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Posts posted by CptPatriot

  1. Well, I know writing up gravity and powers that simulate it are a pain in the keister, but is there some way we can be consistent about it?

    I previously posted a question about Gravity Control as a power to the Rule Questions forum and Steve Long suggested the following:


    I’d use Change Environment and the table on SH 218 — define 1 G as a combat effect. Given that causing 1 point of damage costs 5 points as a combat effect, and you’re looking at a 1d6 AVAD per 1 G of force, I’d probably charge 25 Character Points per 1 G, maybe more.


    I think using Change Environment(CE) is an elegant solution to the question of gravity. All that needs doing is defining the direction the gravity is working and remember, falling doesn't do the damage, it's how the body reacts when trying to fight said gravity.

  2. This is what I used on my own Combat Precognition character:

    1. Bonus to OCV & DCV with a precog SFX
    2. Danger Sense
    3. Overall Levels to Skill use that would be resolved in a relative short span


      Useful for being able to notice stuff, because you had the whole time interval in the future to look for it

    • Anticipating conversation paths

    • Being able to correct mistakes made before they happen

    You could try:

    1. Remote Viewing with Clairsentience: Looking around in the area limited to how far you could have moved in that time frame
    2. Desolid: To avoid attacks you could sense were coming up.
    3. Triggered Movement could represent a way to dive for cover w/o actually going prone
  3. Personally, I prefer a system that allows for more drama, in the event of a conflict.


    So, I tend to like

    • Warp Drives akin to Star Trek,
    • but recently, with the Star Citizen game, they have a jump point or hyperdrive-like system, but engages the player because you need a pilot to navigate the tunnel between points. Here is an example video I cobbled together that shows it off.

  4. Dude you just don't give up on locking threads do you?


    When threads get hostile and go off point, like this one did, I will rather have a thread locked than this forum be associated as a place not welcoming to discussion and approachable to new players.

  5. The greatest sin one can commit in Champions is to have an inefficient character build.



    Only to someone who is "gaming the system".



    No.  To all good and noble creatures in the universe.



    I have to disagree. When building characters, I find there's something inherently satisfying about using a given amount of points efficiently, and that's coming from a long-time GM. I'm not going to say it's beautiful or artistic, but seeing a well-built character Is like seeing a challenging math problem solved.


    What is the point behind an efficient character build, if it doesn't truly reflect the character you are trying to writeup in the first place? Not saying that gaming the system is all bad, I might tweak a character to have a 13 or 18 in a particular stat, but the point is to represent the character, not to represent the character efficiently.

  6. I'd just like to point out that Champions Complete has characters with 0s in their MCV stats.  Page 207, "average individuals".  Children are listed as having 0s in both those stats.


    Sorry to bust your bubble, but after examining Champions Complete and the 6th Edition Vol 1 book, I can clearly see that the issue of children having 0 OMCV & DMCV in the table is the result of a typo. Looks like something else that'll need to be corrected for the PDF and next printing.


    The cost of being a small child is the same in CC 207 as it is in 6E1 437, -55 points, and since the 6th Ed version of small children has OMCV & DMCV at 3, it is clear that the CC version has to have them at 3 also.

  7. The problem isn't in the mechanics of the Hero System(HS), it's perfectly legal to buy it down. The problem is with the execution of your concept.


    HS relies heavily on the concept of the character you are attempting to play. The rules are there to help you with that. I have a character, Surge, whom I bought down her characteristics to a Normals as a baseline for the character. I wanted that so if her mutant abilities were ever suppressed, I'd have a definitive baseline for the GM to work with.


    There was no munchkinism involved in my decision, just the desire to make the character as I saw her. Her Presense of 8 made things difficult, but I eventually bought PRE Defense to help her compensate for the monsters she runs across as a hero, but keep her Timid demeanor.

  8. 5th or 6th?

    I'm saying 6th as that is the current edition and I'd like this to be accessible to potential new players using Complete Champions.


    Low powered is a good starting point, especially keep defenses low.

    So, Superheroic, Low-Powered (300 with 60 in complications) and how low should we go with the defenses. I think the basic assumption is that they need to be able to be hurt by normals. Defenses are likely based on body armor, which should stop a knife and bullet resistant to handle most pistols.

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