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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Green Knight of Thorns. Wearing a strange green armour and wielding an energy axe is the Green Knight of Thorns. When the mood strikes him, he rides into town on his flying mechanical horse, and ishues a chalange for heros to stop him. So far, the heros have failed as he clames there heads. And woe to thoes who grab him, for his armour has poisoned quills which spring out when someone does so.
  2. Re: World's Finest I'm intrested in the concept (and running in the DC Universe - Silver Age), but playing an established charater seems wrong to me. I woulden't mind playing an original charater in such a setting, thoe. Even a villian charater ("Bewair Batman, For Where Strikes Mamon, Lord Of Greed!").
  3. steriaca


    Re: Gunslinger Another thing to think about are limitations. Does this guy dress like what he dresses like even when the situation would harm him? Sounds like a Distinctice Feature to me if 'yes'. Does he have the Psychological Limitation 'Gunslinger Mentality'? The Psychological Limitation 'Coad of the West'? Psychological Limitation 'Avid Gambler'? Psychological Limitation 'Womaniser'? Just some sergestions.
  4. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Sorry. I just got so many ideals in my head that sometimes I just have to unload. Please hurry up and someone post a new charater so I can post another charater befor my head explodes.
  5. Re: Linguistic Assitance On Building A Japanes Acronym
  6. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Blackwind David Blackwind was a 'humble' TV meterologist when he was caught in a freek storm after being let go for a meterologist with a little more sex apeal. The storm somehow gave him wind control powers, witch eventuly expanded into weather powers giving time. After a few years as a solo villian, out to get revenge on his fiering, he mellowed down a bit and joined the group. He lasted a long time untill he sacrificed his own life to stop The Dark Destroyer from destroying the city.
  7. Re: Bring Out The Old! A big question is this: Are there any roles the old villians use to fill in there edition which curently are being filled by...nobody? Why is that role vacant in the curent edition? We mostly all love CLOWN. But because Steve Long dosen't, and the comitic villian is covered by Foxbat and in some ways Captian Cronos, it is...bairable.
  8. Have you ever reintroduced a published villian from 4thed on down into a 5th edition/6th edition game? There are many a villian I miss (othoe a lot of them can stand some improving). For example: 1) Timemaster: As he stands now, he is a rather week master villian and 'unfocused'. While we DO have a time related villian out there (Captian Cronos), he is more lighthearted, more like The Doctor. And, well, The Doctor needs The Master. And a 'Krang the Conquer' homage is a good thing to have. What's Wrong: Besides time, how is he difrent than other would be world conquers? Solution: Simple...the world he wants to conquer is not OUR world. He wants to change events so that he can rule HIS time period. 2) Monopol: An intresting premis...a supervilian fanboy gone, well not good. What's Wrong: Dosen't fit in as is. Solution: Monopol becomes an employie of ARGENT, the head of there "Supervillian Asignment Team" (basicly, people can hier supervilians sponcered by ARGENT to do things). Monopol will not let out and out killers join the group, but the group can always count on steady employment, beinfits, and lawers to get them out of jail (or reduce the sentence is thay can't do that). What's your choices, and how did YOU do with them?
  9. Re: Hand Attack Power + Martial Arts
  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Meiko of the 13 Tails. Meiko is the latest in Japan's secreted 'scorpion famaly'. The famaly martial arts involves using there own living hair as a weapion, and Meiko is no difrent. She has mastered using 13 braid-blades at once without harming her own hair, and has grown her hair out to a wopping 12 feet. She is deadly and no-nonsence, leaving corpses of thoes who displease her famaly behind her. Some say the secrets of the famaly's hair and chi powers involves shampoing the hair with a mixture of human blood and scorpion vemon.
  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Scar. Denver Wilson hates himself. He hates himself enougth to atempt suicide. But each time he tries, something goes wrong and he lives to see the next day. He jumped off a bridge more than once, only to be caught in mid air by, well, you name the flying superhero and he or she had caught him. Cutting his wrists open only gave him heavy scar damage cause someone always notices he is bleeding and stitches him up. He can't even drown right. Finaly, he was about to throw himself infrount of a train when the energy aliens noticed his self-hatred and picked him for there project. Thay hypercharged his cells, alowing him to regenerate from anything. Made him imune to many a harmful thing. Made him imune to pain, being unable to even feal it. And, if he attacks himself, he is able to create an area of pain around himself which affects all thoes who are nearby. Scar, as he now calls himself, searches for a way to die. Unbenounced to him, there is a way out of his imortality...his powers are nulified forever once he feals like he wants to live, and acualy likes himself.
  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! White Dragon Job Davis is a card carring member of the KKK, White Dragon was recreated by the ailens as a martial artest, using 70's aisan martial arts movies as a guide. He hates his 'extra abilities' because of there forien sourse, but aknolages that thay ARE useful. Oh, and the ailens changed him into a hairless male being without genitals and with pure white skin.
  13. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Acualy, Profesor Steriaca is not just weapions...he is "Gamertech". Basicly technology designed to manipulate the 'rules' of the 'role-playing game' he is in. Or to refer to thoes rules. Yes, it is mostly weapions, but thats not ALL he can do. Most people think he's a crazy as Foxbat, except replace comic books with role-playing games. Few realy know he's an extra-dimentinal who came from a world where eveything in this world is a part of interactive fiction. (Dr. Nymax! knows well that he is not from around here...others in the group...who knows.) We now return you to our curent group, the Skinwalkers, already in progress.
  14. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Viper agent David Haskil got lost durring desert training, and came upon a strange, almost serpentine woman. After a night of lovemakeing, she shead her skin, revealing a wear-serpent within who wanted David for lunch. Forcently, David killed her, but not before she bit him. Now, when the moon shines, he sheads his human skin and becomes Serpantine. He is hunted by Viper (he went AWOL after his first transformation), but enjoys his powers as a arm-less and leg-less wear-serpent.
  15. Re: transformer question 1) Yes...Summon. (Let's see...the cartoons Lazerbeak, Buzzsaw, Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat...that is six summons,not counting any others which did not show up in the show...and Blaster can do the same). 2) This is a bit more complicated. Try Multiform for the leader, other members of the team must be ajantiant to activate, and Extra-Dimentinal Teleportaion for the pieces. Multiform and EDT automaticly ends when knocked down or stuned.
  16. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! True, but if the heros are using AoE KA's, then thay deserve to be called baby killers by the press. Remember, the Seekers are inocent people transformed. Besides, I'm a mad scientist. I can easaly excape capture while the heros are distracted, along with the coponents to a giant missle so I can create (wait for it...) The Million Seeker March! And this time, I'll use his UMA write up. Mahahahaha!
  17. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! What, no coments on my creations weapion load? I'm especaly proud of the Seeker Missles myself. (One missle into a croud of normals and it is wave after wave of "G'day miss. Watch this.")
  18. Re: Linguistic Assitance On Building A Japanes Acronym So, anyone else have any ideals about this subject? Let us recap the ideals so far: 1) Use non-english words for SPECTRUM. Perfect, if you remember that english is not the only forien languige spoken in Japan. 2) Use the top parts of words (real world example: Pokemon). Other ideals: 3) There is no acurnim. Any others?
  19. Re: Question about TK Humm...yes...I'll go with Ockham's Spoon on this now. Needs Fine Manipulation, Weapion Element: TK, and a lot of END. Note: Darth Vader has this, but does not use it much (his infamous choke hold, and the Lightsaber Throw And Return are both uses of TK, othoe most people who write him up use it as a full flege power than a use of TK).
  20. Re: Question about TK I would say yes, allow them to buy normal Martial Arts and use TK. But then have them buy a lot of elements with it. You want to strike a guy at a distance, grab a weapion and yank it out of a person's hands, choke the life out of a guy and such? Got to buy the Weapion Element "Use Art W/TK" (1 Point). Want to not have an off-hand penatly when using Martial Arts with TK? Got to buy the Weapion Element "Use Art Off-Hand W/TK" (1 point), and you have to also have the Weapion Element "Use Art Off-Hand" (1 point) already befor you can buy the TK version. Want to be laying on your back and still strike with TK with skill? Got to buy "Use Art Prone W/TK" (another 1 point, plus it is another must have the element without TK first). Want to use your weapions with TK? Well...got to buy them again with "Use Art" (even the one you got free...well, except the TK version of Bairhanded is "Use Art With TK", so you don't need that for bairhanded). And remember to enforce the penatlies for eveyone when using TK.
  21. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her I haven't been keeping up lately, but have we goten to the 'brest which can act like flotation devices' section, or did I miss it? Also, did we have a look at the sub-preversion 'Damsel in Distress' (DiD, sub-catagory of bondage and dominance)?
  22. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Profesor Robert Steriaca. Talk about putting yourself into your work... Robert Steriaca was a humble utility clerk at a supermarket who dabbled at writing for role playing games. One day, needing a mad scientist charater for his latest unpublished adventure, he wrote himself as the scientist. That is when the fates stepted in, in the form of a dimentinal reality warp, which took him from his normal universe to the Champions Universe. Now he is an infamous mad scientist. To make things worse, he has no science skills, but eveything he thinks up and has built in his guise works. Yes, he is prone to odd remarks as "Make your saving throw aganst this, Defender!" or "Nobody can survive my Ten D Six Armor Piercing Penatrating Lazer O Doom!", but clearly he is haveing fun with his new role. Examples of Steriaca's Messed Up Gadgets: 1) Seeker Missles: What can you expect...a missle launcher which does not seek out it's prey. Instead, it explodes into a gas which changes all thoes who breath it into...Seeker! Yes, copys of the long forgoten Australa Ninja return from the void and must obay Profesor Steriaca's comands (unless it conflicts with there psyc lims, that is). The only way to change them back is to stun them, or convince them that thay do not exist. (Seeker was his faverote from the Big Blue Book days, and just when the charater was finaly getting some respect, thay whipe him off the face of the Champions Universe. How Dair Thay!) 2) Personlised Blaster: He writes the name of the victom on the side of the gun, then fiers. It only damages said charater till he changes the name on it, or untill someone else does. (Note: Writing "Profesot Robert Steriaca" will not work...he will never forget to put his VVP points into Personol Imunity). 3) Stat Scaner: This device is basicly a speed gun with a DSi hotguled to it. He scans a target with it, and gets a Hero System 6ed Charateristic Sheet on the DSi monitor. Alowes him to coment on a charater like "Ooo, 2d6 of Luck...". Might be a perament part of his charater sheet (as opose to part of his VVP). 4) Carbornian Battle Shield: Basicly a round carbord disk with some sort of strap on it and the word "Carbornian" writen on it. As long as the word is on the disk, the disk itself is indestructable. Erase the disk, and almost anyone can rip it into pieces.
  23. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Lepadarea: Another tragity...she was forgoten by the time Matel got ready to do the Princess Of Power line (She-Ra's toy line)...this she would never become a member of Hordak's Hord. Allen: You realise that the Misfits were part of the Gem line? And no, size wise thay were not equvalent. Gem dolls were larger, so Barbie clothing would not fit in Gem's clothing (and vica-versa). And, what musical intrestment or posion did 'shortie' play as part of that group...or would of if he wasen't so short?
  24. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll There you go...you got TWO ways to inflict Hand Killing Attack (Bite, Claws)...Ragdoll dosen't need a third way. Of course, it IS your charater, not mine...but I would lose the sythe. Claws can't easly be taken away, are not bulkie and unwieldly, and can be easly hidden. The only advantage lacking is reach, but Ragdoll can make up for it via speed and leaping. Besides, you try climbing up a three story wall with a sythe straped to your back.
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