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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Champions Villian Voulms Beyond 3: Is There Room For More? Basicly, I miss the Enimies books (I thought that the CV's would be the 'new' format for the Enimies books till I learned that it was in hardcover and expencive). The problems with theas books are: 1) Price. The more expencive the book, the less likely we are to buy it. 2) Finding them. I tried looking them up a Borders, but quit when I couldent. In Milwaukee, there is only one RPG store left, and thay are concentrating on DnD and bord games. While it is proably better to order directly from the source, it might not be posable (for out of print books, for example). 3) Reprint factor. Just how many times can the bad doctor be writen up? 4) Unorigonality factor. Whats new, and how much same do I have to wade through to get to new? 5) Fealing of a locked universe. The HERO Universe use to have the feal of anyone can get published if thay had a good colection of villians or a set of adventurs. Now we worry about what Cryptic and Atari would say, unless we go indipendent. But if we go indi, we lose the conection with the Champions Universe.
  2. Re: Women of the Champions Universe (Fanpictorial)
  3. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Half done. While I don't know if Fiction Maker is amused and entertained with this group so far, I shure am. Keep up the BAD work (we're creating villians, it would be wrong in calling this work good).
  4. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Then I am going to sergest Agents of T.H.O.R.N.. The eight agents have no superpowers (but might have special equipment), and asist the Bondsman and the Literatie in there tasks. The list of stations your created villian might fill are: 1) Secretary with a sexpun name, 2) "Number Two", who takes cair of day to day functions of the group, 3) Mad scientist, 4) Pet migite or pet albino, 5) Head assasion, 6) Pet Rushen or Chiniesperson, 7) Pet ninja, 8) Bodyguard, 9) The, if it flys, floats, or drives I can piolit it person, 10) Head of spying/misinfomation, 11) Pet twins, 12) Animal trainer. Have fun, and be sterotypical, for all have been created by Fiction Maker for his amusment.
  5. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! That, I think, is about 8. But I am still unshure if the two...entities should realy be considere members.
  6. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Thanks be, DeathTrible, for the link. Almoner is the mystical healer of this lodge, makeing shure the wariors of the fath are strong enougth to face DEMON, and that Master Shadowall lives long enougth to pass on his knolage to a worthy aprentes of high magical apatude. He does not, and will not heal eveyone with his magic...only the worthy members of the lodge. He also sees to the physical and spirital well being of all "chosen ones" who's souls are worthy as sacrofices to strengthen key places agains Endimite intersions, at least till the ceramonie begins and the sacarfice dagger plunges.
  7. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan. Which reminds me...over on the Creat A Villian thread, I had others brainstorm what Orochi would be. What thay posted is intresting, and I might use some of the ideals (like the Golden Gesha).
  8. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Sounds great. Humm...I ponder...what would the evil versions of the Court of Dreams be, if Queen Nightmara had her way? (I already have a few names in my head. MoonMystic would probaly be Lady Eclipes, Animalla would proably be Lady Savage, Dreamstar would proably be Lady Night-Terror, but I have no ideal on SunSpell or Logitica. Probaly file that under "we'll never get there, so stop thinking about it, silly".)
  9. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! I am an old man..call me Master Shadowall. I serve this order in the only way I can...to strengthen the walls which seperate us, living sacrofices must be made. Thay use to wall people up when creating buildings in hopes that the ghost would protect the building. Later on, masions would ceramonly trap a persons shadow for the same job, but without the bloodshed. But now, the seals are weakening. Real blood, real souls, must be used to close the doors. DEMON wants to open theas doors. What is the lost of a few, compared to eveyone? But I am an old man. Powerful in magic, but my time is soon up. Who could take my burden?
  10. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I wonder what age would be the rougth cutoff for the 'young girl body' art to the 'young woman body' art. I ask because my charater is 16 (and could be eater an underdeveloped 16 or, well, an overdeveloped 16 if the art is not right).
  11. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan.
  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! He was shure he said his name was Nastyboy. He, a mutant brick y the given name of Melvin VonDerRuns, said his none-der-crime when he robed his first bank. So why did the newspapers called him Nancyboy? Well, after many other roberies, and fress vareations of the name (he was at one time Nastyman, The Boy Who Is Nasty, Nasty, Mister Nasty...you named it, if you uesd the word Nasty he tried it), it always was publish as a vareation of "Nancy". Evently he gave up and joined this group, hopeing one day to be Nastyboy once again.
  13. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Hopefuly I am not the cause of the re-art. Phanton shoulden't order all new artwork of HIS charaters because of MY opinions, but his own.
  14. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Any objections of MajorTom2009 of doing our charaters in cilivian clothing? Also, any plans on a pic of Queen Dreamstar (the mother of the curent Dreamstar and Moon Mystic)?
  15. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions No objections about what Lady Hate would look like...remember that the Court of Hate was molded into what Queen Nightmara needed, and her sence of style...so Lady Hate should only vagely look like Lady Heart. And thanks for the permition to put the pics up.
  16. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Tyrant's real first name is Lee? What's wrong with the first name "Rex"? Great charater ideal, by the way.
  17. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Just so you know, I posted the images of Lady Heart and the Court of Hate up on my Deviantart page at http://steriaca.deviantart.com . I gave MajorTom2009 credit for them (of course), and if MajorTom2009 says so, I can take them down.
  18. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Bewair, humans, for hear comes Velosity-Raptor. Acadently turned to our time by the actions of the infamous Timemaster, then he was captured by superheros, and in an atempt to send him bact to the past wound up mutating him into a human-smart and superfast dino of terror. He joined the Dinosauriem so that he have protection from thoes pesky superheros who want to send him back to his own time...he loves it hear with the hamburgers and tacos (which he eats by the ton) and video games (he can't play them...but likes the lights), and television...he loves television. Oh, and he dosen't like to be extinted eather.
  19. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions OK. Great work on Queen Nightmaira, Monsterin, and The Court of Hate. Great work done, MajorTom2009. Now, that I got that out of the way, my critiqu on the artwork for my charater, Lady Heart. First, the things I love about it. I like hir hair. While I described it as haveing red sausage curls (al-la Karin, from Street Fighter Alpha 3, only red and oddly shaped), I can acept your interptation of it. I like the two 'princess curls' look. I also love the earings and tiera, othoe thay look extremly thick. The color pink is also a good color on hir. Now, what I hate about the artwork...the 'armor' look. I hate the armor on all the good guy charaters so far, but since most of the charaters are not mine, I let it slide. Frankly, it looks like all of them should be pulling out swords and other weapions instead of wands. Color me crazy, but I like my magical girl charaters (even the gender changers like my charater) to look like loliepops, rainbows, ribbon, lace, hearts and flowers. In other words, femimen, and not young girls with swords. Now, the in game reasion why my charater should look a bit difrent from the others...s/he is not a member of the Court of Dreams. S/he is an student/observer asigned to them untill s/he can regain her court (which became the Court of Hate), and it becomes safe for hir to return to hir home dimention of Terocka (and then Robert Trueheart has to then give up the power of the godgem from Terocka for that to happen, or sacrofice his life on Earth to help Terocka rebuild after Queen Nightmaira's reinge...or whatever we decide). Another reasion is that Robert is an otaku, and the godstone used his mind (and anime knolage) to paterned it's power into something he could understand, and what he understands is the sterotypical magical girl (alla Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, and even the Winxs Club). So, Robert transformed should look simuler to that concept. And, once the Court of Hate has changed to the Court of Terocka once again, so should the other girls (Lady Joy, Lady Health, Lady Bravity, and finaly Lady Tranquility). Oh, you might want to do for the Court of Hate one Lady Hate. She is basicly what would become of Lady Heart once Queen Nightmaira gets her evil claws into hir godstone.
  20. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I hate to say this, but this is not exactly how I picture her in my mind. The 'armor' look is good, but she is supose to look more like a anime magical girl...which means a poofie short dress with leg-o-mutton sleaves and a puffed out skirt. And lace. O-well...I guess Hero Machien can't work with such puffyness.
  21. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Next up in the Human Zoo is Zuba, the Lion Man. Zuba was orphaned as a baby and raised by, of all creachers, Lions. Eventuly at the age of 14 he was reintruduced into human society, and by the age of 16, rejected it and rejoined his pride. Then tragity struck when a group of pochers hunted them down to the last cub. He swore revenge on man and joined the group to make his revenge real beyond imagining. Warning: Zubu will eat humans if he can...raw.
  22. Re: Create an Interlude: Heroes & Villians Easy to do with a real computer...hard to do using the Nitendo DSi. I can't even find the squair brackets on this thing, and when I try to do it freehand, I always get a 'C'. [Ah...found out how to freehand brackets now...good.]
  23. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Next up is The Patchwork Man. Made from vareous corpses by a mad scientist with a "Franenstine Fetish" durring the 70's, The Patchwork Man kills for one reasion alone...replacement parts for his decaying body. In spite of his name, he cairs not for the sex of his viction, nor race (othoe he is less likely to kill a woman if the part he needs to replace would show). He has superhuman strength and durability, and literly can feal no pain. Electrisitc does no help nor hurt him. He can survive anywhere, as long as he can get replacement parts.
  24. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! It is..it is I can't spell the darn word to save my life.
  25. Just a deep question...is there room for more than three voulmes for this series? If so, what theams could you see for V4 or V5 to make it difrent than, say V1-3? Hear is my thinking (your might be difrent). Volume 4 should focus on super agents of VIPER. In other words "hear be Dragons (branch)". V5 might be a start of a yearly or bi-yearly update colecting official Champions Online villians which got the OK from Cryptic and Atari, and if any villian improved there stats/added new powers.
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