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Everything posted by tribe

  1. Re: Australia in the current CU Why can't you bring back Seeker for a Digital Hero article? I'm playing with the idea of bringing in Seeker - an Australian hero based on the comic book character. Playing with the idea only at the moment though.
  2. tribe


    Re: Maps Plus there is a very detailed Hudson City map for sale in the Hero Shop. $10. A lot of people have said it's very good, very detailed. You should be able to just call it Century City without much worry.
  3. Re: Traveller Hero... an update from the authors My money's burning a hole in my pocket.... I'll be buying as soon as it's available in the Store. I haven't ever played Star Hero, but Traveller was one of the first games I got into. It'll be great to see all the hard work you've put in.
  4. #64 CODA (Georgia) CODA Gurandukht Tabidze Character Sheet Background Georgia's separation from the Soviet Union was not a pretty sight, and Gurandukht's experiences of the bloody reprisals of 1989 led to her lifelong code of helping combat oppression in all its forms. While she was only twelve at the time, by 1995 when the civil war which raged through the country was coming to a major confrontation, it was Gurandukht who appeared in war-torn T'bilisi and demanded the warring factions either bury their dispute or face her in an open battle. A year before she had discovered her uber abilities when she survived a train derailment which killed her parents. She walked away from the tragedy and devoted her life to the public good, ending any future for the Tabidze family. She has never gone back on her decision to abandon her family and hopes of settling down and raising a family, in exchange for becoming an icon for the people. In 1995 she faced down the warring factions and throttled them into submission, the result of which was a tenuous treaty and a coalition government. She called herself Coda, the end to the war. She remained in Georgia for two years before heading to the United States and joining the Sentinels in 1998. Coda has been a member on and off ever since. While she is not as powerful as some members of the world-spanning team, she has consistently shown compassion on a grand scale, as well as a level head which has assisted the team through some very precarious times. Personality Coda has long since abandoned hope of a personal life. She lives in her public ID and spends most of her time actively in the public arena, helping those who require assistance, and speaking up for those who cannot. Gurandukht consistently puts herself before others, almost to a point of recklessness; although she abhors violence unless it is the last resort. As a woman who can lift in excess of 25 tons and punch holes through concrete, she is very restrained even in combat situations. Quote "Khval minda." (I want tomorrow... you can have yesterday.) Powers Coda possesses uberhuman strength and near invulnerability, but her most impressive ability is to penetrate barriers and opponent's defences. She is known locally as 'the Sentinel express train' in the New York media because of this ability to simply crash through obstacles; but Gurandukht doesn't like the moniker and prefers to keep humour out of her repertoire. To her, the super hero business is very important, and not a laughing matter. Appearance Coda is an impressive woman standing over six feet tall and commanding the respect of people before her. She has short, thick blonde hair and arching eyebrows which gives her an aristocratic air, although she has no interest in pursuing politics or public fame. Her costume has always been the same: silver-plated scale armour in an Eastern design, with the Georgian flag emblazoned on shoulder guards. She wears a simple black bodysuit under the armour and wears bright red knee-high boots and a red sash around her waist.
  5. #63 SARDONYX (Gambia) SARDONYX Jainaea Wouday Character Sheet Background The life and crimes of Jai Wouday began in Rabat, Morocco when she met up with two other uberhuman women and formed the Gemstones. Her earlier life is shrouded from the public, but it is known that she was a burglar who specialised in stealing from tourists in resorts up and down the west coast of Africa. In Rabat she discovered that she could be so much more. The leader of the trio was Topaz, and her ubergene manipulation powers enabled her to 'activate' both Jai and the third member, Rose Diamond. Whereas before, Jai had ultrasonic hearing, she now possessed great powers over something she dubbed 'force energy'. Taking the name Sardonyx she joined her new friends on a free-wheeling series of robberies across the Mediterranean. They moved to America after Topaz revealed the reason she had helped Rose Diamond and Sardonyx to 'blossom' with more powerful abilities, was to help her take revenge on her former lover, Sartorial. The Gemstones arrived in Argus City and managed to surprise the reclusive supervillain, leaving him naked on the rooftop of the Argus Central Shopping Centre, strapped to a flagpole. Topaz was then able to 'move on' and established the Gemstones as a popular villain group across America, managing to get the girls on MTV and in various magazines. While they conducted high profile crimes they did so with flair and attention to the media. In 2001 they were voted most popular Superhero Group in Capes despite being self-proclaimed villains. During her high profile career, Jai was married to an American and after living in the States for five years was able to gain residency. The marriage was a fraud, set up by Topaz, but it served its purpose well. In 2002 Jai was caught breaking into an apartment in her civilian guise after becoming powerless during a fight with the New Men. She refused to lie low until her powers returned and so she returned to her earlier career. When she was arrested the other two Gemstones were embroiled in a crime caper in New Orleans and never noticed she was in jail until several weeks had passed. Jainaea Wouday found herself at a crossroads and since her powers hadn't returned, the Gemstones decided not to worry about breaking her out again. Jai was sentenced to five years imprisonment, and her residency was going to be revoked until the New Men intervened. Chloe Numen used her influence to represent Jai secretly and the judge decided to suspend any decision on Jai's residency until she served her time. In 2006 Jai was released on parole. She was met on the outside by Nadim Al-Atiyat who had been one of the prison guards, and secretly Jai's lover. Nadim resigned from his position, took up a security job in New York and the couple started a fragile relationship in Queens. When the Gemstones heard that Jai had been released, they decided to surprise their former team mate but they were followed by Samantha Numen and a battle ensued after Samantha was spotted. During the battle, most of Jai's new home was destroyed and her boyfriend, Nadim, was left paralysed and slightly brain damaged. The police arrived and Topaz and Rose Diamond fled, leaving Jai to explain the situation. Samantha Numen, feeling guilty, shielded Jai's identity and soon after Jai moved to Manhattan. She had regained her powers during the fray but kept them hidden from Samantha and her former team mates. In New York she began a series of robberies to finance Nadim's treatment in a nursing home. She is currently active in the New York area, and even though she still cares from Nadim and visits him weekly, her attention has once again turned to the life of crime. While she would most likely refuse to rejoin the Gemstones, she is determined to live a comfortable life and won't go back to jail again. Personality Jai is a complex woman. While she commands enormous power beyond the comprehension of most humans, she is also tied to the invalid former prison guard, Nadim Al-Atiyat. She loves him, or at least the idea of a normal life with him; but at the same time she refuses to deny the power that is hers. She is greedy and covets the riches of other people, so she will never be satisfied living in suburbia. Part of her acknowledges this, but another part still clings to the hope that one day she will be able to 'live happily ever after'. Her brush with fame (or notoriety) enabled her to live life to the fullest and she misses those times as well. There were occasions when the Gemstones robbed banks and then were applauded by bystanders; when they battled the police in the streets of Chicago and were supported by their fans. Her association with the Gemstones also broke any form of modesty she may have had, and her costumes (like the other Gemstones) are always jaw-droppingly risqué. Quote "They love me because I am bad. That is something you can never accept, Chloe darling." Powers Sardonyx possesses a 'modified' ubergene. She could originally hear into the ultrasonic range, an ability which was reflected in her elfish ears. After meeting with Topaz and undergoing her 'modification', Sardonyx was able to generate and control a green energy which she dubbed 'force energy' because it could materialise as ethereal energy or a physical force. This force energy can be manipulated in a number of ways including the creation of force fields, propulsion through air and water, the ability to 'feel' the world around her using subtle energy spikes, and the generation of stunning beams of energy or concussive blasts. She is also able to exert the force energy to manipulate objects at a distance as well as create restraining manacles. Appearance Jai Wouday was born with slightly pointed, 'elfish', ears. She has an exotic beauty which includes long dark lashes, luxurious black hair down to her middle back and delicate, flawless dusky skin. Her costumes change now and then but are always revealing and most times seemingly impossible. Her current costume includes a series of leather and ceramic pieces arranged strategically in a kind of bikini pattern, although there is no obvious way these pieces are able to stay in place. Sardonyx uses her 'force energy' to hold them in place. It has been the subject of many discussions on the internet and even in such magazines as Capes. Notes The Gemstones sound like a good concept, and one I'll have to get around to completing soon. The Numens mentioned above are the New Men: a family like the Fantastic Four. The picture I used here was originally drawn (last night) for Captain Emu and his cosmic setting; but I modified it here for the babe-alicious Sardonyx (had to use those gravity-defying bikini outfits somewhere!)
  6. Re: Godsend Agenda D6 by Khepera Publishing These are incredible drawings! I've just given you REP for the game product, but these drawings deserve so much more. Can you send us more art?? Please!?
  7. #62 IRON WARRIOR (Gabon) IRON WARRIOR II Zacherie Ogouebandja Character Sheet Background The world as we know it ceased to exist around the end of the first decade of the 21st Century. An elder God ripped his way through the barriers which had kept our reality relatively safe, and in his wake hundreds of superheroes and supervillains perished. For twenty years he maintained his sadistic hold over Earth and through his cult of followers managed to cease control over most of the planet, apart from New York City and areas around Seattle and Vancouver in the north-western corner of Northern America. These were known as the Strongholds. The god was called Set. Whether he really was the same god who was once worshipped by the ancient Egyptians was never proven, but in 2032 his High Priestess betrayed him and he perished. The Priestess took on all of his godlike powers and became the equally ruthless dictator known as Isis. Isis maintained control over Earth and turned her attention to space. A mighty war began. Earth was not without its heroes, however. A small band of uberhumans, and other heroic figures, managed to find sanctuary in New York City. They called themselves the Dawnstars, after a band of heroes from the early wars who were killed when Set first arrived. Zacherie Ogouebandja began his life in Gabon, deep within the heartland of the Set Empire. He studied hard and kept out of trouble, and went on to become a technician at one of the many AgriFarms across Africa which produced most of the world's food. He had no driving ambition to discard his relatively safe life, but when he met a refugee on a routine maintenance round at his AgriFarm, things changed. The refugee was the Iron Warrior, although his armour was severely damaged and he was close to death. Zacherie comforted the dying Canadian hero into the night and listened to the feverish man as he retold the story of Set's rise and the steady but insignificant defences that were erected to stop him. He heard stories of the Dawnstars, both past and present; as well as the other great heroes from Africa Force, the New Men, the Sentinels and Sanctity. Zacherie hadn't realised how dull and meaningless his own life had been. He sat and listened, and inside his mind and his heart, a spark ignited. In the morning, the Iron Warrior was dead, but Zacherie had already decided to carry on the tradition. If news spread that one of the Dawnstars had been killed, then the people's hope would suffer another blow. Zacherie fitted the armour as best he could using his electronic and engineering skills; and then he said a few words to the previous owner before setting him alight. The new Iron Warrior had a perilous journey back to New York, and many times Zacherie almost died. When he staggered into the sanctuary of New York he was greeted by the rag-tag group of heroes and after retelling the original Iron Warrior's story he was accepted as the new owner of the armour. Of course he required training, but in 2045 time is a valuable commodity and the Dawnstars soon called upon Zacherie to assist with their defence of humanity and the slow campaign to regain control of their planet. During one mission to France, Iron Warrior was attacked by a legion of Iron Maiden robots and was beaten so severely that his legs were broken beyond repair and his spinal column severed in two places. Ever since he has required the use of his suit to walk, and is otherwise confined to a wheelchair. Iron Warrior is considered an enemy of the Empire, although Zacherie Ogouebandja, who operates out of Washington, is considered an expert on AgriFarm technology as it is being brought into the continental United States. He balances his two lives with professionalism, managing to keep out of the spotlight in his work life. No one pays much attention to an invalid anyway, something he finds slightly ironic given his dynamic opposition to the Empire as Iron Warrior. Personality Zacherie feels as if he has only recently found out what it means to be alive and human. The fire within him is now so strong that he never gives up, no matter the cost. He is a firm believer in self-will and despises religion, especially the kind available in 2045. He goes out of his way to assist refugees and volunteers for work which involves the liberation or resettlement of the oppressed. In his spare time he tends to go over his armour with an intense inspection, hoping to unlock further secrets and new ways to improve the systems; as well as to check for faults. The previous Iron Warrior was defeated because of a faulty system. Zacherie does not want to repeat the error. Quote "Sorry to disappoint you, ma'am, but I do not disintegrate." (upon first meeting with Iron Maiden) "Je ne me désagrège pas!" (French: I do not disintegrate.) Powers Iron Warrior possesses a slightly modified version of the Iron Maiden suit which originates from the early 21st century. The suit is made of a Carborundium-matrix compound and powered by a combination of solar and nuclear fusion. It has two major offensive capabilities: a powerful beam housed in the chest, and devastating energy blasts from the gauntlets. The boots are also jet boots enabling him to fly, as well as providing secondary offensive blasts when needed. One of the modifications made to the Iron Warrior suit is to make it space worthy - full life support has been added. Appearance The Iron Warrior armour is predominantly black with dark red and silver highlights. While it lacks the shine of the Iron Maiden suits it is still impressive. Out of the armour, Zacherie is usually found in a wheelchair since his legs were broken. He is a thin man with a scar running down the left side of his face, but the marks of his battles do nothing to lessen his approachable nature. Notes Although I haven't planned them yet, the future Dawnstars (2045) are following the tradition of my current campaign, Dawnstars. Once I fill out the roster I'm sure to bring them into play. The Dawnstars have done a bit of time travelling, actually. The future told here is one possible future which may come about if the Sons of Set succeed in bringing Set into the Earth Dimension. We had planned to tell that story as part of a cross-over event in the Uberworld but, boy, that takes a lot of co-ordination and pbems are notorious for taking a long time. We will get to African Armageddon though, maybe next year!
  8. Re: Hero Talk Magazine Great interview - you created some authentic voices there. Kudos!
  9. Re: Australia in the current CU
  10. Re: Australia in the current CU I think I might go with writing an adventure for Digital Hero based in an Australian setting (city most likely) and then presenting some information on that particular setting to the reader. At the moment I am tending towards the premise that an Australian TV station (probably Channel 10) has put together a reality TV show to work out the best super hero in the world (kind of a Secret Wars idea). Unfortunately the producers of the show don't have the big bucks to hire the best heroes the world has to offer (and those heroes would most likely refuse anyway), so they have offered a role on the show to a variety of super heroes from around the world. The offer includes a free holiday in Australia, all expenses paid, plus the opportunity to win $1,000,000 in prize money and the right to be known as The Greatest Super Hero In The Southern Hemisphere (or some other monniker not yet really sure of this part). The reason for the reality TV show is because Australia doesn't have many super heroes of their own and Channel 10 has decided that if you don't have something of your own, borrow it from someone (someplace) else. The Australian public is starved for authentic superhero action. Of course there will be an Australian entrant (a character newly introduced to the world, not a pre-existing one) and the public will undoubtedly be supporting them against the others. The player characters will either be: members of a small team from the USA or someplace else individuals from different places who band together in the opening scenario (most likely a bank robbery or other such random spot of crime) a single character (the idea of a Solo Adventure is a possibility) There will also be information at the end for the players and gamesmasters who might be looking for ways to keep the heroes in contact with Australia, setting up the possibility for running an Australian campaign. As for the Crisis in Australia meta-storyline, I like the idea and would be interested in joining in, but I'd like to do this independent one first. The Crisis one would need more planning, but we could start a new Thread for it or create a list off this Forum (to keep details secret). Ben
  11. Re: Australia in the current CU This sounds like a great idea. I'm going to see if I can find information on submission guidelines etc, and maybe come back and bounce some possible Digital Hero ideas around here. Ben
  12. Re: Australia in the current CU Costs for printing would be low if it was produced as a PDF.
  13. Re: Australia in the current CU
  14. #61 SIRÈNE (France) SIRÈNE Oriel Caritoux Character Sheet Background The daughter of a self-confessed 'wacky inventor', Oriel was always something of an outsider although she always just wanted to fit in and not be noticed. After an uneventful high school and even less exciting university degree she found a job at the Gravelines B 1-4 energy plant as an administrative assistant in the accounting department. Her father was quietly disappointed and Oriel herself found the job less than even she had expected (and her expectations were very low). When Maximum Force forced the plant into meltdown and killed scores of people working and visiting the reactors, it marked a turning point for Oriel Caritoux. She was one of the lucky ones to survive, and the radiation triggered her uberhuman powers elevating her out of the dreary life of an assistant accountant. She found that she could demand the attention of others, that her voice had the capacity to level buildings if she allowed it. But deep down Oriel was always happy to follow, and when Commandant Cerebrale appeared to her in the Paris hospital she willingly followed him in search of a cure for their lethal dose of radiation. It never really occurred to her that she was dying, and even now, as a member of the End Game, she blindly follows whatever direction she is given because, frankly, at least now she is somebody. She has even made her father proud, despite the fact that she has also invariably become a super villain. Personality Oriel is quite and intelligent, although she lacks the ability to lead or even make independent decisions. She is happiest when she is helpful to others, and works tirelessly for her friends. Her powers have given her great power but she is still a little bureaucrat at heart and spends a lot of her time making sure everything is 'just right' - even down to the way in which the team leaves a crime scene. The others have accepted her meekness and she actually loves them for it. Quote Madame Guillotine: "Let's move out! Sirene, what the heck are you doing?" Sirene: "Every little detail counts, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to us now." Madame Guillotine: "NOW, Sirene!" Sirene: "Okay... details probably don't matter that much." Powers Sirene now possesses the ability to emit powerful bursts of sound which she can focus as destructive beams of sonic energy, deafening roars or high-pitched stunning bolts. She has also developed her father's legacy and become something of a tinkerer and inventor, able to come up with the right gadget at the right time. Her sense of hearing and sight are well developed, and her eyes, which glow a warm golden colour, enable her to see into the infrared spectrum. Appearance Sirene wears a green wig when she is on official End Game business. It's her way of becoming more independent, although it is just an affectation. She roudly displays the French flag on her t-shirt and wears a leather jacket and slightly flared denim jeans. Uniforms don't suit her, she believes; most probably because she doesn't feel like she has the right or the figure to wear them. The most distinctive feature of Oriel are her golden eyes which burn with radioactive energy and make her stand out, especially at night.
  15. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week SOLDAT de ROCHE Real Name Unrevealed Character Sheet Background Not much is known about the creature known as Soldat de Roche, or Stone Soldier. At first it was assumed that it was a male, but throughout the short history of the team known as Jeu d'Extrémité (End Game), Soldat de Roche has given some indication that perhaps it was a female before the transformation. Whoever it was before, the creature known as Soldat de Roche was 'born' inside the Gravelines B 1-4 energy plant during a nuclear meltdown when the Maximum Force villain team decided to destroy the reactor. The radiation leak triggered Soldat's dormant ubergene and transformed it into a stone-like creature: very hardy but with little connection with its past life. Soldat has followed Commandant Cerebrale since recovering from the transformation, but it is clear that Soldat only follows because it has absolutely no idea what else life could offer such a monster as it has become. Personality Soldat suffers. It has become an unfeeling monster and the longer it lives the deeper its depression becomes. Soldat desperately wants a cure for its condition but considers its hideous physical form to be in more need of a cure than its terminal case of radiation poisoning. Doctors have estimated that all survivors of the Gravelines B 1-4 energy plant disaster have less than two years to live. Sometimes Soldat thinks that is too long. Quote "Death would not be so bad." Powers Soldat is a very large and dense creature: its skin is so dense that most conventional weaponry simply bounces off or snaps upon contact. It also possesses an impressive physical strength, able to lift in excess of 3000kg, and most unlikely of all is its capacity for effective hand to hand combat. While opponents may underestimate Soldat's speed they generally find themselves beaten to submission by its lightning fast strikes and debilitating grapples. Appearance Soldat stands over two metres tall and weighs in excess of 500kg. Since the transformation it has refused to wear clothing, although its body reveals little in the way of distinguishing marks. While Soldat may appear male it is still a contested question. Soldat's skin is dark granite and there are specks of silver which are highlighted in the sunlight. Overall there is a definite squareness and jaggedness to its appearance.
  16. #61 MADAME GUILLOTINE (France) MADAME GUILLOTINE Mignon Thévenet Character Sheet Background Mignon has always been a rebel and wherever she goes, conflict soon follows. She was cast out of schools and homes since she was barely into her teenage years and by the time she was nineteen she was well known as a professional protestor and agitator. She picketed the Gravelines B 1-4 energy plant on the wrong day, though, and when the super villain group Maximum Force decided to use the site as a deadly calling card for their nemeses, The New Men, Mignon was one of the few survivors, although she was also one of the few to be mutated in the course of the meltdown. She was taken to Paris to recover but was told that she would be dead within two years. The news enraged her, and her views of society had deteriorated even more so that she now cares even less about the rules and social norms of people around her. She followed Commandant Cerebrale out of the Parisian hospital more out of a daze than any strategic planning, but after he led them through a serious of conflicts with the military Mignon, who was now calling herself Madame Guillotine, enjoyed the thrills of hacking and slashing at men in hard hats. Cerebrale didn't seem to have a plan, though, so Mignon made a play for power which nearly got them captured. She led them on a rampage through a series of banks. While she netted several thousand euros, if it wasn't for the timely arrival of Cerebrale, the team would have been defeated by Trinity. It seemed that her coup was over. Personality Mignon doesn't particularly want to die, but given her new circumstances, she is determined to live her life while she still has it. She does what she wants, and dares those who would oppose her to speak out. Those who have, invariably discover why she is called Madame Guillotine. While she is still strong, Mignon feels it is her right to lead the Jeu d'Extrémité (End Game), although she is still out powered and outmanoeuvred by Cerebrale. Quote "I will clear your head from your shoulders, make no mistake." Powers Madame Guillotine is incredibly swift and agile, the result of her late uberhuman abilities. She uses this speed and grace with a sword and a pair of twin blades which are housed along her left knuckles. Her ruthless use of these 'guillotines' has begun to spread into a reputation across France: something she is pleased to enhance. Her body has been hardened by her exposure to the radiation and she can also use her own hands to inflict deadly moves on opponents. Appearance Her parents were originally from the West Indies, but Mignon lived her life in Paris with a series of flawed foster families. She has dusky brown skin, a high proud forehead, brown eyes and long thick brown hair. She gives the impression of a pirate in her carefree attitude, her graceful movements and her costume. She wears a white crop top and tight purple pants with darker purple boots. She carries her sword everywhere, not caring about rules and regulations. She never conceals her identity and dares others to find fault with her.
  17. #61 COMMANDANT CEREBRALE (France) COMMANDANT CÉRÉBRALE Aramis Beaugendre Character Sheet Background The Gravelines B 1-4 energy plant, home to two PWR reactors, was a prime target for Maximum Force when they needed a way to bring out the New Men from retirement. Ahriman, Brainwave, Fallout and Undertow took a little under an hour to drive the reactors to meltdown. By the time the New Men had arrived the energy plant was a morgue and the ensuing battle was so fierce that rescue workers were unable to reach the survivors for another hour. The Gravelines disaster made headlines across the world. Aramis Beaugendre began his day at the energy plant like any other. As security chief he was required to maintain a close vigil on employees, tours and the irregular protests. On the day Maximum Force decided to permanently close down the energy plant there was a small protest on the lawns and a school tour of the second reactor. When Fallout began dismantling the outer walls, Beaugendre headed a security detail which opposed the major-league villains and was quickly scuttled. Beaugendre himself was mind-controlled by Brainwave and ordered to open fire on his own men. After the New Men arrived, Brainwave discarded the security puppets and turned his attention to his nemesis. As the reactors began releasing radiation, many of the workers and visitors of the centre were killed, but Beaugendre was one of the so-called 'lucky ones' who survived. He was also one of the survivors who were transformed by the radiation: mutated into an uberhuman while also being irradiated to such a point that they were dealt a death sentence. Beaugendre's mind had been invaded by Brainwave just prior to being affected by the radiation, and upon recovering in a Paris hospital, he discovered that he retained some of Barinwave's powers. When he was told that his condition was terminal, his anger flared. As well as transforming his hair into a fiery corona of radioactive fire his mind lashed out and knocked out the doctor for a week. Taking the moniker Cerebrale, Beaugendre took control of the hospital wing where the survivors were being monitored. He quickly ascertained that all four survivors who displayed uberhuman powers were also slowly dying from radiation poisoning. He commanded their attention and convinced them that he would lead them to a cure. He argued that the government would do nothing to help them, and that the cure would require powers that they now possessed. Through a combination of his mental powers and a convincing speech, Cerebrale led the other survivors into Paris where they went underground in search of a cure. At first Cerebrale targeted military installations. The others went along with him, unquestioning the man who had convinced them to walk away from their normal lives. But slowly Cerebrale realised that he was lashing out at the military because they had discharged him and forced him to take on a security job. It was also revealed that Soldat de Roche may also have been in the military, although the rock-creature was tight-lipped on specifics. Madame Guillotine made a grab for power of the nascent team and led them (without Cerebrale) to Marseilles where she began robbing banks. They were opposed by Trinity and only avoided capture with the timely intervention of Commandant Cerebrale. Madame Guillotine's power grab was neutralised and Cerebrale took the team into a new era. They would seek medical help from legal and illegal sources, and they would also finance their search with heists. Beaugendre's activities and growing telepathic power has raised the interest of Cardinal Syn and the cardinal has considered approaching Beaugendre with an offer to join the Order of Truth. Such an offer is hardly ever refused and if such an offer is made, its effects on the rest of the team will be devastating. Personality Aramis Beaugendre is a military man. He was satisfied as a commandant in the Army, but something happened to get him discharged and he has felt dislodged ever since. Since becoming an uberhuman he has attempted to return to his life as a commanding officer but his 'team' is less than ideal, particularly the grating Madame Guillotine. His temper is short and he gets headaches with increasing regularity, something which undermines his belief in total self-control. He is becoming desperate for a cure and will cross his own team to get it. Quote "Without discipline you have nothing. Without me you are nothing." Powers Commandant Cerebrale is a telepath with the ability to read a person's thoughts, cause extreme trauma in the minds of others, and create links between minds. Most of his powers require eye contact, something which Cerebrale attempts to hide from opponents. If his telepathic powers ever fail he always has a fallback position on his hip: his Manurhin MR-93 Pistol. Appearance The radiation which granted Beaugendre's telepathy also transformed his body. His hair fell out and was replaced with a crackling fiery corona and he emits a constant radioactive pulse. As Commandant Cerebrale, he wears an armoured black and white costume with a brain motif on a circular badge attached to his chest. When he attempts to hide his identity, Beaugendre wears a specially lined beanie which contains his flaming hair.
  18. #61 Jeu d'Extrémité (End Game) (France) Jeu d'Extrémité are a group of villains who were 'created' during a nuclear reactor meltdown in France caused by Maximum Damage. What began as collateral damage ended up as the genesis for another supervillain team. There were only a handful of survivors and four of them had triggered uberhuman powers, the most outspoken and determined of them being former Army officer, Aramis Beaugendre, who took on the code name: Commandant Cerebrale. The team banded together to find a cure for their terminal doses of radiation, and after trashing several military installations turned their attention to robbing banks to finance their search. Basically this team is made up of a bitter ex-soldier who enjoys the power of leading his own band of villains; a rival for leadership in the form of a rebellious sword-wielding lunatic; a meek and mild former assistant accountant who just wants to be somebody; and a stone-like creature who may or may not be male. This team was difficult to construct, mostly because I began this team as a rollerskating group of refugee hippies, cast out of the 1970s by a dose of time travel. That didn't quite work out but I'll add the pictures I did of the characters (or three of them at least!). The pictures don't have skates - I ditched that idea and then I ditched the seventies-theme too. I'll use the pictures later, I think, although the red, white and blue does lend itself to France, non?
  19. Re: Australia in the current CU What about email correspondence? I've written a thesis with a partner who lived 500kms away and we did most of the work via email and phone. If this does go ahead the people involved might work on a chapter each and then send it in to the group for review. For example, someone might write up a chapter on Sport in Australia while another might work on Politics. Do you think we should start a Thread on this idea (if there's interest) or still use this one?
  20. Re: Australia in the current CU Okay, so St.Barbara is from Sydney. I think Assault is from Queensland!
  21. Re: Australia in the current CU Actually, thinking about it some more, would it be a good idea to get like-minded Australians together and do something like Kingdom of Champions for Australia. I know St Barbara would be keen to help out, and so would I. Maybe we should start a new thread and see if there is interest in a group project kind of approach. I'm Victorian. OzMike is a sandgroper.... er, sorry... from Western Australia. And St Barbara is from Queensland, right? Probably wrong, but that was my impression.
  22. Re: Australia in the current CU I just read the post. DUH, right? I'd be really interested in this if you're going to go ahead and write something up.
  23. Re: Australia in the current CU Okay so this is a definite resurrection! I was wondering what the news is for Australia in the CU. Someone said someones said someone said there might be a book on the horizon dealing with Australia and New Zealand. Am I being led by idle gossip? I need to know. P.S. I searched the Threads for something to do with Australia and got this one, so I figured I'd just use it instead of starting a new Thread. You know what they say about recycling, right?
  24. Re: [Review] Galactic Champions Thanks everyone. I'm sold on it. Off to the on-line shop now.
  25. Re: [Review] Galactic Champions Thanks for the review. I was actually just thinking of buying this book (The Australian dollar is performing well against the greenback so I thought I'd buy another HERO book). I wanted to look into a possible Legion of Super-Heroes-style campaign. If you're familiar with the comic, do you think Galactic Champions would help me with running such a game? I'd suggest, yes, but if you could let me know your opinion that'd be great. Thanks Ben
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