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Posts posted by CptPatriot

  1. Re: absorpion


    The writeup itself isn't the hard part as it is only a simple linked BODY Drain and STR Aid on the HKA, but the problem lies the linked powers has to have enough dice to cover the maximum number of dice a person could roll and I'm not sure it has ever been established that sharing outcomes on multiple linked powers is legal.

  2. Re: Star Fleet Battles Starships


    I know us Trekkers/Trekkies like talking our Trek, but let's not forget something very simple here. The original question was asking about Star Fleet Battles starships which uses the Star Fleet Universe, which is based on the Star Trek Technical Manual, and not the Star Trek Universe that spawned TNG, DS9, and Voyager.


    At least SFB has some level of consistency in combat, where as the TV shows didn't. Stuff like 'annular confinement beam jacket' for allowing FTL firing of phasers and all that stuff as said in the DS9 tech manual while there was evidence of them doing so in TOS.

  3. Re: Marvel Super Friends


    I wonder if the network would have gone for Scarlet Witch or Thor. They wouldn't show a punch so I wonder if they'd have been okay with a "witch" and a "god" on a children's show?

    Well, I don't ever recall any references to the Amazons in the Superfriends and the mythology behind them, so the Marvel version would never have to reveal his Norse deity references. As for Scarlet Witch, they could use Wasp with the 'Challenge...' show, they could add Hank Pym aka Giantman for Apache Chief. By the way, I do believe that they did mention Apache Chief's origin being from a magic powder.

  4. Re: Star Fleet Battles Starships


    In SFB, the ships are, indeed, traveling at low (for Trek) FTL speeds in combat; the max combat speed is a tad over Warp 3 (31c, to be precise, although the fastest seeking weapons travel at 32c). Energy considerations typically force speeds to be a bit lower, as does turn radii for many of the ships.


    I wouldn't necessarily try to simulate the mechanics of SFB in Hero, though, despite their similarities in using segmented actions. If you are trying to do Prime Directive Hero, use Hero for PC-level actions and SFB (or the simpler Federation Commander) for space combat.


    I agree with Peregrine that you would want to use SFB where possible, but in order to allow coordination with shipboard actions, you need a 12 impulse chart, which I have provided below.


    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: center]



    in hexes[/TD]
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The only thing that I don't have knowledge of SFB to say if they have rules for under crewed vessels, so if Klingons board the ship and start killing crew, you'd have to figure it out. I'm trying to remember how the rules work for multiple people assisting you with a skill roll, but my memory fails me.

  5. Re: OT: Anyone try out STO FTP yet?


    I'm playing with it. I tried the FTP Champions Online and only played around with it once or twice. (I've spent more time designing costumes in it than playing it by far, though there's no good way I've found to export useful pictures).


    STO has been more entertaining, though I have very little idea what I'm doing compared to what I think I _could_ be doing. Still, it's been fun. The space battles are fun. The ground combat is less so. I've been slavishly following the tutorials so as to learn as much as I could until recently. Now I'm just tooling around the universe in the USS Heavy Metal seeing what's there to be seen.


    The new powerhouse has a green screen room, so you can do your screenshots and set your alpha channel to the background color. Just remember to turn antialiasing off to make separating the background easier. Another piece of advice is to try using screenshots with TGA instead of JPG to eliminate JPG artifacting.

  6. Re: COJ RP Page


    I'm flattered that Scott knows me like that, but I don't think people on the forums know me by my nickname, just my 'cptpatriot' moniker. That being said, I can't be the only one that roleplays on CO and frequents the forums here.

  7. Electricity Powerset


    The Electricity Powerset consists of:

    • Electric Bolts
    • Chain Lightning
    • Lightning Arc
    • Sparkstorm
    • Gigabolt
    • Ball Lightning
    • Lightning Storm
    • Electrocute
    • Thunderstrike
    • Electric Form
    • Electric Sheath
    • Ionic Reverberation
    • Electric Shield
    • Energy Storm

    In CO, most powers work with a game mechanic that the players can use to additional effects. In the case of the Electricity Powerset, it is Negative Ions(NI). What I have done is assumed that any person whose been hit by an electrical attack has been affected by NI, unless a full turn has past since they were last hit by electricity. By doing it this way, you can also take advantage of other PCs attacks that don't take advantage of such a mechanic.


    Please note that some CO advantages will not be addressed because of how I chose to address NI or because of differences between the MMO and the PnP game. Two types of advantages I will be avoiding are those that give a chance to generate Energy or Threat.


    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 100%, align: left]


    [TD]Electric Bolts[/TD]

    [TD]Chain Lightning[/TD]

    [TD]Lightning Arc[/TD]



    [TD]Electric Bolts is referred to as an Energy Builder, which allows a CO character to build up energy to toss off more powerful attacks. The Hero System generally works on the assumption that when you enter into a fight, you are at your peak energy levels, so this attack just needs to simulate an attack that can be shot off quickly.


    The CO advantage Lightning Overload gives Electric Bolts a 20% chance to bounce to another target, but because of the nature of the PnP game, I've increased the likelihood of it working.


    Ionic Infusion increases the chance for NI to be applied to the target and it is rendered superfluous based on the definition I'm using for NI.


    Please note that I've opted to allow the PC to only target enemies and let each target have a fighting chance to be hit, but if you feel this isn't proper or prefer to simplify things a little, then feel free to choose the Nonselective option for Area of Effect or remove Selective entirely and remove the Alternate Combat Value limitation.[/TD]

    [TD]Chain Lightning is the first of the powers that takes advantage of NI to allow attacks to hit more than one opponent. It uses NI to allow its attack to form a chain of targets that get affected by the damage. It is generally a more powerful attack than Electric Bolts.


    An advantage available for the CO power is Lightning Helix which creates a second arc that could hit the even more people, but because the Hero System doesn't allow a person to be hit twice in a single Area of Effect attack and using an additional power to allow it to be possible would bring the attack cost prohibitively high, I've chosen not to include it.[/TD]

    [TD]Lightning Arc is a popular CO power which allows the player to maintain an attack against a target. Unlike the prior two attacks, this attack doesn't generate Negative Ions on the target in the game, but it does do an extra 20% against targets currently affected by them. What I assume is that the first round, if he isn't affected by those NI, he will be after it. I've chosen not to carry over any advantages from the CO power as it works with or against a CO game condition or mechanic I'm not supporting.[/TD]



    [TD]Electric Bolts: +2 OCV & Blast 8d6 plus

    Lightning Overload:
    Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) for up to 40 Active Points of Electric Bolts,

    Personal Immunity (+1/4),

    Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2);

    Requires A Roll (10- roll; -3/4),

    PC must select one enemies within the AoE at random(-1/2); Alternate Combat Value
    [uses OCV against DCV of target] (-1/2)

    * a limited version of attack that forces a target to be hit conventionally before an Area of Effect attack can take effect on those surrounding the target.[/TD]

    [TD]Chain Lightning: Blast 9d6 plus

    Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) for up to 45 Active Points of Blast,

    Targets hit by the attack are considered to be affected by

    Personal Immunity (+1/4),

    Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2);

    Affects target, if target has
    , choose a random enemy; if the random person attacked is hit, they are affected by NI also and you select another random target in the AoE to be attacked and so on, however if owner takes declares he's taking Extra time(Delay Phase), all people in AoE will be attacked one by one at random until the attack misses. (-1/2)


    [TD]Lightning Arc: Blast 8 1/2d6, Constant (+1/2) (67 Active Points); Lockout (-1/2) plus Blast 1 1/2d6, Constant (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Only if affected by Negative Ions (-1/2), Lockout (-1/2)


    Total Damage if under NI: 10d6+1[/TD]





    [TD]Ball Lightning[/TD]



    [TD]Sparkstorm is an point blank area of effect attack that's supposed to help by knocking away enemies that get too close, so you can knock them away. Since all attacks generally do knockback, I will simulate that by using the Increased Knockback advantage.[/TD]

    [TD]Gigabolt is an area of effect[/TD]














  8. Hey, HEROphiles. I've been trying to convert my characters from Champions Online(CO) since I was involved in the beta. Now I have a few characters in CO I like and thought it would be cool to bring them back into the game I love. To that end, I'm gonna post my efforts here and open it for discussion.


    What you should not expect is an exact duplication of the powers and some aspects of the game like generating threat, rooting targets, etc, will not be used. If you want to generate threat, then annoy your target through roleplay.


    The first powers I'm porting over are from the Electricity powerset. I will expand on these as time goes on.


    Look for them to be posted in the following posts.

  9. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO?


    Sean has a point. The system, as it is, is too complex for new people to just pick up and play. Even I had a period of transition between playing the randomly generated character game with AD&D before understanding the idea of making a character with a concept first. My characters before playing Hero System had always been to make that fighter or cleric then follow suit with a concept based how events occurred in-game.

  10. Re: Someone must build this character.


    Well, the guy looks like a Steampunk inspired character. His sword has that tank attached, so how about using stats for a basic sword with a boost from a piston from the pommel or the sword has a hollowed area inside to allow flammable jets to escape via the holes in the sword? The gun and shield seem easy enough to writeup.

  11. Re: Deflection at Range


    1. ??? Deflection is Ranged by default. It is the entire point of Deflection to allow you Block vs. Attacks that don't hit next to you.

    2. That is defined in the Blocking rulesm, I look that up

    3. I took me repeated questions to get that out of Steve Long, but the Cost is "once per Block Maneuver". You don't have to pay for each Block atempt

    I forgot that Deflection was ranged. I think I was remembering how Missile Deflection was handled in the 5th Edition.

  12. This situation came up during my groups' last game session. I'm not trying to overrule my GM's decision, but I do want to make sure our understanding of the rules are clear when this happens again.


    Character A got knocked back from an attack from Character B.

    Character A acted prior to Character B in the same phase.


    1) Does Character A get to make his Breakfall roll at that moment to avoid the knockback damage?


    The reason I'm asking is that our GM said that all skill rolls require time to use and said Character A could not use his Breakfall skill as he already acted in the segment.


    2) If Character A failed his Breakfall roll to land on his feet from the knockback, can Character A still make his Breakfall roll to get on his feet as a 0 phase action when his next action comes?

  13. If a character buys Deflection with the Ranged advantage,

    • can she choose to deflect all the attacks coming to hit her team and herself?
    • can she choose which attacks she deflects, assuming she can tell the types of attacks apart?
    • does she pay END to Deflect the attacks once(which is what I was thinking) or each time it is used?

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