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Lord Mhoram

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Everything posted by Lord Mhoram

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One of these days I'll try and run that campaign. *sigh* I hate games the don't even make it to the first session. For those that recognize some of the history, it is a variation of the "Brave New World" game.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Good summation. The Pentarchy is who Black Cat's works for these days (after a couple of years in the Byzantium special forces, working for the ruler of Byzantium, Owen (this is an inter-dimensional nexus Byzantium). The Pentarchs were the last 5 survivors of an inter-dimesional war - those 5 dimensions collapsed into raw chaos, and the power of that chaos is what the Pentarchs control - so they are at odds with themselves; wanting order and are being of chaos. Sometimes the stress gets too much for them, which is when they take time off to be crazy. The goal of the Pentarchy is to make sure nothing like that ever happens again, so they appointed themselves (as no one else was doing it) the guardians of interdimensional contact. They make sure no other interdim wars get started... at least none that will destroy the dimensions or weaken dimensional barriers. Part of the reason they don't deal with Vahn or the Congeries - they may be conquerers but in that campaign world, they keep things stable. They can't get involved in every single war, just the ones that threaten to tear the inter dimensional fabric apart. They really don't care for Cthulu and his crowd.
  3. Re: What the frell? (John Crichton's Disads) Well worse actually - Farscape can be much more off the wall in what happens.
  4. Re: What the frell? (John Crichton's Disads) My take on the Harvey disads. DF as mentioned. And unluck to represent him showing up at inopportune times. Maybe a psych lim, but probably not - psychs guide actions or choices, and Harvey is just a distraction. I'd go with the whole "Am I going crazy?" as special effect for the DF and unluck, and go with roleplaying for the rest. That is what I plan to do anyway, should we run that plot. As a side note - Pariah is getting ready to run a SF game, and I like brain cyberchips (holdover from reading too much cyberpunk) and so to get one later, my character will likely be in this boat (although I don't know if that is Pariah's motivation for creating the thread). I'm also the guy who lent him Farscape... actually the one who talked him into watching it, IIRC (which is only fair, his comments are one of the main reasons I watched Babylon 5). We're both Browncoats, Trekkers, and Gaties (if that is the term).
  5. Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes Black Cat would spend the last day meditating, and finding things that enhance ch'i and martial prowess (say like the fishnets in this thread). In her normal day to day hero-ing she find them tacky to say the least, but is willing to put aside her annoyances of using enhancements to give her an edge up on the Anti-monitor. She defeated the death dragon, she would have the confidence she could do something about the bad guy here. Ballistic would go, and get as much magical enhancement as he could, as well as a supercharged version of his armor. Both those two would be in the 10 to go, by common accolade - they are among the most powerful heroes in their world. Most of my other characters would decline the honor, as they aren't the toughest around, although all would be willing, they wouldn't think they could make a difference. Smokeater actually sort of did this already, going through a portal to stop an alien invasion that they figured would be a one way trip (it was the climax of the campaign after all, would seem silly not to go ). So he wouldn't hesitate.
  6. Re: Odd Defense construct And you could call it "soak".
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Pariah, stop posting during the game session.
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Yeah - the scene when Jack first meets Mr Vellieur is actually lifted from the original version of Night World - a book he is rewriting because of the events in all the Jack books. And the laser sculpted Bansai is a bit of color from The Touch. He has a whole alternate world going on. Good good stuff.
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished Wizards First Rule, and am about halfway through Stone of Tears. Not bad - not the greatest fantasy in the world, and there are some issues, but decent reads. Pariah has been telling me for years I needed to read the series (he likes them) and I kept telling him I won't unitl the series is done. It is, and he lent me the first three. So far so good, but there hasn't been any really bad objectivism yet.
  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... That and Battle Angel Alita were my first two Manga. Everything else looked second rate after those two.
  11. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I assume then you haven't read "The adversary cycle" - Reborn, Reprisal, Nightworld? Also ties in the original The Tomb, the Keep, and The Touch. All the other Jack books are filling in time between the Tomb and Nightworld. If you haven't read Black Wind try and find it. It is one of Wilson's best books and By the Sword really ties into it. I'm a huge Repairman Jack / F Paul Wilson fan.
  12. Re: Char: Blackcat (with art) 2000th Post I agree completely. I had the image idea, and he brought it to life. And his take on her costume is really cool.
  13. Re: Char: Blackcat (with art) 2000th Post
  14. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread I love it. The background works, and I love your take on her costume. As for cropping and character sheet stuff, I use the pictureless output on my character sheet, and have all of the art I've had done for her in little page protectors in the folder I keep her charsheet in. The charsheet is 5 pages, and her pool stuff is 4. Not a problem to put another sheet in the binder. Part of the reasons I only a basic "These things should be here" when I get a commission is that I like to see what nifty stuff artitst come up with. I have yet to be disappointed, I've liked all the variations I've seen.
  15. Re: Char: Blackcat (with art) 2000th Post And Poison's Artwork. Cool stuff.
  16. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Wow. Love it. Added to the Blackcat thread.
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I think we actually phrased it as "Must start and end on a surface" - and we also had use as superleap. One was for a Jackie Chan / Captain America "bounce up a corner to get to the roof" or "flagpole to awning to ledge to roof" series of jumps. Mostly straight up - flight worked best that way for us.
  18. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Yeah - the playful look was something I wanted - she has a pretty strong sense of humor and fun, and all of the other artwork I had was posing or action, so I wanted something a little lighter. I love the catfaces on the legs. That was just cool. And feline background was wonderful.
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q - Pariah, why are you standing on your head? A - Because it was the largest gun I could find.
  20. Re: Official Release Whoo - Sweet. If it is going to print, I'd much rather wait for that. Cool.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. We used Naked Advantage - Flight Ground surface contact only Instead of the clinging. It also allowed leap tricks that normal leaping couldn't account for.
  22. Re: Official Release Congrats. I'll be getting this as some point... I tend to not get PDFs until I have all the print books I want, and I still am behind on a couple of the Herogames books. But after that.... I love fantasy stuff.
  23. Re: Which is your least favorite archetype to play? Yeah. I had a character with CAK, who actually used less dice against an agent, and then I rolled almost all 6s, and almost crippled the person I was trying to hit anyway. The character bought levels in pulled punch.
  24. Re: Urban Fantasy Hero now in the online store Mine is ordered. This and the Dragon book are my most anticipated before 6th ed comes out... with the Ultimate Base not far behind.
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