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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Judging by the trailer, I would say it is for Harley Quin fans. Cassandra Cain fans not so much. Future trailers might do more to flesh out Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya. I certainly hope they do. So fans of those character may eventually be happy. Unfortunately, they have clearly deviated from the comics quite a bit on Cassandra. I have never been a big fan of that character, so it doesn't bother me much. However, if I was a fan of her, I would probably be pissed.
  2. I hate responding to people who can't respond back, but he raises a couple of points that I feel need response. That Russian mouthpieces should have started spreading nasty stories about Biden back in May, means nothing except that back in May Russia was already aware that Biden was Trump's likely 2020 rival. They were just feeding an anti-Biden conspiracy theory that they hoped would take root and damage his ability to call Trump on corruption in 2020 election. As for the Zelensky's statements during the phone call, the whistleblower's complaint alleged that Zelensky had already been informed that he had to "play ball" on the investigating Biden just to get to have that phone call with Trump. So of course he was aware of Biden's investigation situation. That is how he got to be on the phone with Trump in the first place. Trump never should have mentioned Biden by name. His people had already let Zelensky know what he wanted. His bringing it up him self in front of a room full of witnesses was just trademark Trump stupidity. When you are already holding someone's head underwater, you don't have to issue threats.
  3. Your linked news source, 112 UA, is owned by Taras Kozak . Mr Kozak is a member Ukrainskiy Soyuz, a group known for it's pro-Russian (and anti-Semitic) views. You are not doing your case any favors by citing conspiracy theorist like Soloman and pro-Russian TV stations.
  4. Admittedly, "Frequent Guest of Sean Hannity" is not the most promising line on a journalist's resume. Apparently, it was Mr Solomon's Ukrainian conspiracy theory that he spouted on Hannity's show that prompted Trump to push for the investigation against Biden and his son. So, ironically, if Trump is impeached or loses the election over this, America will owe this discredited hack a strange debt of gratitude.
  5. Can you cite a source for this statement? Everything that I have read has said the exact opposite. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/462660-five-things-to-know-about-the-whistleblower-complaint
  6. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe in most of the other 14 million possible time lines, the rat stepped on the button too early and missed Scott as a result.
  7. This was my first thought too, but then I reminded myself that he is the one that appointed Bolton the job in the first. Causing a problem and then taking credit for solving it is a big part Trump's MO. So, no, I give Trump exactly zero credit on this. If he had just stayed in the nuclear deal that that Obama's team negotiated we would not be bordering on war with Iran, his hot and cold running relationship with Kim Jong Un has not made the world a safer place, and the deal that he was getting ready to strike with the Taliban would have been disastrous for Afghan women. So, screw him.
  8. Yeah, being attracted to Margaret Thatcher would just be too weird. I don't watch The Crown, but if I did, I think this would force me to stop. 😣
  9. Some children of service members and federal workers born abroad may no longer receive automatic citizenship. The thing about this that gets to me is not the unfairness of this to the children in question, or the colossal ungratefulness this shows to the service and sacrifices made by the parents for good of our nation. I have come to accept that neither Trump or his henchmen have any sense of fairness, or ability to feel gratitude or empathy for the non-rich. No, what gets to me with these new rules are their incredible stupidity. I mean sure Trump is as dumb as a sack of defective hammers, but it is hard to imagine that this policy came directly from the orange man. It is just too specific and detailed to workings of citizenship for it to ever have crossed his Fox News controlled mind. It had to have come from one of his underlings, but what here they trying to accomplish? Attacking one's own troops is never a good look. Giving these kids automatic citizenship cost virtually no money. Moreover, these kids are exactly the sorts of citizens that we or any other nation wants to have in that they are educated and have been raised to value service to their government and nation. Really, WTAF? I can only scratch my metal plated head on this one.
  10. Opps! I had recollections of there being a referendum and it passing. So when I opened up the wiki page and saw the numbers, I read no further. My bad.
  11. Thanks for pointing me to the link that you were talking about, but I am not buying the Vox article at all. In the relevant year for their chart, 2000, the US had a 5.5 homicide rate per 100,000 citizens. The Vox article claimed that our violent crime rate was 5.5. So unless, the only violent crime in the us is murder, the Vox article doesn't add up. I don't know what the 11 index crimes that are being referred to by graph in the Vox article, but in 2000 the US had a forcible rape rate of 32.0 per 100,000 people and a robbery rate of 145 per 100,000 people (link). What sort of crime index skips over forcible rape and robbery?
  12. And you would be incredibly wrong.
  13. Superman move planets. Hulk holds up mountains. Both are ridiculously impressive, but there are still many orders of magnitude between the two tow feats.
  14. What is that now inaccurate? Do I need to change my business cards?
  15. As long as independents like Valiant and IDW are managing to stay in business, I can't imagine DC stopping publication. It might need to be spun off into its own, smaller, leaner business in order to make things work, though.
  16. And an audience score of 60%, which is considered fresh. Lots of people like John Carter. It just had a bad ad campaign and they spent way too much money making it. It is like sometimes Disney sets out to make a movie which can't help but lose money.
  17. At some point, one of the Marvel editor and chiefs said that as comic books only come out once a month and usually only cover a few days of the time for the character in them, only one year passes for the characters for every seven years that pass for the reader. By this math, Captain America only came out of the ice 8 years ago. So, of course in the comics he hasn't lost too many steps.
  18. Jupiter Ascending 27% I also like Speed Racer
  19. Exception: If the characters are in medium where pretty much everyone looks good and the team is internationally comprised, then by all means they should look like a college guidebook cover (see Len Wein and Dave Cockrum's X-Men for an example). Edit: Also Star Trek bridge crews
  20. *Shrug* Something can be a sick burn that gets a fair amount of tweets on its own merits and also get further amplification from bots. It is not cool having the Russians meddle in our elections even if some of the information they spread is the truth. Moreover, Twitter needs to find a way to purge itself of bots, even the advertising. This would make the platform much less harmful, annoying and as a side benefit keep people from hiding behind claims of bots when opinion just doesn't go their way,
  21. So, I haven't read or even heard of Tarkovskij's Stalker prior to this. Am I missing out?
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