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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Wikipedia credits (or discredits) him with killing 8 people. However, whether the number is 4 or 8, it is worth remembering that many, many, many people have extremely hard lives and face abject poverty and still get through without killing anyone. I have no doubt that Billy had a hard and sad life, but that is true of most murders. That doesn't erase their crimes and make them decent people. I wouldn't cast him into the deep pit, but I refuse to romanticize murders. To do so is an insult to the truly decent people who muddle through hard lives without leaving widows and orphans in there wake.
  2. It's been stated, but ... http://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/black-lightning/272679/black-lightning-officially-not-part-of-arrowverse If there can be crossovers, even if they are not in the same universe, they are in the same universe, if you get what I'm saying.
  3. Actual good news! Wow! I starting to think that they had stopped making the stuff.
  4. Well, not the whole Arrowverse. Season 1 of Black Lightning was good enough that I want to see season 2, and I am willing to give Batwoman a try.
  5. P***** Riot Disrupts World Cup Final
  6. Also, she has had three ongoing series, thought none of them seemed to last more than a couple years. She has also been a 3 super teams, an agent of SHIELD, a villain and paired with a scad of individual heroes. So, if you count all her appearances, it's a really big number.
  7. When Clinton came into office, the Republicans had been in control of the White House for 20 out of the previous 24 years. They had come to see the presidency as their natural right. I think it is this, more than anything Bill Clinton said or did, that set them off.
  8. We put up with George W for 8 years, complained but ultimately accepted it. So apparently this is something that we can do, and have done in the past. Trump is different. I could write books on why Trump is different than a crappy president like George W, who was very crappy indeed, but I don't think going on and on about Trump's myriad of flaws would do anything beyond cause your friend to entrench further. So just let your friend know that we have been there and done that, but find Trump to be a horse of a different color.
  9. Oh, McDonald's donates hardly any of their own money to the Ronald McDonald House. However, that is different than saying that they steal the money from the donation boxes. The money you put in the donation box will go to the cause, just don't expect any corporate matching funds for your donation. Neither the corporate office or the franchises give a bleep about the charity.
  10. Hillary did her level best. She didn't run a perfect campaign, but nobody ever does. She won the popular vote, despite interference from a foreign power, and a press that knowingly allowed itself to be a giant mouthpiece for the Kremlin. Hillary can sleep with a clear conscious. None of this is her fault. .
  11. A quick internet check shows that isn't true. Eighty-seven percent of donations to Ronald McDonald Houses, goes to the charitable work, 3% goes to administration and 10% goes to fundraising. Now, 87% to the actual charitable work is not good enough to make them an A-rated charity, but it is still most of the money collected.
  12. Well, now we know what the whole breast feeding thing was suppose to distract us from.
  13. There are lots of possible other explanations. a) Trump is playing to the part of his base that doesn't approve of breast feeding in public. b) Trump might personally object to breast feeding for reasons. c) Having the option of breast feeding made available (as long as the option of bottle feeding isn't taken away) is empowering towards women and this administration doesn't believe in empowering women. d) Just to troll the mainstream and leftist media in order to distract attention away from some other dastardly deed.
  14. A good movie. Better than the first, which I liked also. It does suffer a bit though from coming so closely behind The Incredibles 2, because while Ant-Man And The Wasp is good, it isn't incredible.
  15. In addition to being the first Spider-Man artist, Steve Ditko was also the best. All the ones that followed couldn't help themselves and made Peter Parker too muscular and handsome. Stan Lee when he sent away Kirby from the project and Steve Ditko understood that Peter needed be skinny and bookish, otherwise he would just be another handsome super hero like all the rest. Also, without Steve Ditko, Dr Strange would just be a footnote along with Stan Lee's other failed characters, because there was nothing inspired about Stan's writing of the character. It was Steve's psychedelic art that elevated the book, and led to many talent artists latter wanting to work on the title even though it was never a top seller. So, thanks Steve, and safe travels as you now get to explore all those funky dimensions that you could only imagine previously.
  16. DC retained the non-exclusive right to use the name Captain Marvel for the character, but they lost right to use Captain Marvel as a book title. So they could use the character all they wanted, but never as the star of his own self titled book.
  17. No, she was promoted to Captain Marvel, because after decades of having the name bounce from one not overly popular character to another, they wanted to give the moniker to a character that could support a solo title.
  18. Well, with 63 reviews in, it is running 90% at Rotten Tomatoes. Now, that hardly means that it is a great movie, but it speaks to at the very least being a crowd pleaser.
  19. I think you are probably on to something, LL. Make your first offer absurdly ridiculous, so that even after you have been haggled away from it you are still getting a great complete steal come straight from The Art of Deal. So, it is not surprising that he would adopt the same strategy in the quest for a legislative victory. You aren't wrong either, Cancer. In one sense his plan was working, in that there was a detainment together bill going through congress that a number of Democrats had said they were going to vote for. So, he was on his way to a legislative victory. However, the completely foreseeable backlash against his draconian separation policy was hammering congressional Republicans in an election year. Every day the policy exist is a gift to Democratic candidates. Moreover, even if you ignore the larger harm that he is doing to his party and think solely in terms of the legislative win, it's still a Pyrrhic victory. Detaining the children in a prison-like setting is still illegal, and will likely be shot down by the courts. He might opt to detain both parents and children in a less prison-like environment, but that may not play with his base. They want illegal immigrants to suffer, not be humanely housed at tax payer expense while awaiting their immigration hearing.
  20. Beyond that, the executive order, like so many other plans of the administration, is probably illegal. Trump's executive order would have the children detained with their parents. However, in 2014 a federal judge declared that children can not be detained in jail-like settings even with their parents. This is what led the Obama administration to letting both the parents and children go free while awaiting their asylum hearing. It is this "catch and release policy to illegal immigrants" over which folks at Fox and Friends got our president all worked up about, precipitating the whole lets take the children away so that we can lock the parents up policy. In face of public outcry, Trump is just reverting to the detaining children with their parents policy that the federal judge already ruled to be illegal. Having successfully come up with a even more inhumane way of treating the children of asylum seeker who enter the country with their parent than locking them up together, does not make the policy of locking the children up in jail suddenly legal.
  21. Those are the posters that I am most inclined to believe look like their avatars.
  22. I think Ego was exaggerating the loss in hopes of changing Peter's mind about blowing him up. With Ego dead Peter doesn't have access to god like power, but I think the potential is still there. For instance I suspect that he could still hold an infinity stone and not die.
  23. Yes, he is going to introduce the episodes like Alfred Hitchcock did on his show.
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