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Posts posted by CptPatriot

  1. I'm working on a City of Heroes for a possible game to play online via Skype. I had planned on using the 6th Edition Hero System rules with 300 points with 75 points in Complications. I would be using Maptool with Skype for the audio, requesting that people use the Push-to-Talk option to eliminate excess chatter.


    I wanted to get the opinion of the Herophiles to get comments and input on how I should implement it.

  2. Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


    Being a mutant isn't as much the issue as how obvious the powers are. If the powers can't be hidden, I'd probably try to find a place to not be bothered by people. If they are hidden, it's a nonissue. If my powers are of a type I can use to make money, I'll do it as long as it is safe to do so.

  3. Re: Doomsday!


    Captain Patriot: Knowing the possibility of a catastrophe could occur, he goes into his prepared bomb shelter, calling the other superheroes in his network. He has a fully stocked shelter for 6 people with a 5 year supply of MREs and a six month supply of water. He awaits the worst. He knows he can't do anything for the people in NYC, but with the spare communication tech at his disposal, he can set up an emergency network to help coordinate help for the survivors.


    Psi-kick: She's a part of Capt. Patriot's network, but there's no way she could get to his shelter in time. She'll run to the subway and head to him after the bombs drop in hope to work towards helping the survivors.

  4. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    I have tried to make a point to try to be available or at least let others know my situation. Since Scott and I are some of the few officers who actually still play the game regularly, I'd like to think I have a small interest in keeping the Legion of Heroes alive.

  5. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    Yes, indeed. pick up games have been much harder to get.


    Sorry for not being on, but I'm am currently in the hospital and have been for the last 2 weeks. Probably won't be back home for another week.

  6. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete


    I'm sure you'll have fun with that, Claire.


    I, on the other hand, had my sister-in-law's son whom I introduced to Champions a couple of years ago and look forward to sending him a copy. With any luck, he'll either make use of it to get out of his social shell and find others to play with or it'll be the catalyst to show him that i feel he's too isolated and resist being an RPG geek like me and try break out on his own, go out, do things with people. Either way, it'll do what I want for him.

  7. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    We've done the Comic Series and the Adventure Packs in the past and since anyone over level 11 can theoretically play it. If you want to run them, we can, but you need to dedicate yourself to being allowed to finish them as they can take a while to complete and if we attempt to complete them shorthanded, especially since we typically play them on Elite difficulty for the better drops, we get hosed and it can be impossible to complete.


    I can say for myself that if you want to do this, I can make myself available. I only ask that if we play them, we start promptly. We start our Thursday Night Fights at 7PM Server Time and being on the East Coast, it is usually late when we finish.

  8. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    I don't have too many characters in the 20 - 30 range.


    My closest characters in the range are:

    • Liberty (15th lvl Strong Scrapper)
    • Fusionette (17th level Force Blaster)
    • Dr. Caduceus (17th lvl mentalist w/ minor healing)
    • Platinum Fox (19th lvl dual pistols)
    • Savant (19th lvl Martial Artist)
    • [highlight]Shockwave (22nd lvl Force Blaster)[/highlight]
    • [highlight]Lillith (28th lvl mage)[/highlight].

  9. Re: NEMESIS SQUADRON: New Game Packet!


    You have me curious on how you handle the Sathar. Part of the reason the Sathar had such appeal was that they were a mystery race. Nothing is told in Star Frontiers about how their species live and do things, just that they are apparently a extreme xenophobic race with an apparent need to get of the races in the Frontier.

  10. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    Actually, I wouldn't mind doing a run like this. I have a few toons I'd like to level up. I'm wondering what precautions we'd need to take to ensure successful quick runs, such as team composition.

  11. Re: [LoH] Run Info


    I was thinking, what if we tried a Roleplay event some time?


    I was thinking about the Team Duel option. If you are playing a team of 5, what level would they need to be on average to fight a level 40?

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