laborer type jobs as well as minor technology based jobs. 'I'm a self-taught soldier'. PS-Militia 12- This could cover one's ability to use weapons and tactics normally taught by the military, but one picked up on their own-here and there...
  6. Re: WWYCD: Another Run In With Blackthorn... Still sounds fun, though.
  7. Re: If YOU have been playing Hero since the 80's why do you still keep coming back? I've only been using HERO for almost two years now. Every time I open the books I learn something new and can visual various ways that whatever I am reading can come up in play. This means that the game is only limited by the Game Master and the Players using it. The game is driven by the people and not the rules book. And I think this is why Chargen is the most alluring part of the game for the folks who play it.
  8. Re: People from History? Ironic, I forgot about this thread. Surely, someone has some write-ups of various well-remembered characters from history?!
  9. Re: Vic Mackey? This is a good start. I would add Conversation and Teamwork. Familiarity with Small Vehicles too.
  10. Re: How to use the President Former Presidents offer a plethora of opportunities to be used. You know, unfinished business and so forth. Particularily in the areas where they could have done something as President, but couldn't because of political considerations. The library of a Former President makes an excellent HQ as well.
  11. Is there a place where this has been done via the HERO rules? My Search-Fu isn't helping find anything... Oh, examples: Julius Caesar, George Washington etc...
  12. Re: Highest level Champions game you could play? I'm experimenting with characters in the 500 pt range and having fun. I would like to use them at some point. I am waiting until my group and I have more experience.
  13. Re: Clerical magic? The caster should have some contacts: God, his fellow clergy and so on. These might replace or augment the required skill roll in some way.
  14. Re: IQ a give away Though, each of those ideas would make very interesting curve balls in the adventure.
  15. Re: Willpower: a power? Sounds reasonable. I like it.
  16. Re: How Many Characters in One Set of Stats 'Mikew' appears to be the Baron's favorite stable boy. They talk about politics and history while riding horses or hunting. They appear to have a lot in common. What no one knows, save the Baron; is that 'Mikew' is also a skilled assassin. Poison is his method. Over the last 10 years, he has killed 14 of the Baron's rivals. Each of those deaths have had the appearance of being carried out by one of the Orcish tribes to the north.
  17. Re: Modern High-Tech Bows and Crossbows? Cabelas and Galls might have them in their catalogs, that might be a good place to start.
  18. Re: The purpose of a system - academic and geeky... I've only been using HERO for 16 MONTHS. Right when I feel that I am comfortable with how I use the game, I read a thread like this and realize I have much more to experience/learn. You folks have given me a ton of ideas and information. Thanks, everyone; for the insight. Pete
  19. Re: Thoughts on using 1d20 instead of 3d6? It's an idea worth experimenting with as it will show the player and those whom they game with a broad range of information.
  20. Re: More use of Power Frameworks? Oh, I like this!!! Possible ways to balance it: 1. Plenty of Skill vs Skill tests. NPCs can take advantage of it too. 2. Make having Eiditic Memory a Prerequisite. 3. The Skills work in only one genre.
  21. Re: Possession - Desolid + Mental Powers I have been thinking about using Extra Dimensional Travel for this. 'May we coexist at the same space, same time'. Add the character points from each individual to get a total...
  22. Re: Background skills Another option: 'Education' as a 'figured characteristic': INT/3 + EGO/3 + PRE/3=Education Score Intelligence: For learning power. Ego: For drive, motivation to learn. Presence: For getting along with a teacher, for convincing someone to teach Education would replace a long a list of Background Skills. Complimentary Skills could include: Analyze, Conversation, Cramming, Deduction. Example: Character has a 15 INT, 18 EGO, PRE 15: Education is 16-. For simplicity say the GM rules that the character gets a +4 Adder. Education becomes 20-. Extraordinary Skill rules go into effect. Penalties are applied. Let's say the character is trying to determine 'Answer A'. Nearly, sheer folly; but being educated the character has a chance. 10-. He's more than familiar in the subject, but not neccessarily competent either. His Complimentary skills, which he refined while studying in his past; helped out. Thoughts?
  23. Re: Backgrounds, Personalities, and Archtypes Well said Edsel. I'll add that 'Backgrounds' et al are important to me because it is possible that more than one character may have a similar contact or experience that can facilitate group cohesion. Two or more characters may know the same person. Two or more characters may have 'been there, done that' sort of thing.
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