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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Well, it looks like you are right. Second Weekend Ticket Sales Drop Only 43 Percent
  2. Some guys. Man of Steel made $116 M domestically in its opening weekend compared to Wonder Woman's $103 M. So despite not getting as good of reviews MoS sold more tickets. Had MoS been getting the sort of reviews that WW been receiving it probably would have made $140+ M, because yes quality does matter. Now, breaking it down by sex, men made up 60% of the audience for MoS and only 48% of the audience for WW. So, doing the math, American men accounted for $70 M of MoS opening weekend box office and only $49 M of WW. Flipping it, American Women made up $46 M of MoS openind weekend and $54 M of WW opening weekend. So, despite being a first of its kind event movie for the female sex, there was only a $8 M dollar difference between women's tickets for the two movies. However, men's tickets dropped by a whopping $21 M from MoS to WW, and this is despite WW widely being regarded as the a better film. So, while a majority of men are willing to watch "strong female lead movies, as long as they don't suck", there does seem to be a distressingly large minority that are still worried about getting girl cooties or something. Now, WW is going to make money anyway, but don't think producers of riskier projects won't be looking at these figures while deciding whether or not to back projects with female protagonists.
  3. I see where you are coming from, but I also find it kinda of sweet how they will use pretty much any excuse to use an actor from an earlier season on the show. A flashback, a hallucination, an extra-dimensional doppelganger, whatever; they continue to give there favorite actors work. Really, I suspect that half of the reason for LoT is to give actors whose characters had been written out of the story paychecks.
  4. Agreed. Loved it also. One of the things that I noticed about it was that it was remarkably free of irony or cynicism. It's protagonist was just plain good in the way that you would expect from a DC superhero, but which none of DC movies prior to this have delivered. It is not imitating Marvel movies with heroism robed in irreverence and snark, it is like DC movies should be with heroism sincere and the feels genuine.
  5. Riverdale for me, but Legends holds my number 2 spot.
  6. Because he is still Barry and thus not very bright?
  7. Won't work. You just don't get much whiter than the Joker.
  8. Sorry about coming on a bit strong earlier. I wasn't sure about your joke. My bad. You had mentioned Marion Le Pen being anti-globalization, and I have ran into a lot of people on the internet for whom globalization = evil. Really, just by being against globalization Le Pen could automatically be classified as a good guy in their books. Now, an Australian using a computer made with part from Asia (because all computers use Asian parts) to talk on the global internet to fans of a game from the United States seems like an unlikely chap to be a a rabid anti-globalizationist. However, I have seen bigger self contradictions amongst those who rile against globalization and free trade. Anyway, I can see in hindsight that you were clearly joking. Sorry for being dense.
  9. The Alt Right side of political history, maybe. Dude, if your problem with globalism is that you hate foreigners, Muslims and brown skin people, history will not remember you kindly. That is just a rule. Edit: Beyond the whole racism and xenophobia are bad thing (though, of course they are bad, and a Le Pen victory would have not been good for the minorities in France), Le Pen was the favored candidate or Russia. Like with Trump, the Russians mounted a large cyber misinformation campaign in order to try to get her elected. This presumably was because of statements that if elected she would pull France from the EU. France leaving the EU would greatly weaken it and following right on the Brexit might very well cause the EU to collapse altogether. This would greatly diminish Europe's ability to push back against Russian expansionism, and would not bode well for the continued independence or well being of the former Soviet Republic countries of Eastern Europe.
  10. Hmmm, on my trip to GotG2, the WW trailer had me saying, "Damn! Why do I have to wait for June for it to come out?" Yep, even knowing what DC has done to their other movie properties, I still major psyched for WW. It helps that every comment from the film's director has reinforced the idea that she actually "gets" the character.
  11. Nope, it needs 50 votes. If they can scrounge up 50 votes, Pence can cast the tie breaker. Also, no filibuster. They are using the same end run around the filibuster that the Dems used to pass the ACA in the first place. Still, 50 is a pretty high bar to clear given how slim the Republican majority is and the extreme controversy surrounding the bill. I, for one, am hoping that they fail miserably at reaching it.
  12. Cap didn't decide that. That was decided by congress and the american people when their activities were made public.
  13. Can't we do both? I'm pretty sure that government shutdowns don't include the military.
  14. What if those characters have larger roles in the sequel? By introducing them in this film, that get the introductions out the way and lays groundwork for SS2.
  15. Damn! Could they have tried a little harder to be Freudian when naming that thing?
  16. So, how did the DC thread get taken over by Marvel?
  17. No Squirrel Girl is a very humorously written Mary Sue.
  18. But would Assad have done this if Hilary had won? My theory is Assad figured they had "their man" in the White House and got cocky.
  19. Well, of course that isn't true. Keira Knightley going to play Cable. He said so in the after credits scene. This is good, since this is probably the only thing they could do with Cable to make me interested in the character.
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