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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Drake Karition was a rich and handsom man. Fiction Maker made him more handsome, injecting him with essence of Reight Butler, Mr. Darcy, and other literary rake charaters. He also added essences of varieous Penny Dreadful villians. This came Drake The Rake. No woman can help but to fall for his good looks while he ties them to the train tracks. Powers: +PRE, only to atract others who would find him atractive. Luck. +DCV, only against thoes who find him atractive. Mind Control, CON based, only vs thoes who find him atractive, telapathic.
  2. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Benjiman Rofield was injected with the distiliation of mulitple villians from James Bond novals. He became a bald man with caped teath (as with the giant from The Spy Who Loved Me, who was the bases of the "Jaws" charater from the movie), losing his left hand which was replaced with a 'multi-tool' (shades of Tee-Hee from Live And Let Die and Dr. No from the book of the same name), a third nipple (the villian of The Man With The Golden Gun). He is also a bit lazy (a trait from Blofield from vareous Bond books), and is obsessed with gold (a trait of Goldfinger). He is a great shot (The Man With The Golden Gun), and an avid gambler (Le Chiefie, from Casino Royal). Fiction Maker has given him a small cade of agents called T.H.O.R.N. (reportedly standing for Terror and Hiendist Operations Right Now, but nobody is quite shure). As he strokes his cat, he thinks up plans for himself and his fellow Literati to give them control of the world as the Bondsman. As it was his destity to do so.
  3. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! OK. Been away for a few days for work and I get lost. Hears my giant... Nar is his name. A green alien from a huge planet somewhere out there, Nar crashed on this planet long ago in pre-history. He wields his dreaded "Hand of Nar" (an energy gun capable of many settings). He loves it here, feared by the population and considered a god a long time ago that he never wants to return to his home planet.
  4. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Bewair The Headmaster, deen of this crime colage. A mentilist of avrage power, he uses his powers to keep the students in line (besides being a member of this group, he also runs a few other groups of colage age supervillians using telepathy and mind control). He loves using others to do his dirty work, and loves monie more than pure acadamia.
  5. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan. More on Orichi Membership List: Testushogun ("Iron Shogun"): Leader of the entier group, and the Ateminoichi ("first head") of the leaders of this group. Rairly fights, but when called to do so, uses samuri thiemed power armor and hi-tech versions of samuri weapions. Yojimbomaru ("Bodyguard Warrior): Second head of the group, and leader of an eliet 5 man group of samuri theamed 'rangers' asigned to protect Testushogun and to "sweep away even the most small of pebbles which would impell my master's walk". Mechamaru: Third head, and leader and designer of the Mecha Sentai (or "Mechtai"). An excelent giant robot piolit, theas big weapions are used rairly, but effecently. Kagimaru ("Shadow Warrior"): The fourth head is the head of the hi-tech ninja squad. Nuff said about that. Mizumaru ("Water Warrior"): The fifth head is the head of a specalised team of hi-tech water agents sometimes refered to as "the Kapas" (after the legendary water goblins of japanies myth). Onimaru: A small time mutant with small horns on his head and an extream intelagence, he makes and uses robots based on creachers from japanies myth (see Aisan Beasty for base forms...and modifie at will). He is the sixed head of this group. Ryumaru ("Dragon Warrior"): The seventh head is not a fighter at all, but a banker...he takes his name from the achient name for curency of Japan, the Ryu (which was worth an entier busshel of rice, if I remember corectly). He is in charge of financing the group. Kenmaru ("Strike Warrior"): The eighth head is someone the heros will come across more offen than not...he is the head of the rank and file soldiers of the group, and some special squads also (including hiered supers). What do you think? Anything you might feal free to add or subtract?
  6. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Humm...we are still doing pirates? Cool. Hear is my contribubation. Dread Jolly Lobert was one of the original pirate captions from time imortal. Unforcently for him, his ship sank and he was cursed to be undead till he sailed the seven seas for 700 years. But since his own dinngy is not seaworthy, even as a ghostship, and he spent most of his time as an underwated ghost till being brought back to the surface by this loos band of pirates, he joined them as...well...Dread Jolly Lobert (he's not going ta be changing no name just because he's un-deades now, is he?)
  7. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Kelly "the Machien" Gunn is, as you might think, the guy with the machien gun. Also, he's a minor cyborg. Combine that with a hidden extra gun in his chest (thank you, Buttons McBoomboom and the COPS toys for stealing the ideal), and he is never unarmed. He is loyal, not to smart on his own, and extremly armed and dangerous. Procead with caution.
  8. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Prehaps the most evil of The Santion is 'the Skull of Murtie'. Pablo Cortes is a loyal citisen of San Murtie (which, of course, was runed by Profesor Murtie when he was alive...and might still be in some campains). Trained in mulitple forms of martial arts (some by Scorpia herself), and wielding skull and bone thiemed weapions, the Skull was elected by the Profeser himself to join this group (just ask his official spokesman 'the Voice of Murtie', he will tell you). He was once a lowly Terror Incorprated agent, but now he proudly serves his country. Now, if only someone could translate 'the Skull of Murtie' and 'the Voice of Murtie' into spanish...
  9. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan. OK...lets start expanding the Champions Universe in Japan. Name of Group: Orochi Goles: To return Japan to isolation from the west, through force if nessasary. Agents: Yes, many. Leader: Testushogun ("Iron Shogun"), and seven other generals (Orochinoatemi, "heads of Orochi"). Style: Hi-tech weapions, styled like achient samuri armor and weapions. Outside Of Japan Operations: Yes. (Attacks Japanies busisnesspeople who work outside of Japan, goes anywhere to defeat Japan's openess). Enimies: UNTIL, VIPER, vareous other groups which are forien born. Friends: The Japanies branch of ARGENT (but not other branches). Yooshoo. A small part of the Diet.
  10. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Next up in The Sanction is The Glamorous Fist of Kim Jhong Ill. A beutie from North Korea, The Glamorous Fist is a mutant pressed into service of the country. She wears a dress pateren after the North Korean flag, is an excelent dancer, can lift a ton, and can repell small arms fire. Also, she can glow a soft light which intensifies if she hits a person near where there eyes are (Sight Flash, no range, linked to Strength based Hand Attack). She has been brainwashed from birth to beleve in her leader, and that he is not crazy (simply extremly excentric). She was placed into this group as a spy (beleving that other countrys were ploting against him by forming this group, he had to have at least one operative in it). She hates this group, but dosen't show it, and is willing to kill the leader once she gets the orders to do so. The other operatives call her the Glamorous Fist for short.
  11. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan.
  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! The mystereous Shadowjack is an underworld doctor. If your a villian, mook, or supervillian, and can afford his fees, he will treat you with equipment which would put ARGENT to shame. Just do not ask what he plans to do with the cash, why he dresses in a shabie southern gentlaman's outfit, where he got his scars, or where he disapears to when not treating people. (Loosly based on the anime/manga charater Black Jack)
  13. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! ...let me count... Stans ("the Man"), Rebecca Ann Liddy ("Deep Pockets", "Packrat"), McCloud ("Long Fingers"), Billy Colson ("Special Councle"), Samantha Haldsman ("Ghost"), Hunt, Mack Agnew ("Nathering Naboo"). I count 7...who am I leaving out? Oh...found #8...is the second Haldsman counted?
  14. Re: Historical Games I think you left out a fourth categorie: setting only game. Most Western RPG games are not the 'change history' game, but the 'your a cowboy/outlaw/lawman' game, where the heros have no position to change history, no chance to change history, and acualy don't want to change history. (That is, unless you set such a game during the Civil War, and your players want to play Rebs...you have to then give the South a chance to win, or say that your players are not important.) Another example of a setting only game is the Movie World game, where life in the game is exactly like a period movie/melodrama/period setting TV show. Action is cinimatic, good guys don't die (unless it is nessasary to the story), and the hero gets the girl (after saveing her from being kidnaped for the umpthinth time).
  15. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions It is great to see this post is alive. (And that you included Queen Nightmaira in with the Court of Hate, since she is the Queen Berly/Queen Metalica to the Court of Hate's Four Kings Of The Negaverse) I hope you read the rougth writeups I have posted in the group. Anyways, the members of the Court of Hate: Queen Nightmaira (boss and creator of the group) Monsterin (chief monster creator for Queen Nightmaira) Lady Sorrow Lady Pain Lady Anger Lady Fear
  16. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan.
  17. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Back to the Nixion Group... Thay say that Stans is the man. Knowbody knows exactly why. Simply put, Stans simply showed up one day and joined by the fact that he never goes away. And he is useful. Stans can teleport himself anywhere without strain, as long is it is somewhere on Earth, and that a member has been there before. Beyond that, he can tap into some sort of 'cosmic skill' which gives him any number of skills which would make him useful (a VVP with a limitation of 'only skills/talents which can make sence to the GM/skill-like powers).
  18. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Larry "Rusty" Blaids was the groups sword guy...in the fact that he carried a samuri sword and could use it in a crude fashion. When the skyrock slamed down to the earth, he found himself with your standard brick powers, and the ability to rust any metal his fists or his sword comes in contact with.
  19. Re: Champions Universe Groups In Japan. Don't have any of thoes books, so I can't referance any of them. Which is not exactly bad...if we leave most of the main groups off, and concentrat on what would be local groups...
  20. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? Works now. Thanks.
  21. As part of the whole "Champions of the Rising Sun" thing, this post is to think about what groups, both good and bad, are active in Japan, and why. ARGENT: Half of ARGENT's parent companys are from this area (Tokyo, Shanghi, Seou, ect, ect), so it shoulden't surprise anyone that ARGENT bases are in this area. VIPER: There is a huge resistance to VIPER by the Yakuza (who view them as unwanted medilers in there affairs). VIPER's hold in Japan is limited, but thay are activly seeking operations in this part of the world. A VIPER Nest in Tokyo is a no-brainer (as is one in Hirishiema and Nagasaki, but not in Osaka). IHA(sp?): There are no known branches of IHA(sp?) in Japan, othoe technology for Mutant Detectors and Minitmen robots can be traced to ARGENT bases in Japan. Thay are trying to get a foothold in this country to influence the Diet to crack down on mutants, with little results. UNTIL: Thay have a few bases in Japan, mostly in the bigger cities (Tokyo, Osaka, ect...). There is a martial arts training center hidden in rual Japan, but thay don't train Samuri or Ninja working for UNTIL (openly, that is). COIL: King Cobra has a base hidden in the mountians. It is his only foothold in this country. PRIMUS: Thay sometimes use American Military Bases for there own use, but do not have a perament foothold in the country (and no right to operate here beyond the american military bases officialy). Anything to add?
  22. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Rebecca Ann Liddy was a profesinal pickpocket and shoplifter before answering an underworld add posted by ARGENT. Thay gave her the ability to generate a pocket dimention and made her steal for them as payment for the services as "Packrat". She hated that non-de-crime, but was enlaved to them till she literly bumped into Black Diamond when on the job. Black Diamond helped her excape them, and she joined her group for a while, but never fitted in with the superbattles (and to make maters worse, because of her powers, Cat coulden't teleport her as he can the others). So, once she met McCloud, she was offered a place with his group (and a semi-garentee of no gaudie outfits and silly coadnames and no superfights apealed to her). Sometimes refered to as D.P. (for Deep Pockets...woe to thoes who refer to her as Packrat), she sometimes refers to McCloud as L.F. (Long Fingers). Powers: She can transport anything non curently alive to her pocket dimention, and bring it out again. She can dress herself in an instant (Insta Change), and can pull out easly usable gadgets (a small VVP), along with 'storage' (Extradimentinal Transport, Usable Aganst Others, Only Usable Aganst Others, Transdimentinal [to retreave the objects sent], Not VS Living Things, for the basic build).
  23. Re: Therietical "Champions of the Rising Son", what would you want to see? Um...your shure you got the link up right?
  24. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Eveyone knows of Fu Manchew. Few know of another achient oriental doctor, Wu Tsungchan. Wu was the alchemist who gave Fu the herbal secrets to long life. Fu tried to reward Wu by killing him, but was saved by some renigads. Eventualy he fell in with the still living brain of Hitler. Powers: Advance knolage of medicin, and alchemisty. Also powerful martial arts ability and chi. Dosen't quite have the 'hate the west' mentality as Fu does.
  25. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! First up in the Barfly is White Lighting. WL (real name, Morgan Jackson), decovered one day that the more he drunk, the faster he became. And if you think drunken driveing is bad, try drunken running. He dosen't remember how he joined this group, or even why. He's just a member, not the leader.
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