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Lord Mhoram

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Everything posted by Lord Mhoram

  1. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD I like the look of this for AVLDs and for changing which CV you attack, but am leery for NNDs. I just hope the folding of NNDs into the AVLD doesn't come off kludgey like the IC to transform or Regen into Healing that happened with the advent of 5th. This will likely be something I use.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Wanna be Startin' Something. - Micheal Jackson.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Dunsinane Walls - Lana Lane (from Lady McBeth - a progrock concept album looking at the evens of the play McBeth from Lady McBeth's point of view)
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Back from the Dead - Spinal Tap (title track from the new album)
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far "Most of these guys never had a prime" "This one's dead" "Well, cross him off then!"
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far For my sake, you nailed it on the head. The concepts behind Hero are there, and in '81 they were revolutionary, but those things you list could apply mostly to Fuzion, M&M or Gurps. I don't want to play those systems, even though they have the same/similar concepts. I want the particular implementation of them that Hero (pre 6th) has. I remember back on the Hero mailing list when the questionaire about 5th came out, and one of the questions was about how a character was built - the specific mechanics. Most people said they didn't really care about that - whereas I was "That is one of the most important things". Then came Fuzion, and those that said "How a character is built doesn't matter" got upset, and I though - this is what you get you when you say how something is built doesn't matter. 6E is a lesser form of Fuzion for me - it is changing things I think are core to the game. I didn't play Fuzion - I read it and could tell it wasn't for me - although I stole some stuff for my games (the regen adders that ended up in 5th). I'm feeling the same way about 6th - With the changes being made, I know I will not like it as much as earlier editions, and I will play those earlier editions, but I will likely buy the character building book for things to steal (like the new KA stun mult). So my game will likely be a 5th ed game with pieces from 4th, 3rd and 6th. And I'm okay with that (and yes, that took a while - I had part (a small part but a part) of my self identity as a "Hero gamer" - it took a while to excise that ). I feel bad that a game I really liked is no longer being supported, but I hold no ill will to those that changed it, or those that like it. I just won't be buying the books.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Yeah. It's pretty insulting. When I first found Hero one of the things that attracted me was the interconnectedness of figured stats, I loved how things hung together. It was one of the reasons I got into the system. Being told that I fear change when one of the reasons I got into the system is being removed is irritating. I embraced the changed in 4e wholeheartedly, and enjoyed much of the changes in 5th (some I houseruled away - Regen, IC, ECs, and Damage Shields I pretty much run 4th (or even 3rd) ed versions of). I don't fear change. I just don't like most of the changes that have been announced.
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far But to some us in game play experience is not the point of the Hero system. The Character generation system is. I don't feel that Hero plays all that much better or worse than any other reasonably competent game on the market right now. The reason I love the system, above and beyond all other game systems out there, is the character generation system. The one that is getting radically overhauled, with removal of characteristics, definitions and interrelationship changing of characteristics, the removal of ECs..... I always read a game system chargen first. I compare it to Hero. If it doesn't really do what I want I skip the game. If I were to read a 6E that is just 5E as it is now, and just the changes listed in the first post I would think (not unlike I thought when I first read GURPS Chargen) - hmmm looks like someone is ripping off the Hero system and doing it badly - it's leaving out things I like. I'll stick with what I have.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Pleasure (Pleasure) - Band Camaro (off the "songs I own for Rock Band" mix)
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (from the "songs I have in Rock Band" mix)
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Last Call - Sirenia
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Beauty is Only Skin Deep - The Temptations
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sweet Child of Mine - The Angry String Orchestra (String Quartet Tribute to GnR)
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Supersoulfighter - Lenny Kravitz
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? On the Road to Findout - Cat Stevens
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? No Rain - Blind Melon
  17. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Black Wind has been a favorite of mine since it was first released decades ago - so I enjoyed the tie-ins with By the Sword.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched Last Chance Harvey last night. A romance movie (not a comedy) with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. Both the characters are very lonely people, who connect on a random meeting. I thought it was one of the best romance movies of all time - but that is because I've been the lonely one before, and I really empathize with the characters. Emma's character is always reading, and when her friends set her up with a date, everyone else is talking animatedly, and she just sits there, obviously not comfortable. And then the guy ends up talking to someone he met at the bar.... I've been that wallflower, feeling completely the outsider. Highly recommended if you like romantic movies.
  19. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Agreed on all points. The Archive having a Foo Puppy would be just nifty.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? ListenUP Podcast #7
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Erpriff - Ozric Tentacles.
  22. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I posted this in the humor thread, but I think it belongs here:
  23. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Butcher's published a number of them. I have two - the one in the Mean Streets compilation (4 urban fantasy stories), Backup (a story told by Thomas) a small hardcover. He's also done two comic minis - one set before Storm Front (Welcome to the Jungle), and a comic adaption of storm front. Both are pretty decent. Welcome to the jungle is out in trade. Butcher wrote the comic, so the characters feel right. I'd love to see a Dresden Files story collection.
  24. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  25. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I think of her as Harry's Apprentice. She's in there, but none of her family.
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