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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. NOOOO! Oh, I had such a crush on her when I was younger. RIP 😢
  2. I never do anything willy-nilly! I assure you, this is most definitely an attempt to start the apocalypse.
  3. I just learned this existed. Edvard Munch, The Murderer
  4. Saw it last night, had a lot of fun. I recommend if you like your comic book movies with a bit of humor. Remember, this is the guy who made GotG.
  5. Is that a joke? Is Batman a joke to you?? Batman is no joke.
  6. Is that all it takes to start the apocalypse? I'll get searching for a new one ASAP!
  7. Is it just me, or is this creepy as hell?
  8. Florida-bound man duct-taped to seat after groping and fighting flight crew
  9. The score was 7 - 1. Nobody was catching the Orioles.
  10. I couldn't think of a better thread, so putting this here. I was out looking for buried treasure and I scored a great stash! I'm not really a collector, not as much as some others I know, so if you're interested in a purchase/trade for any of these, lemme know! (But I'm keeping Loki.)
  11. Found Hogwarts, it's north of The Castle of Aaaaaarrrrrggghhh.
  12. Where do bad rainbows go? Prism. Only a light sentence.
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