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Furry Fox

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Everything posted by Furry Fox

  1. Re: Speedster Tactics Having played a Speedster character (Nimbus) for a better part of the last two years I would agree with virtually all of Haerandin's statements. The Speedster Archetype while powerful is also brittle and can be easily countered. While Speed tricks are great kicking it back Old School with Move-bys and Move-Throughs can be devastasting as well. To Sum up 1. Exploit your Speed and Mobility to take out the most dangerous opponent quickly. 2. Be sneaky and use hit and run tactics. Move-By your opponent and then duck under cover to strike again with the element of surprise. 3. Your higher speed allows you to be more aggressive when needed and provides a higher overall flexibility than any other character archetype. I find that certain powers are most effective with this character set. Those include Invisibility, Clinging and even Stretching. I find a few inches of Stretching to be highly effective with any HTH combatant but especially effective with mobility based hand-to-hand fighters. It is also nice to have an attack option that uses little or no End as Speedsters tend to burn End like no other character does. Either buy down the End on a couple of the Speed Tricks or provide a gadget that can be used when your character is out of juice.
  2. Re: Spells as "Weapon Familiarities" I can see this working well in a low-powered magic based fantasy game where everyone uses magic and the WF represent standard book of spells and such. Generally I prefer to have Magic-users pay for their spells straight up. While Fighter's may get some equipment freebies being able to use magical effects are a powerful enough incentive to justify the point expenditure IMO.
  3. Re: Sick of Wolverine People who are sick of Wolverine should check him out in X-Men Evolution. There is some great voice acting there as well as some great retro X-Men action. As a Champions build however I do agree that he is getting rather tired.
  4. Would a character have to pay points to be classified as an animal vs mental attacks or could he simply choose it at character creation? Also would it be possible for a character to be considered a human vs mental attacks in one form and animal vs mental attacks in another. In this case I am thinking about a Werewolf type character.
  5. Re: Learning Curve? Hero system is fairly simple and easy to play. As a system it makes far more sense than the AD&D systems. Especially the earlier 1st/2nd editions of AD&D. I have never had a problem with character creation or understanding the general mechanics of the game. However Hero combat and action scenes can be complex and require numerous checking/rechecking of the FAQ for unusual situations which tend to crop off often. In many cases there might even be a conflict between what makes dramatic sense and the rules. It is in these situations that a wisened and experienced GM will really make the difference.
  6. Re: Just a Low-Rent Superhero Yes it is nice to see a low-powered hero that is actually low powered! A rarity these days. Good job.
  7. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest Being a true Munchkin requires walking a fine line. The smarter the GM the larger the challenge. Check out this MP which is in use and is highly effective without being abusive. I especially like the knives. High Tech Gadgets and Equipment: Multipower, 25-point reserve, (25 Active Points); OIF (Slots are seperate foci; -1/2) 1. Chameleon Cape. : Invisibility to Hearing Group and Normal Sight , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Chameleon (-1/2) 2. Gliding Cape: Gliding 25" (25 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (To Glide through the air the character must constantly be using his hands/arms to guide his movement; -1/2) 3. Healing Robots: Healing BODY 2d6, Can Heal Limbs, 16 Charges (+0) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1) 4. Flash Gun: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 4d6, 16 Charges (+0) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1) 5. Holographic Projection Unit: Hearing Group, Normal Touch and Normal Sight Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls, 4 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+0) (25 Active Points); OAF (Projection Unit; -1) 6. Throwing Knives: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), 8 Recoverable Charges (+0), Range Based On STR (Thrown Weapon; +1/4), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (22 Active Points); OAF (-1)
  8. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System
  9. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System I agree with this wholeheartedly. My character design rules has changed over time and I try to vary my characters so I have an interesting time playing them as well. My characters strive to be skilled and versatile as opposed to being directly powerful with few attack, defense or miscellaneous options.
  10. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System
  11. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System
  12. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System
  13. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System I think that the reason why we don't see more 45 DEX bricks is due to the fact that most GMs will not allow them in the game. Not to mention that responsible players do not want to step on the toes of other characters. It is not that the game system is economically viable but the diligence of fellow players and GMs that keep the game on an even keel. Soft caps of all sorts are necessary to keep players from running amok.
  14. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System I would agree that many players strive to maximize the effectiveness of their characters. The skills/powers/Frameworks that I find to be of most benefit are: 1)Multipowers 2)Elemental Control 3)Martial Arts (10-15 point package) 4)3 point levels are ubiquious 5)Breakfall As for Stats I like to maximize Speed and Dex. High Strength is beneficial to all characters due to high figured characteristics plus being strong is one of the most useful assets in the game both in and out of combat. There are bargains in the Hero system that many players know about and some that are more obscure as in rl.
  15. Re: Overall Levels are they too good or not good enough? I would imagine that 10 points would be the most that any character would have to pay for a mere +1 increase even if it is across the board. Non-combat skills are heavily discounted in the Hero world. This makes sense as the focus on Champions is being a hero and basically fighting super-villians not using skills necessarily. Thus players are encouraged to improve their non-combat skills as well and are given an incentive to do so.
  16. Re: Favorite Supplement For Champions I didn't even originally consider Hero Designer as a supplement but you are right it is definitely up there in the top picks.
  17. I was just wondering what people's favorite supplement for running a Champions game is? I really like the Ultimate Martial Artist. It is great for Champions (and for FH too which is a bonus). What are other people's top picks?
  18. Re: Overall Levels are they too good or not good enough? And don't forget "All characteristic rolls as well". Still it might fit certain character builds better but from a points perspective it makes little sense. It is basically a level for NPCs or very combat oriented PCs.
  19. Re: Overall Levels are they too good or not good enough? I agree with Trebuchet as well. However 5 overall levels is extreme and can be abusive. I would probably put the limit of overall levels to 3 with good justification.
  20. Re: Overall Levels are they too good or not good enough?
  21. Re: Overall Levels are they too good or not good enough?
  22. I have been thinking about the value of overall levels and if they are fairly priced at 10 points each. I was wondering how many people actually use them in a Champions setting or opt for less expensive level enhancers.
  23. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest The Fuel charges are one of my favorite "limitations" of the Hero system. In fact I find charges a great way to conserve end, save points and basically improve the combat versatility of your character. I like your builds Super Squirel.
  24. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest Ok good work so far everyone. Now it is time to start posting your most effective characters that you have been allowed to play. It only counts if it gets past the GM!
  25. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest This is nice and would probably pass by completely unnoticed as Munchkin by the majority of GMs. Nice work.
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