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Everything posted by CTaylor

  1. Re: Spreading Good WIll Find a way to defeat the cosmic entity.
  2. Re: Calm the Storm The only problem again is the question: what are you suppressing? You have to have a "target" power to act against.
  3. Re: Area of Effect Defense Not replace, be in addition to, as a separate choice. The mechanic would be different, so it would give another In my opinion using the Aid structure (banning the advantage that lets you apply adjustment powers to more than one power at a time for this power) would be a good starting place. Call it "Bestow" or what have you. There is a lot of discussion of it in the 6th edition suggestions area, go ahead and check it out. I suggest that you probably know what I mean by "build things the way you want" because its a standard of Hero that's been used for almost 30 years now. You know, you pick the powers and the build and define it how you choose to. Not exactly a radical concept.
  4. Re: Area of Effect Defense Yeah. And a power that grants people powers would be more elegant and much easier to use. Plus it would have aspects that UOO does not have (fire and forget, fading effect, etc). You aren't the only person here with a set of rules and experience playing the game, just so you know. ... we are talking about Hero rules here, right? Where people build things the way they want, and there are a dozen answers to any question? In any case, Sue has in the past opened her force fields so people can fire out of them while not losing any protection. And I'm sure without too great an effort you can generalize a bit more and understand my point: a field extended to protect others rather than putting suits of armor on people they wear around.
  5. Re: Area of Effect Defense Hm, ok I was thinking in terms of a force field you put around your friends (Susan Storm style) more than a magic buff, but you would need a lot of fancy UOO stuff to make that work. This discussion brings up yet again the room in the Hero system for a power based on Aid that can grant powers to people they don't already have.
  6. Re: Heroic Level Hit Locations You can effectively attack someone in the eyes. If you hit the head and disable or impair them (assuming those optional rules are used) and you stated you were trying to hit their eyes, any good GM will say "Ok the disablement/impairment affects their eyes then" and blind them.
  7. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" A campaign of superheroes (have to be fairly low powered, to make it challenging, unless you want the world to in little way resemble the one we are in) who did this sort of work would be interesting, I think. It would be less about heroism and more about vengeance, but it would make a globetrotting dark champions game work.
  8. Re: Area of Effect Defense I guess I figured that since the rules state that you always succeed a roll was uneccessary, whereas a roll is specifically required for selective effect AEs. Silly me And I can't figure out how Phil thinks buying AE with selective is more expensive than buying AE with usable by one other. Where's the cost savings, am I missing something?
  9. Re: Area of Effect Defense Right, but Force Field and Armor do not. Rolling to hit every target you want is more of a hassle than not doing so.
  10. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" It's easier to do than people think, its just hard to do and have the assassin get away and not directly implicate the nation who did it. A huge bounty on someone's head from the government is an easier way; probably cheaper too. Personally I think Letters of Marque should be issued by congress against terrorists. Let individuals deal with them, and get paid for it.
  11. Re: Area of Effect Defense Thanks for answering your own question and saving me the time.
  12. Re: Area of Effect Defense Since usable by one other (all that's required with AE to cover everyone in the area) and selective costs the same, you've not changed the active cost any with either build. Selective just makes it more trouble to protect everyone, and allows you to not protect people you choose to in the area.
  13. Re: Calm the Storm I see what you mean, but the rules give you the base character with 10s in every stat as a freebie.
  14. Re: Enhanced Senses = Flash Vulnerability Yeah I usually will buy some flash vulnerability for high-sense characters (the elf package in my fantasy world has that disad) but it doesn't have to be in there. Maybe the character's senses are so good they aren't bothered by sudden increases of input.
  15. Re: Calm the Storm Change environment seems like the obvious choice for weather manipulation. If you use dispel, what would you be dispelling? Change Environment would seem to be the power you'd dispel, but what happens when you dispel weather? Do you get... no weather? Is a sunny day really the default, or is storm, or is just cloudy rain, what would be defined as the state when you turn weather off?
  16. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" Essentially force can only accomplish so much, and that's why you can't fix some problems with power, only with winning hearts and minds. There are a lot of examples of this fact in history. Superheroes do what they have the capacity to do - but in the real world I think supers would be more likely to help fight fires and deal with emergencies and catastrophes rather than fight pitched battles with giant robots.
  17. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma You could built enorma with telekinesis, images, and the special effect that attacks seem to bounce off her (instead of passing through) so she really is invulnerable to any sort of attack.
  18. Re: Making Uncontrolled AOE powers not depending on SPD You can buy more speed only for continuous powers (at a fairly large limitation, depending on your character's build - if all you have is a lot of continuous powers probably less, if you have one maybe more). I would also note that in the 6th edition suggestions threads there is an idea of an advantage or structure that gives powers inherent speed; so you can build a power almost independent from you. A really weird idea is to build the power as a summon: an item that does what you want and is a separate creature you summon and it goes off on its own. It would be completely indirect then and you could leave it behind to be stopped by killing it. Like summoning a "blaze elemental" that just sits and burns in an area. Another thought: an advantage for powers that makes them work on the victim or target's speed rather than your own might be useful; probably this wouldn't be a very big advantage since most enemies will have equal or lower speed than most characters in the average campaign, at least in my experience.
  19. Re: New Mechanic: Activate I have built this using mind control vs Body instead of Ego before: the bigger and more complex the item, the more power it takes to manipulate. A remote control doesn't take much power while an airplane takes a ton.
  20. Re: Hero is TK projection of kid in coma Summon, Duplicate, Images and telekinesis, and mental illusions all could simulate this. Probably the easiest is duplication, because Summoning an exact person and getting them to do what you want is so expensive.
  21. Re: Interview that Corpse! Retrocognition is merely clairsentience sent through time rather than space; instead of looking over there, you look back then. It will only reveal what the sense you bought the clairsentience for would normally, so if you buy retrocognition sight, you see the past. If you bought it with smell, you'd smell the past. You'd need the mental sense group to know the thoughts of the past, and a limitation that puts it only to the thoughts of the given target.
  22. Re: Why do the Champions waste so much time being "good citizens?" Part of the reason heroes don't take on jobs like "homelessness" is that it isn't something you can fix, no matter how powerful you are. Some people are in that condition because they are too loony, drunken, or worthless to actually make it without constant supervision. Do you throw them into a prison in all but name? The supreme court of the US ruled that unconstitutional in the 1980s. Do you "fix" them with mind control etc? Yeah, that's real heroic - ask the Squadron Supreme how well that works out. Some people are homless because of lousy luck, they just got fired and had a series of catastrophes affect them. Some are like that because they made a lot of stupid decisions and had no one to fall back on or didn't know how to get out of it. How do you fix that? Throw them stacks of cash? Build homes and pay for them while people sit in the houses and thank you for their free stuff? What do you do with the next 10,000 people who show up at your door because they've suddenly become homeless when they see you're giving away houses and food? Some of these issues are insoluable by human might and ingenuity, best to stick to things you can fix like crime, disasters, soup lines, etc.
  23. Re: Area of Effect Defense I think suppress goes off after the attack if you buy it as a defense, doesn't it? You can house rule that to work differently as I think it should.
  24. Re: Area of Effect Defense Right, sorry I left that off: usable by one other with area effect will do the trick: anyone within the area gets the protection. You can actually remove the LOS effect from usable by others, it just costs a bit more.
  25. Re: Area of Effect Defense Force Field, usable by others works. Buy area effect if you want them to get it in an area, or UBO if you want them to run about with it independently.
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