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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. A fast-acting, tactical weapon that can kill your enemy by the thousands while leaving your own people unscathed even if they are standing right next to them is a game changer. Normally when a conqueror occupies a city the citizens of that city become hostages of a sort. With Medusa you can quickly kill the entire occupying force within a population center and leave the city residents unharmed. Indeed the enemy are likely to die so fast that they don't even get a chance to report what killed them. Also, why would you presume your enemies success? If I was building a "defensive weapon" I would want it to defend me so quickly that the enemy never establishes a foothold much less planetary occupation. So a fast acting WMD that I can use without a fear of collateral damage to my own people would be just what the Dr Strangelove ordered.
  2. Humans were immune to Medusa because they altered Medusa to make human immune to it before they synthesized it. They had all the research that went into making it and obviously they didn't want kill every person in it. Medusa itself is presumably omnicidal targeting biological processes that are going to be present in pretty much everything. After all, how else could it kill every type of alien. So the trick is to make it selectively ignore Kryptonian both humanoid and animals even though they would have the same biological processes that Medusa targets in other organism. They would need to pick some protein sequence that is ubiquitous in Kryptonian life but not common elsewhere and key that as an off switch to Medusa. All Cadmus had to do is find a similarly ubiquitous terrestrial protein sequence and add that as a second off switch, or sole off switch if they are able to remove the Kryptonian off switch. Yes, I know that I almost certainly just gave this more thought than the writers of the show. However, I'm sure if you asked them they would say that Cadmus tinkered with Medusa to make humans immune. The virus isn't intended to be some genocidal agent. It is intended to protect Krypton not wipe out all non-Kryptonian life everywhere. So making it act quickly and not spread person to person makes sense. Kara's father wanted the ability to kill off an invading army not the home worlds which that army came from.
  3. I would think that it would go both ways. Probably some Trump supporter who were previously Team Cap are now Team Iron Man. After all, if you can get behind registering Muslims why not registering super power freaks?
  4. Dude, this is not something that she can do. Supergirl has a high enough movement that she can go a long way and still count it as a half move, but she only has a Speed of 3 (4 if you are being generous). Moreover, she doesn't have Area of Effect on her disarm maneuver or a Drain attack versus RKAs defined as guns or any other cutesy power that will allow her to disarm everybody any a single phase*. So, there is just no way for her to disarm everyone before someone fills Mon-el full of lead. * Note: I am being completely serious here. Champions does an amazing job an amazing job replicating the super hero genre, including the parts that on the surface make little sense like you can be a speedster and still only have a Speed of 3 or 4.
  5. There are so many horrifying things about the Trump victory that it is hard to focus on just one, but his promise to repeal the Johnson Amendment fills me with the most dread. Most of his campaign promises in my mind are pretty iffy. They are things that can be filibustered by the Democrats, fail to pass even through even a Republican controlled congress, get struck down by the courts, take years and years to implement or simply be forgotten by Trump himself like all those promises he has made to investors and contractors over the years. Repealing the Johnson Amendment is different, though. It is literally something that he can do in his first hundred days. Even if the measure to repeal it gets filibustered by the Dems in the Senate, he can simply do it by executive order. He can leave the law on the book but instruct the IRS to stop using its resources to enforce it, and this would be perfectly within his rights as POTUS. It is not particularly different from what Obama did with is Dream Act or the decision to have DEA back off of states that legalized marijuana. So that is what we have to look forward to, pastors telling there flock from the pulpit that they are going to go to hell if they vote Democrat and that he expects them to all get and do everything they can to get Congressman Joe Gaybasher reelected for for a 5th term. There is a saying that if you mix water and raw sewage that you get sewage, and that if you mix religion and politics you get politics. That is what we have to look forward to from the pulpits on Sundays, raw sewage. I mean politics. I mean both,
  6. Well, I will take this as hopeful news. Glad to hear it.
  7. Covered California does draw upon the federal program to subsidize coverage for low income members. So if the federal program is completely axed, Covered California while it would presumably go on existing might well become unaffordable for many of the currently covered.
  8. Use of private email servers by government officials has been an ongoing problem, but not one that has a history of resulting in criminal charges being filed. It is more the sort of thing that generally in either a write-up or a dismissal, but not criminal charges. As for holding people at the top to a higher standard, do you really think that your boss much less the company's CEO can't get away with stuff that would get you sacked? If you do, well sorry that is not how the world works. High status, really hard to replace individuals are given more leeway that regular working stiffs*. That is just a fact of life. The only special treatment that Secretary Clinton received that any other high ranking official would have received also, it that the FBI would not have been brought in to investigate anyone else. They would have received a departmental slap on the wrist and that would have been the end of the story. Secretary Clinton has said that she was wrong and apologized. Now I know that someone people will look at this email thing and somehow find it equivalent to all the bad stuff that Trump has said and done over the years combined. Personally I don't see the smallest shred of equivalency. * - I'm not sure that this is not as it should be. Perhaps due to the greater and broader responsibilities of their jobs these individual simply need more power of discretion in the performance of there jobs than people whose responsibilities are more narrow.
  9. It was a piece of hardware shared by husband and wife. They had a warrant to look at the husband's stuff, but not one to look at the wive's material.
  10. My own impression wasn't based on me actually checking it out or anything. I've just noticed over the years that whenever an author does a shout out to their wonderful editor in the acknowledgements the editor always seems to be female. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean that most editors are female; just that most wonderful editors are female. Thanks for taking time to actually google it.
  11. Bourne Legacy lost money. Remember the studio doesn't get the the whole box office back. Here in the US the studio get back about half of the box office with the theaters keeping the other half. In foreign markets where Bourne Legacy made most of it money US films get back between 40 and 25 depending on the country. So doing the math on it and assuming that all the foreign markets were 40% and not 25% markets and ignoring marketing cost, Borne Legacy comes a tad short of breaking even, Of course Bourne Legacy had decent size marketing campaign and not all of the foreign markets it showed in were 40% markets to it actual losses would have been substantial.
  12. If the Democrats take over the Senate, they will hold it for only 2 years. In 2018 the Democrats have a lot more seats than the Republicans to defend so holding onto the Senate would be an uphill battle under any circumstances. Still, since incumbents have advantages it might be doable. Unfortunately, Democrats don't come out to vote during non-presidential voting years. That is why they took such a brutal curb-stomping back in 2010. So yes she may get to appoint 3 Supreme Court justices, but it is unlikely that all or even most of them will be confirmed by a Democrat controlled Senate.
  13. Why do you think that the editors and publishers are male? I'm under the impression that the publishing business has no shortage of women in it.
  14. Doesn't explain his treatment of the Asian guy.
  15. Impossible to say. Bernie Sanders was treated with kids gloves throughout the entire primary. Hillary knew she would need both him and his followers so she never got too deep into mudslinging. The Republicans treated him with kid gloves because he was hurting Hillary so it wasn't in their interest to undermine him. Bernie Sanders is both a human being a career politician. To be human is make mistakes and to be a politician is tell lies and to make compromises. These are just facts of life. Please don't think that he is a saint. Saints don't make it into congress much less spend 25 years there. Just because we don't know what his sins have been does not mean that he is completely free of them. Based on his behavior during the campaign I am inclined to believe that Bernie Sanders is a good man, but a good man the same way that Hillary Clinton is a good woman. That is to say a good man in spite of flaws, not a good man in absences of flaws.
  16. Errrrrm. For the first time I have an interest in seeing that movie.
  17. Trump supporters on Reddit organized to flood every unscientific internet poll about the debate with votes saying that Trump won it. However, in the scientific polls that pick the participants rather than allowing participants to self select, healthy majorities felt that Clinton won the debate. Also, post debate her poll numbers have gone up nicely, while Trump's numbers have fallen. So, do Trump supporters think that he won the debate? Of course. True believers hear what they want to hear. To them his constant interruptions came across forceful, assertive and strong, and all his talking points were dead on. However, most independents and of course Democrats judged her the winner, and the race which had been tightening has once again shifted in her favor.
  18. No, there is no way that particular detail is not classified. The political fallout of such a decision would be huge, and we haven't heard a word about it in anything MCU that has come out since The Avengers. Therefore, nobody must know about it or else they would be talking about it.
  19. No. According to NPR the sex tape that he is referencing doesn't exist. Of course being the good, thorough journalist that they are they had to watch a number of other sex tapes make sure that they weren't the one. You know, just to be responsible.
  20. Well, we are using the word fix in the same sense as when we say that we took the family dog to the vet to be be fixed.
  21. As the subject of the physics of Superman's universe was brought up in relation to normal people being punched through wall with dying, I would like to point out the DCU uses Champions' physics. Or stated more correctly, Champions emulates comic book physics and does a damn fine job of it. In Champions going through an interior wall does 3 or 4d6 of damage, so after subtracting PD we are only talking about a couple BODY. Because of how Champions and comic book physics work, Superman almost never takes BODY but takes STUN frequently. It is really hard to do BODY to most Champions' bricks, but if you have an attack that does 12d6 or 14d6 you can generally inflict some STUN. Since STUN is basically defined as non-life threatening pain, this means because he chooses to go out and fight supervillains to protect the weak and innocent Superman endures a lot of pain. You can see this in the comic books. Livewire will hit with lightning bolts and Superman will be shown as clearly experiencing a lot of discomfort. Of course, if he didn't elect to fight supervillains, he could avoid all that pain. Nor, in those rare occasions where he is facing a foe that can potentially kill him, does Superman change his tune. When faced with a Doomsday, a General Zod or a Darkseid, the man of steel does not run and hide. He goes out and faces the possibility and sometimes even the actuality of serious injury or death in order to protect human life. Now if enduring pain and injury to protect total strangers from harm isn't a moral act in your book, then I can only suspect that you are one of those people who thinks that morality is not a thing.
  22. So, do you guys make a decent beer?
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