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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: 80's Champions OK. I know it is 7 years old...so to put the topic back on track, what movies/tv shows/books would be of use to get the feal of the decade? I vote "American Psycho" (the movie...othoe if you have the stomic for it read the book). It basicly ozzes 80's overindulgances.
  2. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Sorry, Death Tribble. I can't rep you for Wheels of Steel yet. I will when I can, thoe.
  3. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll It is still doable. Pointed teath in the mask (just for looks, not for biteing). Clawed gloves (an excuse for a good bonus to climbing skill, and a light Hand Killing Attack when you need it). Only going out at night, and refering to others as 'mortal' in costume. Hysterical lafter which chills your oponent's soul (it works for The Creeper and The Joker). It is doable without refering to yourself as the grim reaper.
  4. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator The final movie for this year (and I don't think I'll do this next year). The Town Which Dreaded Haloween Monster: Haloween Jack, a mystereous demon which haunts the town of Haloween Falls. Location: Haloween Falls, which has finaly lifted it's 23 year ban on celabrating Haloween, forgeting about why thay baned it in the first place... Situation: The PCs are teanagers haveing a costume party and generaly haveing a good time. This awakens Haloween Jack, a demon which was summoned up by a witch who's child was murdered on Haloween Night 24 years ago. Her revenge...Haloween Jack will kill anyone celebrating the day. Costumes. Trick or treating. haunted Houses. All will fall to Haloween Jack unless the PCs can nulifie the curse. The End.
  5. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll I would lose the sythes, and rely on high-flying martial arts. Your charater CAN be 'dark' without being a killer. Dark but not killer charaters you can look at include The Creeper, Ghost Rider, and yes, The Cape. Haven't thought of Cape till you mentioned him...yes...simular to Ragdoll, but difrent. And I defently do NOT think Ragdoll looks like a scaircrow. He looks like a demented Raggity Andy. And he can look like a demented Raggity Andy without sythes, thank you. Besides, with martial arts skill, you need no leathal weapion besides yourself. Especaly if done right (getting your oponents to attack themselves by moveing out of the way of an attack, for instance).
  6. Re: Linguistic Assitance On Building A Japanes Acronym Japanies usaly do not go for 'acronims' as such. To shorten long words, thay usaly use the first kanji of each word (as opose to the first letter). Real world example: Pokemon (for the english words Pocket and Monster, spelling change to POKE to reflect pronouncation diffrences). SPECTRUM could be a simuler thing: SPEC = Special, TR = Tribunal, UM = Unlimited. (Of course, I could be wrong)
  7. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Thank you.
  8. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll There is no "Escapology" skill, per say. To simulate the skill, you have to rely on the skill Lockpicking (to simulate opening locks), Contortion (to squeeze into and out of restrants and tight places), and the profesinal skill "Stage Magition" (which should not be based on a stat, and is a complmentary skill). Other magician skills are Acting (to pull off fake surprise), Slight Of Hand (to pull off makeing small objects disapear and reappear, as well as picking someone's pocket or putting something into someone's pocket), Concelment (to hide self and others, including objects), and the GM might alow you to use Conversation to pull off misdirection with your words ("I tell you a story which makes you look over there while something is going on over in another direction") Hugh Neilson is corect ... buy what your charater needs first, then buy anything else which helps...and then make a wish list of stuff to buy once you get the experence points to get. And, it would be helpful to know exactly what the concept is. What I am getting now is 'ex-homeless kid who ran away from home and became a street preformer for cash is befriended by an old stage magician who use to be a golden age superhero and teaches him the ropes...then dies and the now adult kid assumes the goldenage idenity'. Am I corect?
  9. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator Since I might not be able to post tomorow, it is double featur time. "movie 1" Thay Came From Above Monsters: "Starbirds", carniveous birds from outerspace. Location: Lookout Mountion. Situation: The PCs are mountion climbers who are there when the Starbirds reach Earth. And, of course, thay are hungry. "movie 2" From Below It Came Monster: Crock-a-snake, a huge snake body with a crockadile's head and appatite. Location: The Sewers...and soon to the main streets of your town. Situation: Take one baby crockadile, one baby python, one toliet, and a couple barrels of industral waist...and you get the Crock-a-snake. Double Feature Tagline: Above, below, nowhere is safe from terror.
  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Can you guys handel...80's Action Figure Rejects - Villian Edition!? Give me 8 rejects, from Cobra, the Dreadknocks, Skelitor's crew, Hordack's Hord, Mum-Ra's Mutant servents, the Berserkers, or even rejected Mitfits (from the Gem fashion doll line). Give us a reason for the rejection also. And have fun (and don't limited yourself with my examples...even Strawberry Shortcake, Cair Bears, My Little Pony, and even TMNT had rejected toys, did thay?).
  11. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator Grul Monster: Grul, a light hateing beast who eats people. Location: A small town durring a blackout. Also a cave system with a newly blasted open opening. Situation: Someone blasts open a new hole in a cave system, and the sun goes down. The Grul is released and is hungry. Tagline: The Night Has A Thousand Fangs.
  12. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll Again, it sounds like your doing to much. We got the Ragdoll suit (+DCV, PD, ED, with the limitations of IIFocus and Restranable), designed to be bigger and padded. Excapologie: Desolification, only vs Entangle, Requiers Skill/Stat Roll (Lockpicking for things with locks, Dexterity for getting out of ropes), Limited Power (only VS felexable entangles...will not work if sumerged in quick harding concreat or ice, for example). Flash Pellets (Flash VS Sight, IIFocus (Flash Pellets). I see no room for illusions.
  13. Re: Berseker Rage Don't have 6th edition (and even if I did, I would only have the Basic Rulebook for now), so I can't answer that one. Multiform was never my strong suit (now Insta Change and the limitation "Only In Hero ID", I know).
  14. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Leatherwind Doctor Vlad Alacard Acula was a doctor obsessed with eradication of the disease Rabies. Expermenting on vampier bats, he hoped to breed bats which are not only imune to the disease, but also stop the spread of it. Unforcently one day, he got bitten by one of his inficted, geneticly aultered vampier bats. By night, he is ok, but by day, he transforms into a humaoid vampier bat which calls himself Leatherwind. He has given up hope of curring himself, so he went to Dr. Nymax! for help. Nymax! plans on curring him...of his human side, letting him be Leatherwind 24 hours a day. Oh, and just in case you do not know, he drinks blood in his new form. Lots of it. And he is not contagous...yet. (You know Nymax!, never count him out) (I hope it is OK using Dr. Nymax! DT, for this guy)
  15. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Melvin DeJuglar. Melvin is a mild-manored mutant with an ability to digest blood, and a craving for it. Outwordly, he looks like a human 'nerd', and beyond the ability to drink and provide nutrition from blood of almost all types, has no other powers or limitations. The others use him as sort of a daylight repersation (as most of them are unable to interact with human society, at least in the daylight). Dr. Nymax! is intrested in seeing how far his ability can be...mutated (prehaps he can give him sterotypical vampier powers without giveing him the vampieric limitations). All Melvin knows is that the doctor pays well (as does the yuppie vamp), and he also has all he can drink (after eveything else drinks, of course). (Partial insperation, the movie Martin The Blood Lover by George Romaro)
  16. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Molock the Mad is a stage magition extraordinar. Only preforming on Haloween Night, he preforms illusions on volentears involving mulalations, decapatations, dismemberment, evicivations, and other grusome feats. Unbenounced to his audeance, what thay see on stage realy hapens. And at midnight, the magic which prevents his victioms from dieng wears off. Of course, in recent years supermystics and other superheros have stumbled on his stage show (he still regrets showing off for a certan low budget movie director in the late 60's...it inspiered him to create a movie in 1970...cause it made it harder for him to hide). Still, he can cast more imediate lethal spells for thoes who interfear. (Insperation: the original Wizard of Gore movie, by Hershal Gorden Luies)
  17. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator The Bloody Beast of Bloody Blood Monster: A creacher made up of human blood. 100 percent human blood, no preservities. Location: A lab near a small town...and the town itself. Situation: An acident with an anti-colagulant, a beaker of the red stuff, and a fragment of a meateor created it. Can anything destroy it? Tagline: The Fluid Of Life May Cause Your Death.
  18. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Doctor Mayards rival and friend in the mad sciences is Profesor DePower. A man without famaly, DePower was obsessed with removing the powers of golden aged superheros. Sometimes it is a steight power thieth...other times it is a gift to others the powers he snatches or even a power mixup. He came out of retierment to prove he can be just as strong a force now as he was then.
  19. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator I missed a day, so it is time for the double feacher. "movie 1" I Cook Your Flesh Monster: Workers in a fast food resteraunt...for Canables. Location: A fast food resteraunt. Situation: The PCs avoid being made into burgers, or die trying. "movie 2" I Boil Your Blood Monster: A sadistic 1700's count with a taist for hot blood...boiling acualy. Location: The count's castle. Situation: The PCs avoid suplying the count with his bevrage of choice, or die trying. Tagline For Double Feature: Theas Two Movies Will Consume You...Flesh And Blood Alike.
  20. Re: Berseker Rage Defently 'brick' with a HKA (bite/claws).
  21. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator Guts Monster: The disembowed guts of a legendary indian in them parts, Jonny Winterbear, comming back to 'life' about 150 years after his death, and killing the decendents of thoes responcible. Location: Winterbear, a small midwestern town. Situation: See monster...he was gutted and now wants his revenge. Simple. Tagline: This Movie Has 'Em, And If Jonny Winterbear Has His Way, You Will Lose 'Em.
  22. Re: Berseker Rage Generly speaking, supers (both heros and villians) do not go Berserk. Even charaters like Wolvereen do not acualy go berserk (you usaly do not hear Logen complain about his lack of control while in combat, even after he rips apart some Hellfire Club minions). It can be simulated, thoe. And hear is how: 1) Pick up for your charater the complication 'Bersek'. Do NOT buy more than the 'Enraged' (unless you want to give the game master full control of your charater when bersek). Define it as 'in combat'. You should not buy more than 11- to go bersek, 11- to recover. 2) Buy extra STR, CON, PD, ED, and REC with the limitation 'Only When Bersek' (value provided by Game Master). 3) You might also buy extra OCV with the limitation 'Only When Bersek'. An intresting limitation to add the extra STR and OCV is Incresed END Cost (times 2). Oh, and Cost END for OCV. It dosen't acualy simulate the power, but it comes close.
  23. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll Skills for a stage magition: 1) Slight of Hand. 2) Profesinal Skill: Stage Magic. 3) Knolage Skill: Stage Magic. 4) Knolage Skill: The Preforming World. 5) A high Presence stat. 6) Optinal tallent: Double Jointed.
  24. Re: For October - Horror Movie Chiller Theator Jed's Undead Shead Monsters: Zombies...Drunken Hillbilly Zombies. Location: A moonshining shead in the mountiens. Situation: The PCs hear about the best shin in the world up there in Jed's shed. At night, the zombies come for the shin also. Tagline: The Best In The World, You'll Rise From Your Grave For It.
  25. steriaca


    Re: Ragdoll Hear is what I would do with the charater concept. I would ask myself the folowing questions: 1) How many points has the GM giving me to play with? I have to make this charater based on the GM's guidelines, so it is helpful knowing how many points I have to play with before I need to buy limitations (old lingo for compucations, pre-6th ed). 2) Would my charater fit in with the other players? A bloodthristy vigalantie dosen't fit in with a shiny four-colored world as a 'hero'. A magical charater would not fit into a mutants campain. (It can be done...see Magick of the New Mutants...but that is the exception to the rule, AND she started as a mutant first and gained magical powers on top of that). 3) Are you willing to tone down your charater ideal to fit in? Are you willing to tone down your charater ideal, so you can build with experence points over time the abilities you want? 4) Have you included skills for your charater? Always remember that not eveything will be combat...do you have any skills which are not about combat? Are you willing to buy combat related skills later as your charater grows? It is always best to start small, then grow, then to start fully grown and have no place to go. A stagnent charater loses intrest real fast.
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