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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? The same way the Mafia does in the Champions Universe. Don't do anything to flashie to atract atention of the Chojin, have a few pet Chojin on your side just in case (or can hier some, just in case), send the heroic Chojin on a wild goose chace so that thay bother your rival for a while. In chase you do not know...Cho = 'over' or 'super', jin = people. Literly 'super people'.
  2. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? Humm...let me think...one should be a Miko with vast experence with magic and monsters. Another should be an expert in technology, prehaps one who sheltered himself and sends a remote controled seragent into action should the team need him to acualy 'be there'. The fourth member I think should be a young martial artest with vast knolage of the Martial World. And member number five...an alien who crashed landed near Japan, and now calls Japan home (prehaps it saved a life of someone and fused it's essance with them, like a certan infamous live action Kaiju Fighter...) Just a few ideals...
  3. Re: Japanese Superhero Resources Thank you for the resourse linkss, Q. And the short list of japanies supers (or, as thay might be called in Japan, Chojin...litterly over people, or Choyoma...overmonsters (Choma for short)). Now, can you please expan your list by giveing a shot paragraph of who thay are, and where you can find them/if Steve and Cryptic OKed them for 6th yet? And remember, most supers in anime/manga do not use fancy coadnames and costumes (example, Ranma, Jotaru Kujo, Yugi, the spirit detective from YuYuHasinko, Lum, ect...)
  4. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? Ok...noted and reconised. But realisticly, most anime/manga heros are under 18 years of age. And the entier country is NOT 'Teen Champions'. Yes, there will be ninjas. Hows about the Te no Shi (litterly Hand of Six/Death). A group of six metahuman ninjas. More importantly, what would Steve want to see? He is the guy who will aprove/disaprove it. And Atari and Cryptic? Thay are the peoplee who have to program the stuff into Champions Online if it is official (if not, then we don't have to worry about eather).
  5. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? Ok...let me think...you all want a book of anime sterotypes. Did I say this was "Anime Hero"? Yes, I am an anime/manga fan. Butthe point of the book is a Sorcebook for Japan in the Champions Megaverse, not a book of pet sterotypes based on anime/manga/sentai. Still, sterotypes are not THAT bad, if only used as a starting point. Will probaly do a team of sailor suited supers. I beleve I might get permition to do something with Zen Team for this, so sentai...check. Legacy charater...Yamato, bka "Rising Sun", Japan's answer to Captan America, and dateing to WW2, check. I do want to do a fresh take on Yosho(sp?), makeing them a pro removal of foreners group. Anything else?
  6. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Silver Tyrant (yes, that IS her name) spent her time pondering and studding to be a weather forcaster. More so, she was brilant and crafty. Prehaps to crafty. And she started dating a minor mutant named Samual 'Gold' Goldenhelm who had no powers, but had golden colored skin. One day, a group of punks assaulted them, injered Silver, and killed Gold. She never forgave them as the trama released her own mutant ability to generate heat and cold (but not fire or ice...well not directly). She called herself Thermal at first as she struck back at Gold's killers. After that, she started getting radical about mutant rights. When she joined Atomigetion, she decided to change her name to Temper.
  7. Simply put, what would you want to see in a "Champions of the Rising Sun" book. Keep theas things in mind: 1) Monsters of Japan have been covered in Aisan Bestery, and may be slated for a 6th edition books in the future. 2) Martial Arts is already covered in Hero System Martial Arts book AND the upcoming The Martial World book. 3) Mecha is beyond the scope of this book (and, in fact, should be covered in Mecha Hero and the Hero System Mecha Garage books, if anyone is intrested in writing the books).
  8. Re: Who are the greatest (?) super villains? Humm...more manga... 1) Dio Brando: Prehaps one of the worlds most powerful vampiers, and bain of the Jostar/Kujo famaly from the first and third storyline of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. Just his existance is enougth to slowly kill Holly Kujo. 2) Marick Istar/Yammi Marick: If there is a true 'sick bastard' in Yu-Gi-Oh!, it is him. I don't see why Yami Yugi dosen't simply mind crush him...
  9. Re: Would you buy... I see the Grimoire as more of a 'hear are some chapters of what magic powers are, in Champions terms, with some sample writeups, then a section of some powers that be who give magic for the asking, but at a price, some sample villians and some sample dimentions'. I see it as something to help, but not restrict GMs and Players running magic type charaters. No chapter on Mecha (that would be MECHA HERO teratory, if we will ever have the darn thing). No Cat Girls (Hero System Metamorph book). Magical Girls would be covered under the Godstone section of Champions Grimour. Mostly the main focus is Tokyo, the history of Japan (including Meathuman history), the mystical dimention of Yamato (think Farie, but with Tengu, Oni, Kappa, ect...) (No write ups for the creatures, simply convert the Aisan Bestery to 6ed), but will give sidebars to Otaku culture, including vareous words for superbeings there. And some sample heros and villians. Let's see on thoes words... Hirojin: A slang for mutant, from Hirojima. Also short for someone from Hirojima. Also see Nagajin and Mujin. Soopa-: Common mispronounciation for "super", used in refering to something metapower related. Also see Cho- Cho- : Japanies equivlent to the german Ubber-.
  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Next group, the 6 member group Atomagetion, a group of mutants who look up to Holocaust, thinking that he is the saver of mutant kind.
  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! One day, an unamed man was found, bairly alive because most of the right side of his body was burnted off. After extencel surgeries, thay were able to save his life, but would be unable to walk with no right leg, or grab things with no right arm, and lacking a funcitinal right ear or eye also harmed him. But soon people realised he was a mutant who's first jolts of energy projection was what set his body aflame and also caused him some memory loss. Still, with the help of doctors and the Condition, he was able to harness his mutant powers to fly and to shoot bolts of energy from the left side of his body. Taking the name of Sinister, he seeks the secrets of who he was before the acident, and to finaly cope with his powers and himself.
  12. Re: Who are the greatest (?) super villains? I notice no manga charaters (at least what I spoted in this thread), so I should add to that mistake. Queen Berly and Queen Metalica (from Sailor Moon): A vinidate, jellous queen made imortal by a pact with what is basicly a liveing sunspot. Corupts four good men to use as her pawns, and destroys life on the Moon because the Earth Prince Endymon loves Princess Seriity of the Moon more than her. Pegagess J. Crawford/Maximilian Pegasess: Acualy a playful man with a wickid sence of humor and a plan to use science and magic to reserect his dead wife. Kills "Bandit" Keith Howard in the manga by forceing him to shoot himself in the head with his powers. Almost took the puzzel from Yami Yugi. Lost his life (and magical artificial eye) via Yami Bakura. Witty, can be nasty, and funny. And almost got away with it also. Yami Bakura (aka Bakura, King of Thieves): An evil spirit traped in the Milimumin Ring, able to take control of his 'host'. Has long plots invloving role playing games. Powerful magic is at his comand, othoe limited to whatever game he is playing. To make maters worse for Yugi and friends, when Yami Bakura is not in control, Bakura is sweet and nice, makeing it worce when he turns on them.
  13. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Stanley Smith, as a child, was always plauged as a target by bullies. One day, while playing with a toy he liked, the local bully became intrested in stealing it from him. So, standing up to him, he broke his own toy. And he learned he liked it. Over the years, he became known as someone who would steal your toys and brake them for fun. Even later, he graduate to stealing cars and breaking and entering, then breaking what he stolen. As an adult, wheneven he was out of prison, he joined ARGENT as a weapion and equipment tester, specaliseing in putting the equipment into stress tests designed to show how much punishment the objects can take. Black Haraqueen soon learned about Stanley, and working with ARGENT, designed a cyborg body for him. Then, without his permition, thay put his brain into this body and 'loined' it to BH. Stanley was remade into Toybreaker, and was forced into the Toybox group as a way to pay for the body. (As for why, well BH learned about Toybox, and Toybreaker was ment to be an unwilling spy...then deciding that he needs a way of testing some of his equipment so that it will not backfire on him....you get the ideal.) Toybreaker is the group's brick, dressed up as a sterotypical bully (yellow and black striped shirt, helocopter beenie, ect...). He does have some equipment: A slingshot designed to be used with his strength and specialised marbles to use as amminition (bewair the glass one with the acidic mist), blaided jacks to toss on the ground (and a jack ball he has no ideal what it does yet). His eyes can spot weeknesses in objects. And he loves to use his enchanted strength to steal focui from superheros, and then tear them apart.
  14. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Darn you, Death Tribble! You stold my joke name! (LOL) Anyways, may I present for your amusment, Blastphaney? Robert Davis was a preacher's son deep in the bible belt. To make maters worse, he was secretly a mutant in an area of the country where mutants were concidered 'devil children'. He tried to hone his powers in secret, flying at night and shooting blasts of energy from his mouth at the late of the night, and hopeing to get home befor anyone awaken. But one night, his father caught him and knew of what he thought he became. He started 'beating the devil' out of him, and Robert opened him mouth wide and let a bolt out which not only killed his father, but burned the church down. From there, he drifted in and out of trouble, running away. Sometimes, his anger at the clergy upsets him so much that he sets fire to a church with his powers. This caught the atention of the Arson Squad, and he freely joined for the sence of famaly. Note: His powers are NOT fire related, but do cause flamable material to go up in flames when contact with the mouth bolt.
  15. Re: Would you buy... OK. Haymaker is back. I'll check it out sometime (mostly to polish my writing, as you sergested) as soon as I can find at least the Hero System Basic Rulebook.
  16. Re: Would you buy... I'm glad for all the opinions. If I was going to try to write a book myself, then somehow get Steve to buy it, I would do #5 myself. Unforcently, because there is no more Digital Hero, and that the Champions Universe is, I guess, off limits unless we get Atari's permition, what can someone like myself do? Hero System Martial Arts Book Two?
  17. Re: The Black Tryangle *superbump* Has anyone used my group in there campain? Has anyone anyone converted them to 6ed? (No permition needed to do so)
  18. Re: Hypothetically and unofficially, what would you like to see in a Mecha Hero book? *bump* I'm intrested in what others think about my HERI System Mecha Garage ideal.
  19. Re: Krim The Winged Prisoner, He Of Many Crowns. Hear is MY take (I don't own 6th edition yet, so I can't make a write up). Once, long ago, Krim was a powerful being of another dimention filled with giant winged people of vast mystical power. One day, there were invaded by beings from another dimention. To make maters worse, theas beings posesed a more powerful magic which rendered them imune to theas people's direct magic. Krim descovered that he could tap into that dimention's 'well of magic', and drain it, absorbing there dimention into there own, and rendering them not imune to there magic anymore. Soon, he desiered more pure magic, and invaded other relms, absorbing them and intergrating them into his own dimention. It soon became aperant to his daughter that her father, a hero and king in his own relm, was becoming mad with power. (It diden't help that in one of his explorations, he shaged the Dark Mother, and other beings fearing him mad him there god). So, she found a dimention with limited magic in there 'magic well', lead her father there, then taped into the well itself, using her own body (now crystalised) to seal the only dimentinal portal big enougth to alow him through. Now, Krim has learned how to use the smaller portals to contact and view others, and created the Crowns as a way to bring his power to the multiverse and to excape him prison realm. Apperance: It is no coincidence that the Crowns of Krim appear as thay do, that of winged humaoids. For that is Krim's true form. Curently about 20 feet tall (if not more), with stone grey skill. His head is hidden by a cloud of black energy with red energy spot 'eyes' looking out. Surounding him are what appears to be disembodied heads which float about...and on top of each head a crown. Not all heads are humaoid, but all look like thay are naturaly like that (as opose to cutted off). It is said that there is one head per crown out there, so there might easly be a million heads. Powers: It is best to say what powers Krim dosen't posess than what he does have. He can not change his size or shape. He can not cross dimentions normaly. He cannot cast any powers which mimic what the posesers of his crowns can do. He CAN change objects into crowns (and other magical items) charged with his power, which he can then toss into the dimentinal rifts surounding him. He needs not food, sleep, or even breath, and can survive the most harsh conditions.
  20. Has anyone ever done a writeup on the imprisioned Demon-God Krim? What is your take on him? Want to know my take?
  21. I'm just throwing some ideals for books out there for Champions, and any knod yes or no would be helpful. So, would you buy... 1) The Champions Grimour: An indeph view of magic in the Champions Universe, from spell casters to 'magical girls', to profiles on achient powers like Krim. 2) The Book of Foxbat: Um...it is a book about Foxbat. Also includes Foxbat's agents, many of his crazy gadgets and inventions, details of his past crimes (if you can realy call stealing an entier truck of Hextess(traidmark) Hex Pies a crime). Heck, you might even see an official writeup of the infamous Centerpeedmobile, and even the "fake Ground" power suit. 3) The Book of Crown and Wing: This book is NOT about the Crowns of Krim. This book is about the mystical enity itself. Shure, we have writeups of Dark Serpha and his crew, but we finaly also give you a writeup of Krim. And we will tell you where he is, and how he plans to excape his prison dimention, and what he will do if he excapes. 4) The Book of Skull and Soul: Takofangs gets his own book, with writeups on his agents (both low level zombies and such, to dead superbeings reserected to serve only him), and his plans. 5) Champions of the Rising Sun: A setting book for a superpowered modern Japan. So, what do you think?
  22. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I recomend this group. Of course, I AM a bit biaos, cosidering I play a charater there.
  23. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Let me think... A villian charater I wrote up (and beleved published on the board for 5ed), Mister Wicked, is a masoganist with a bondage fetish (women in, that is), and works as a white slaver of sorts (providing people for mad scientist, DEMON and other like minded groups as sacrofice and test subjects, amoung other things). Oh, and did I mention he had a melodrama complex? Never ran him, but was fun to write him up. Anyone mention The Lavater Fog yet? Openly gay mutant supervillian one of my old groups told me about, but never had the pleaser to encounter. I have played gender changers. In fact, Lady Heart is one. I have also played a crossdressing charater named The Damsel (male wearing a specilised repula 1890's dress and wielding hi-tech gagets disguised as parasols and such). The Damsel was into females (much like James from Team Rocket is...but that is another story).
  24. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! OK...hear is my atemp at this. Luna. A woman with silvery skin who's power of superstrength depends on the phases of the moon. She dosen't get 'depowered' when it is day. Also, durring a New Moon, she is transported to...somewhere else. She keeps what she is secret from the others, but she is, in fact, a fae from Fairy who is bound to the moon. She is a brick with extreem agility (as opose to toughth skin).
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