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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Agreed. Her presentation is kind of off-putting, but I have appreciated the content of what she has had to say.
  2. Not recommended it you wish to retain any love for humanity, but nonetheless informative. http://wehuntedthemammoth.com/2014/09/08/zoe-quinns-screenshots-of-4chans-dirty-tricks-were-just-the-appetizer-heres-the-first-course-of-the-dinner-directly-from-the-irc-log/#more-13184
  3. Then I guess Sociotard and I have similar browsing histories because I got the exact same ad, and also noted the irony of it to myself. However, regardless of Sociotard's and my depraved browsing histories, that doesn't change the fact that Entertainment Weekly accepted that advertiser as one of their sponsors. I have never seen that exact ad anywhere else on the the internet, so I have to assume that the advertising deal is with Entertainment weekly or whoever runs their site for them.
  4. Wow! It is like we have reached some critical mass. http://games.on.net/2014/08/readers-threatened-by-equality-not-welcome/
  5. Okay, three things: 1) The article on casual cruelty against women pointed to Anita Sarkeesian's latest video, and Ms Sarkeesian talks about how the depiction of violence against women in video games is different than the depiction of violence against men in the same games. I'm not going to repeat or summarize what she said. Go watch the video if you are curious. 2) The vast majority of AAA game titles center upon a male protagonist who is the most important character in the game. Most of the time if he rescues or fails to rescue any particular female in distress the game goes on either way. Only when the male protagonist dies is all hope considered lost and the game ends. Most people both male and female would choose to be someone whose actions matter, but in video games this role is usually reserved for male characters. 3) Yes, men tend to be portrayed in games, fiction, and news reports as being kind of expendable. There deaths aren't presented as being as tragic in and of themselves as the deaths of women and children. So I would consider it a fair point ... if men's rights activist decried this point in games and fiction. They don't. They do what you did. Instead of saying that the game, movie or book is terrible for displaying men's lives as meaningless and expendable, they say that feminist are terrible for failing to decry the depiction of men's lives as being expendable. Don't complain about the fact that feminist aren't picketing outside The Expendables 3, go picket it yourselves. Then I will believe MRAs are serious about the issue. Otherwise, I'm just going to believe that they (and you) are trying to score rhetorical points with an argument that they really believe themselves.
  6. *shrug* I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he considered doing superhero work somewhat beneath him as an artist, and just collecting a paycheck.
  7. Milo Manara does erotic comics and he does them quite well. Both the poise and his execution would have been just fine in his native art form in that she wouldn't have been crawling over a ledge and there would have been someone behind her. Marvel choice to use Milo Manara to do the cover for Spider-Woman #1 tells a lot about their editorial staff and its mindset and priorities. It's sad.
  8. If you feel that people are trying to bully you into identifying yourself as a cis male, you are overly sensitive (I know that commenting on the validity of other peoples feeling is not PC, but I thought you would appreciate that). The terms cis male and cis female are used primarily in LGBT discussions, and by people trying to give an LGBT perspective on a particular issue. Now it is fine to say "hand me the wrench" when you are dealing with a small toolbox which has only one kind of wrench. When your tool box contains a socket wrench, a crescent wrench, a pipe fitter wrench, a monkey wrench and assorted combination wrenches it pays to be specific when asking for a wrench. The LGBT world has a lot of types of wrenches. Having a quick way of indicating that you are talking about someone whose biological sex, gender identity, and sexuality all match up with societal expectation can be very helpful at times. Now, you want your personal gender/sexuality combo to the default, requiring no prefix even in LGBT discussions, while all other gender variants receive some sort of label (homo, bi, trans, cross dressing, etc.). Well I can see why you would want that, but I can't see why the LGBT should concede that to you. Certainly not if your best argument is to point to chromosomes. You've already conceded that alternate gender/sexuality have been shown different neurologically structures compared to the "norm". This has been established by multiple studies. It is a fact as you say. That it might be quicker to do a chromosome test or look at what is between someones legs than do a head CT, is irrelevant. As I pointed out the cis prefix outside of organic chemistry is used mostly in discussion of gender identity and sexuality. Neurological structures often trump gross anatomy in these matters and it is perfectly legitimate that the language of these discussions reflect this. Boldly stated, but mostly BS, and totally BS in the current context. Language is the battlefield upon which wars of idea if fought. However, it is also common ground upon which peace treaties for those wars are forged. If one side totally wins the linguistic war, then your soldiers are terrorist, your religion is heresy and your natural sexual practices are perversions. At that point, your conscience, expressions and thoughts are truly straight jacketed. However, what passes for political correctness is not at that point. It is mostly just an effort to be polite to others who are different than you and yours. Having the linguistic tools to respectfully speak to one another is an aid to open dialogue, not an impediment. The restrictions that are placed by mainstream PC speech* are rarely a serious impediment to free expressions of ideas unless the idea that is being expressed is that their group of people is inferior to your group of people. Certainly the term cis gendered poses little danger of straight jacketeding expression. It is merely a particular gender/sexuality that happens to be yours and you want it to be the default even in discussions where a range of gender identities are being discussed. Well tough. You don't get to have it that way. *Note the description of wives as "unpaid sex workers" never caught on and has never been the official PC term for them
  9. Cygnia, this the second article that you have posted that is negative about Tomb Raider. Do you dislike the game?
  10. Social Justice Warriors. It is a disparaging term used to describe pretty much anyone who believes that women, minorities or members of the the LGBT community don't yet enjoy equal social status with white, hetrosexaul males.
  11. So why exactly has SDCC not told this guy to leave and never come back?
  12. But you stayed with the hobby anyway. Wow. I could totally see that driving a person off. Thanks for staying.
  13. http://www.vice.com/read/notallroleplayers-a-history-of-rapey-dungeon-masters
  14. Those may just be opening charges to keep the suspect from going anywhere while they see how good of a case they have on more serious charges.
  15. I agree with you about the pedophilia thing. I don't know how many times I've seen toddlers needing help and found myself worrying that if I went over and helped them people would mistake me for a pervert. Still, why post it in this thread? It seems more like something for the general rant thread or maybe a thread of it's own.
  16. On a side note, the writer of Ms Marvel, G Willow Wilson, is Muslim and wears a Hijab.
  17. This explains so, so very much about MoS. No, dude, that doesn't sound arrogant. He set the bar so low that almost anyone could do better. You could do much, much better.
  18. According to this article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Irish_sentiment, anti-Irish sentiment in the US reached it peak in the 1850s. So, by the 1920s such prejudice had been on the wane for a long time. So I'm inclined to think that even 5 pts is too much of a social limitation for being Irish. st barbara is right about the whole crime thing though. You can watch the Boardwalk Empire series for examples of this (something I would recommend doing regardless if you are campaigning in this era).
  19. Okay, now that I have some time, let me address this issue. First the fact that women have the power sexually. My use of italics may lead you to think that I'm about argue this fact, but while I don't know that the power sexually, I do agree that they have a power sexually*. It comes from a lower average sex drive relative to men ... and the power of women to say no. So if you viewed this power as a problem, you could try increase sex drives of women (good luck inventing a working aphrodisiac), decrease the sex drive of men (there are drugs that do this but they have unpleasant side effects) or take away the ability of women to say no. Now, I realize that the MRA movement isn't trying to take away women's right to say no. However, I can see how all the MRA talk about how women have the power sexually (and you guys talk about it a lot) could make a women nervous. After all it is one of the three ways to address the sexual power unbalance. Not that the MRA really thinks there is an redress to the sexual unbalance. As far as I can tell, their plan is to give men societal perks or at least keep them from losing perks they already have, as a means of counterbalancing women's sexual power. *- Men have sexual power too, but that is post for another thread.
  20. Huh? I'm not getting the Shadow Lord reference.
  21. I'm willing to volunteer Captain Cambodia to the team. http://www.herogames.com/forums/index.php?/topic/80551-captain-cambodia/?hl=%2Bcaptain+%2Bcambodia
  22. Even if she really is a "dishonest, manipulative, ignorant schemer", which I don't believe, that still just makes her just another internet troll and that doesn't make her deserving of death threats and rape threats. If there are guys out there getting significantly more harassment for the same "crimes", they don't deserve it either.
  23. The movie version of A Scanner Darkly was also good.
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